Friday, June 4, 2021

Reef Mermaid with a Parrotfish coloring page

 This is a free coloring pages blog with hundreds of free drawings to print and color. 

Today's new drawing is of a Reef Mermaid who has a Parrotfish friend. 

NOTE:  Be advised that the below is a reworked drawing and is not the drawing I first posted.

Reef Mermaid Nikolosinia with a Parrotfish

Reef Mermaids live in and around coral reefs.  They are especially known to be friendly with local parrotfish.  The Reef Mermaids strive to protect the coral reef but with toxins from Man and global warming, there is no doubt that there is reef damage occurring.  

Many Mer-people have webbed hands, like Nikolosinia here.  She is swimming with her parrotfish friend,  You may have noticed different types of coral below her, including brain coral.  There is also a crab.  I may add to this drawing and repost it tomorrow.  

Parrotfish are amazing animals.  They are omnivores and there are around 80 species.  Some species of parrotfish eat coral.  They almost always eat only the dead part of the coral.  Then they excrete the ground up coral and it becomes those beautiful beaches many of us love.  So in other words, the and we love went through a parrotfish first.  The sand is basically parrotfish poop!  That is kind of funny if you think about it.  A single parrotfish can excrete up to 200 lbs or 90 kg of sand in a single year.  

The other fish in this drawing include the Lemon Shark.   (In the drawing the Lemon Shark is swimming away in the background after being driven off by Nikolosinia, the Mermaid.)  The other fish include the rather long and narrow Trumpetfish, the Bluestriped Grunt Fish, and the Banded Butterflyfish.  There is also an invertebrate... a squid.  All these species of ocean life are found in reefs off the coasts of North and South America as well as the Caribbean Sea.  

As far as the size of the fish in the drawing... the Lemon Shark can grow to just over 10 feet or 3 meters long.  (Remember that it is in the background swimming away so it looks shorter due to perspective.)  The Trumpetfish can grow up to a yard or just under a meter long. (THIS Trumpetfish is not that long.)  The Butterfly Fish are around 6 1/2 inches long at the most. The Bluestriped Grunt Fish can get to be up to 18 inches or 46 cm. long.   The Parrotfish can grow up to 1.2 meters long or about 4 feet long.  (This Parrotfish is not that long yet.)  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the button labeled "Animals" or "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list for the new drawing.  Have fun coloring.  

(one day later)

I reworked this drawing and added more reef species so I just posted the printable version.  It has more species and some minor errors in the drawing were corrected.    I also wanted to add that the Mermaid's name has some similarities to the scientific name of the Parrotfish.  

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