Thursday, March 13, 2025

Alicia the Gray Whale Mermaid

This is my free coloring pages blog.  

There are over 3000 of my drawings that I have drawn for you to print and color.

Today's new drawing is of a beautiful and kind Whale Mermaid.

 Alicia the Gray Whale Mermaid

Alicia is a Gray Whale Mermaid.  This means that she has great relationships with Gray Whales.  There are some Gray Whales that are friendly - even with humans.  I know because I petted one several times last week.  In fact, that is why I have not posted on this blog for a couple of weeks.  

Like all Mermaids or Merpeople, Alicia can transform into mortal form.  I suspect that some of our guides in our whale watching adventure were Merpeople.  Merpeople are almost always very physically attractive and what's more, most of them are beautiful on the inside as well.  That would describe Alicia.  She is also highly intelligent.  Word has it that she is also a friend of the Sea Lions. 

Gray Whales are amazing creatures.  The females are larger.  They can be up to 49 feet long.  That is about 15 meters long.  The big female Gray Whales can weigh up to 90,000 pounds or have a mass of 41,000 kilograms.  At birth, the calf of a Gray Whale mother weighs between 1500 and 2000 pounds.  The calves are 14-16 feet long at birth.  So, in the metric system, a Gray Whale calf has a mass of around 975 kilograms.  And the calves at birth are around 15 meters long.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled "Animals."  Or click on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list of drawing titles.  Have fun coloring!

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