Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy New Year 2021! coloring page cartoon

Given the type of year 2020 has been...

and with hopes for a better 2021...

I drew this quick comic:

Happy New Year 2021 comic

This comic was drawn rather quickly and with pen.

I think the fact that the "baby new year" looks older than a baby may be a problem, 

but oh well.  The old year has a headache... seemed appropriate.  

AND he has a band-aid on his face. 

In Utah, in 2020, we had an earthquake to go along with the pandemic. 

We ARE hoping for a better year in 2021. 

NOTE:  This drawing is not great so I am not putting it in printables.  

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Suchomimus and Ornithocheirus coloring pages

 Welcome to my free coloring pages blog. 

Today's new drawing is of a Suchomimus and an Ornithocheirus.

NOTE:  I am still working on getting some of the previous posts to work on the printable pages that you find by clicking on the category buttons at the top of this main blog page.  

Suchomimus and Ornithochirus

(today's new drawing)

Suchomimus was a big Theropod dinosaur of the Cretaceous Period.  It was valve around the 111 and 125 million years ago.  It grew to at least 36 feet or about 11 meters long.  But it may have grown larger because the biggest fossil of Suchomimus that has been found, the 36 feet long one, was apparently not a full-grown adult.  

Suchomimus was a type of Spinosaur. But it's "sail" was much smaller than that of Spinosaurus.  It was also much smaller than the 55 foot long Spinosaurus.  It had weaker jaws than some predatory dinosaurs because it evolved to eat fish.  Spinosaurs had a huge claw that they used to fillet the fish they caught.  The bumps on the nose are sensors for detecting movement in the water.  Crocodilians have these as well.  These sensors would have allowed Spinosaurs, like Suchomimus, to detect and catch fish even in murky river water.  Spinosaurs appeared to have lived in river flood plains.  The weird shaped mouth on the drawing is not a mistake.  That weird-shaped mouth with protruding teeth was for catching and holding onto fish.  

Ornithocheirus was a very large Pterosaur that also lived in many parts of Africa, Europe, South America, and it probably lived in Asia and North America too.  In fact, it is thought that Ornithocheirus could and did migrate large distances and even cross oceans. It had a wingspan of 40 feet or 12.2 meters.  That made it one of the very biggest types of Pterosaurs or flying reptiles.  Remember that Pterosaurs are NOT flying dinosaurs.  There WERE some flying dinosaurs, but they were much smaller and they had wings.  The flying dinosaurs were the first birds.  The Pterosaurs died or went extinct at the end of the Cretaceous Period, along with all the big dinosaurs.  So Pterosaurs did NOT evolve into birds.  Pterosaurs are what is called an evolutionary dead end.  

NOTE:  This drawing, along with the below drawings, can be found, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled "Paleontology."  But remember to scroll down to the bottom of the list for this top drawing because NEW drawings are on the bottom of the list.  Below are some other drawings that include Suchomimus and/or Ornithocheirus.  I also am including a photo from an awesome museum we have here in Utah.  It is a photo of the skull and arm of a Suchomimus.   Actually, it is a photo of the fossilized bones of the skull and arm. Look at the size of the claws in the photo!  

Suchomimus feeding Her Young

(cartoon style drawing)

Suchomimus by a River

Suchomimus at Hatching Time

Photo of Suchomimus from the Museum of Ancient Life in Lehi, Utah, USA

Sauroposeidon with an Ornithocheirus

(This drawing only kind of helps you see just how big Ornithocheirus could be.  

The Sauroposeidon was 60 feet tall.  

Monday, December 28, 2020

Blog Announcement

 I want to apologize for a mistake I have made.  Google clanged how printable pages can be linked and I did not grant access to the printable pages to anyone with the link.  I made this mistake before but fixed the problem.  I apologize that I have made the mistake again.  

I will fix this problem that has affected the printable pages for the last couple of months of drawings... that were not accessible.  Again, my apologies but this will take a few days to fix the problem.  There are a LOT of links from the lists you access by clicking on the buttons.  

So far I have fixed the most recent Christmas themed drawings.  

UPDATE:  The printable drawings are now all fixed.  That is, they will now print.  Just go to the buttons and scroll down. 

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Baby Jesus in the Manger Hay - coloring page

 Welcome to my free coloring pages blog. 

Today's new drawing is Baby Jesus lying on top of the Manger Hay. 

Baby Jesus in the Manger Hay

Have you ever considered that Jesus was born in a stable?  Basically, he was born in a barn.  He did not get born in a palace or a mansion, and yet this was the creator who made our world and the universe.  Have you ever considered what a step down this mortal life was for Him?  He was the Son of God.  He was the Great I Am.  He was Jehovah.  He was the god who divided the Red Sea for Moses and the Children of Israel.  And yet he was born in a stable.  Instead of a soft feather bed, he had a bed in a stable.  His bed was the feeding trough or manger where the animals ate hay.  What does this teach us?

I personally think that Jesus' humble mortal beginnings as sending us a message about the unimportance of worldly possessions and worldly honor.  After all, God has said that...

  " eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, 
what God has prepared for those who love him."  

NOTE:  This drawing can be found, in printable form, by clicking on the "Religion" button.  Then scroll down to the New Testament drawings.  This Baby Jesus drawing will be at the bottom of the New Testament drawings.  The printable drawing also can be found under the "Holidays" button.  Just hit the Holidays button and then scroll to the bottom of the Christmas section. 

Friday, December 25, 2020

Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem - coloring page

 Hi everyone!  Merry Christmas!  

I did this drawing on the evening of Christmas Day.  

Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem

Mary and her husband Joseph traveled to Bethlehem for the Roman census.  Joseph was a descendant of King David.  So was Mary.  They had to return to the "City of David" or Bethlehem for the census.  The journey would not have been an easy one.  It is about 90 miles (145 kilometers) from Nazareth to Jerusalem.  The trip would have taken around a week.  

It is not just the distance.  Nazareth is by the Sea of Galilee and is at an elevation of only about 1138 feet (347 meters).  Bethlehem is at a much higher elevation.  Bethlehem is at an elevation of 2453 feet (775 meters).  

So Joseph and Mary had to travel very far and climb a total of 1315 feet or 428 meters.  Keep in mind that Mary was 9 months pregnant at the time.  I think that is why most historians think that Mary probably rode on a donkey for the trip.  Walking that far AND climbing that high would be very very difficult for a woman who was 9 months pregnant.  Perhaps Joseph owned a donkey or maybe he borrowed a donkey from a friend or family member.  

Based on what we know from the Bible, it appears that for a time AFTER Jesus' birth Joseph, Mary, and baby (and little boy) Jesus stayed and lived in Bethlehem.  Then, when  Joseph was warned in a dream that Herod would seek to kill Baby Jesus, Joseph was able to take off in the middle of the night with his family... to go to Egypt.  So maybe they took the same donkey.  On the other hand, he may have been able to use some of the treasure that the Wise Men provided to finance that journey.  

I think that Mary and Joseph were clearly amazing people.  

I drew this drawing from a Nativity that was done by my local ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  There were a couple of members... a couple... where the wife and husband were in costume as Mary and Joseph.  Mary was not on a donkey, she was on a Shetland Pony, but I kind of changed that.  (I gave the pony bigger ears.)  

This drawing, in printable form, can be found under two buttons. . . Religious . . .& . . . . Holidays.  

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Bells and I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day - coloring page

Christmas Bells Wreath

I am a bit of an American Civil War buff.  Yet I just learned the story of the beautiful and hopeful Christmas carol called:  I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day.  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow had become a widow a couple of years before, when his wife passed away.  He emotionally devastated and he was left with several kids to raise on his own.   Then his son snuck off to join the Union Army in the American Civil War.  And then his son was injured severely in battle and doctors thought that he would be paralyzed.  (He ended up not being paralyzed, but his father did not know that at the time.)  So H. W. Longfellow was very sad.  But what I would call The Spirit or the Holy Ghost spoke peace to his soul. . . and. . . Wadsworth wrote the below poem that became the beloved Christmas carol:  I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day.  The verses that talk about the Civil War specifically were omitted from the lyrics of the Christmas carol.  But I love both the poem and the lyrics of the song.   Merry Christmas to you all.  

By the way, this Christmas Bells Wreath can be found, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled:  "Holidays."  Then scroll down to the Christmas section of the list of printable drawings.  There are several more Christmas drawings that you can print as well.  Merry Christmas everyone!

(Became the song:  I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day)
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old, familiar carols play,
    And wild and sweet
    The words repeat 
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

And thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
    Had rolled along
    The unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

Till ringing, singing on its way,
The world revolved from night to day,
    A voice, a chime,
    A chant sublime 
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

Then from each black, accursed mouth
The cannon thundered in the South,
    And with the sound 
    The carols drowned
Of peace on earth, good-will to men! 

It was as if an earthquake rent
The hearth-stones of a continent,
    And made forlorn
    The households born
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

And in despair I bowed my head;
"There is no peace on earth," I said;
    "For hate is strong,
    And mocks the song 
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!"

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
"God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
    The Wrong shall fail,
    The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men."

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Mandilyn a Warrior Elf from Rivendell and Her Talbot Hound - coloring page


Welcome to my free coloring pages blog. 

There are over 1000 of my drawings for you to print and color.

Today's new drawings are of a female Elf Warrior. . . and her puppy.

Mandilyn a Warrior Elf from Rivendell

Mandilyn is a She-Elf Warrior.  She lives in Rivendell.   She is a young and beautiful She-Elf.  She also works with animals.  She has an affinity with the local pets, farm animals, and wildlife.  Here she is seen on duty in Rivendell.  Rivendell has occasional incursions by Orcs so Elf Warriors are always on duty.  They are able to rotate the duty and most of the Warrior Elves have other jobs in the community.  In fact, Madilyn not only has an affinity with animals, she is what we in the mortal world would call a veterinarian.  Often Mandilyn will go into nearby mortal villages and farms to help care for their animals. So, since she loves animals, Mandilyn also has a pet... and in the below drawing, we see that she has been joined by her Talbot Hound puppy.

Talbot Hounds are probably the ancestor to Beagles.  Talbot hounds are now extinct.  (Unless you count the fact that their descendants are here as Beagles)   They were a popular breed for hunting back in the Middle Ages.  But, of course, they are an even older breed than that.  They lived among the Elves before the Elves left Earth and Man or humans were left in charge.  Elf warriors often took their hounds when the warriors were on patrol.  The Orcs have a terribly strong scent and Talbot Hounds are great at detecting the scene of an Orc from long distances.  Of course, Myrddin here, the puppy, is too young to go on patrol, but be WANTS to go with Madilyn.  The puppy is a male.  The name "Myrddin" is a male Elf name.  In fact, the name Mandilyn is a Female Elf name.  

Mandilyn the Warrior Elf  with her Talbot Hound Myrddin

(The Talbot Hound is a puppy.) 

Did you notice the sword?  The sword in the drawings are based on Arwen's sword from the awesome Lord of the Rings movies.  I am a big fan of those movies.  Below is a "fine art" level drawing I did of the beautiful actress Liv Tyler as Arwen.  Arwen was also a Rivendell Elf.  I am also posting a photo of a replica sword that I own... of Arwen's sword.   (Or maybe I have the original and it is thousands of years old!)  Elves were amazing metalsmiths.  They even named their best swords that they forged.  Arwen's sword was named: "Hadhafang."  

Arwen, by Robin Lyman

Hadhafang, Arwen's Sword

 NOTE:  These drawings will be found, in printable form, 

by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus." 

Remember to scroll to the bottom of the list for new draiwngs like these two.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Jupiter and Saturn conjunction - coloring page

 This is a free coloring pages blog. 

Today's new drawing is of the planets Jupiter and Saturn.

Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction right now. 

On December 21, 2020, the two planets will be right next to each other. 

Since this will be happening over Christmas it is called a Christmas Star. . . 

even though it is actually two planets that from our perspective are together.  

Jupiter and Saturn with a Spaceship

This type of conjunction is quite rare.  

I drew this picture in honor of this historic event!

Printable versions of the drawing will be in the list that you find 

by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  

I drew the spaceship in so I had a category where I could post this drawing. 

Below is a photo I took via my telescope and my iPhone.

Look closely and you can see the moons of Jupiter... 
well, you can see 3 of the 4 Galilean moons. 

Newly discovered Triassic Marine Reptile from Alaska coloring page


Welcome to my Blog.  There are over 1000 free to print coloring pages here. 

Today's new drawing is a type of ancient marine reptile called a 

Thlatosaur.  This new species was discovered in Alaska. 

Gunakadeit the Thlattosaur a Triassic Marine Reptile from Alaska

Gunakadeit joseeae was a very unique and very early marine reptile from way back in the Triassic Period.  The Triassic Period was the first period of the Mesozoic Era.  The more well known Jurassic Period occurred after the Triassic.  The Cretaceous Period followed the Jurassic Period.  

Thalatosaurs were a very early group of marine reptiles that were less evolved for sea life than the later marine reptiles of the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods.  The Thalatosaurs still had feet that were on their way to evolving into paddles.  

Gunkadeit was unique among Thalatosaurs because it did not have a broad alligator-like mouth.  It had a much more pointed mouth and must have fed on soft bodies animals among the reefs... like jawless fish.  Some Thlatosaurs had powerful and more blunt and bigger teeth for crusing shells of brachiopods, bivalves, and ammonites.   Gunkadeit had small sharp teeth in its mouth. . . that went to a tapered point.  Gunkadeit was discovered in Southeast Alaska during low tide.  It had to be quickly removed form the rock on the edge of the sea before the high tide submerged it again.  

The "ironing board shark" or Stethacanthus lived in the Triassic seas.  The things that look like flowers are sea lillies or crinoids and they are in fact animals that fed and feed on plankton.  The slightly blurry animal way in the background is a large Ithcthyosaur that was huge.  It is called Shonisaurus and was up to 70 feet or about 21 meters long.  The curled shelled creatures are ammonites.  Ammonites were cephalopod and are related to the modern squids, octopus, cuttlefish, and nautalis.  Cephalopods have a rather unique jet propulsion system.  Look closely and you can see that in the drawing.  The fish are also Triassic Period fish.  

IF you have seen drawings of Mosasaurs then you will notice the similarities to this Thalatosaur.  This is an example of convergent evolution.  The body shape is a successful type for an ocean predator so both Thalatosaurs and Mosasaurs evolved a similar shape.  But, the two types of animals are NOT closely related.  

NOTE:  This drawing can be found in printable form by clicking on the button labeled "Paleontology."  Then scroll down to get to the new drawing.  It will be at the bottom of the list of printable drawings. 

Friday, December 18, 2020

Lt. Melvin A. Lyman B-24 Bomber Pilot and so much MORE! - coloring pages

This is a free coloring pages blog. 

Today's new drawings are of my father...

who was a B-24 Bomber pilot in World War II.  

Lt. Melvin A. Lyman B-24 Bomber Pilot 

Lt. Lyman with B-24

Melvin Anderson Lyman was a farm boy who grew up in Delta, Utah, USA.  In 1941, after the USA entered World War II, he and his two best friends volunteered to become pilots in the U.S. Army Air Corps.  Sadly, his two friends did not survive the war.  

Dad, (Melvin A. Lyman was my father) DID survive the war.  He flew 13 combat missions and he even survived a crash-landing of his B-24 Bomber.  He told his kids when we were growing up, that he couldn't stand the thought that he was dropping bombs on kids.  He said that he should be teaching those kids the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not dropping bombs on them.  

After the war, Dad went to the mountains to think and pray about his future.  He had already gone to two years of college and was trying to decide what to do next.  His mother died during the war and Dad always thought it was at least partly because of an incompetent doctor who tried to treat her.  After his day in the mountains above Oak City, Utah, my future father felt inspired to go to the University of Utah on the G.I. Bill and become a doctor.   

Dr. Lyman MD did post-medical school training in family medicine and in general surgery.  He went on, in the course of a 40+ year career, to deliver thousands of babies and save many lives.  He also served in our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, as a 70.  At the time a 70 was a man who did local missionary work.  

Dad purchased a farm to teach his many children how to work.  I asked him once why he raised cattle when he sometimes lost money doing it.  His answer was something like:  "I was raising children, not cows."  All of Dad's kids, male and female, worked hard on that farm.  And working the farm helped connect us to Nature.  I credit part of my interest in Science to that work and play we did on the farm.  

Today would have been Dad's 99th birthday.  He passed over two decades ago, but his legacy lives on in his kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, and great-great-grandkids.  His legacy also lives on in other work he did.  He started a non-denominational medical mission in Guatemala.  I went to 6 months of 1st grade there.  I eventually served a Spanish speaking mission and worked for years as a Bi-lingual and ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher.  Then I switched to teaching Jr. High Science... and ran several after school clubs.

Dad also has many other descendants who have done and continue to do much good in the world.  There are several of his descendants who are teachers, there is a physician, builders, nurses, social workers, finance managers, painting contractors,  artistic painters, singers, musicians, computer scientists, engineers and other careers I can't think of right now... and the most important roles of all, many of us are spouses, parents, and grandparents. 

 These drawings can be found by clicking the buttons labeled "Vehicles and Military Vehicles," and /or clicking on the button labeled "Religious."  I don't have a portraits or people list.  

One final short true story:  Dad (Lt. Lyman) was leading a squadron of  B-24s on a mission and he felt the Spirit tell him to have all the planes spread out a bit before the squadron flew into a cloud bank.  Dad did so and all the squadron flew out the other side of the cloud bank.  Dad (Lt. Lyman) got chewed out for spreading the squadron out... but he knew he had done the right thing.  

One of Dad's friends or acquaintances from Oak City (a town near Delta) was killed on what was supposed to be his last mission before returning home.  His squadron flew into a cloud bank and a rookie pilot must have made a mistake because both planes collided and fell out of the sky with no parachutes.  So Dad's separating the planes by a bit possibly saved lives... maybe even his own.  Personally, I am glad he listened to the Spirit because I get to be here.  

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Pet Fairy coloring pages - With a new Pet Fairy named Mandia

Welcome to my free coloring pages blog. 

There are over 1000 free printable coloring pages on this blog. 

Today's new drawing is a Pet Fairy.  

Mandia the Pet Fairy

Pet Fairies love animals.  They are known to find stray dogs and cats and take food to them.... as well as find homes for them.  When a dog or cat is lost a Pet Fairy will often find them and take them home.  There would be far more lost doggies and kitties if not for the good work that Pet Fairies do.  

Pet Fairies are not just about feral animals and stray pets.  Peg Fairies also will feed urban wildlife. . . like geese and ducks.  In fact, that is why Mandia is wearing packs of food on her flying belt.  Remember that Fairies can fly on their own, but to fly great distances and at high speed, they have access to very advanced Fairy Tech and the flying belt is part of that technology.  

Now, the food the Pet Fairies carry for urban waterfowl and other animals is NOT bread.  They feed ducks peas or lettuce or corn.  Those foods are far better for the ducks than bread.  

This duck in the drawing is a Mallard Duck.  I took this duck's picture at a canal near a park here in the Salt Lake Valley.  (Brown's Meadow Park)   We have at least a couple of local flocks of geese and ducks here in the South end of the Salt Lake Valley. My wife and I love watching them.  

Mallard Duck in Canal

Its head is actually a lovely blue-green.  You can't see that because it was a 

cloudy day and it was in the shadows of the tree.

Below are two other Pet Fairy drawings that I did previously.  Click on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus then scroll down the list to get to the new drawing.  New drawings are at the bottom of the list.  The buttons give you access to the printable form of the drawings. Have fun coloring!


Brittany the Pet Fairy

Blakalia the Pet Fairy

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Desert Night Mushroom Fairy with Kangaroo Rat coloring page


Welcome to my free coloring pages blog.  

Today's new drawing is a Desert Fairy

that is also a Night Fairy, 

and she is also a  Mushroom Fairy!  

She is with her friend who is a Kangaroo Rat. 

Desert Night Mushroom Fairy with Kangaroo Rat

This drawing is of a very specialized Fairy.  Her name is Zonia.  You see her here in her diminutive size of about 5-6 inches tall.  She lives in the Southwest deserts of the United States and she often dwells in Northern Mexico villages.   She is a Fairy that collects or harvests mushrooms for her village.  She is often friendly with local nocturnal wildlife.  .   . especially Kangaroo Rats.  Nocturnal animals are active at night and Night Fairies are also nocturnal.  

Kangaroo Rats are small rodents that live in the Desert Southwest part of North America. They eat seeds and nuts and don't ever drink water because they get enough water from the seeds they eat.  A Kangaroo Rat, even though they are quite small, can jump up to 9 feet or 2.75 meters.  There are several species of Kangaroo Rats.  

NOTE:  These drawings are found, in printable form, by  clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll down to get to this new drawing.  

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

F-111 Aardvark Strike Fighter and an Aardvark with Buttonquail coloring pages

Welcome to my free coloring pages blog! 
There are over 1000 pages to print and color.  
It is free to print a page to color.  
Today's new drawings are a Jet Fighter-Bomber aircraft 
and an Aardvark... a type of anteater from Africa.
The jet was named after the Aardvark. 

F-111 Aardvark Fighter-Bomber

The F-111 Aardvark was a fighter-bomber that was in service for years in several different air forces in the world.  The jet aircraft could fly at supersonic speeds and had movable "swing wings" that could sweep back when at high speed.  It was a two seater aircraft that had the pilot and radar operator able to sit side by side and share the same radar screen.  

The F-111 had ground hugging radar.  That means that even at night or in bad weather it could fly at low altitudes only a few feet off the ground.  This made it hard or nearly impossible for the enemy radar to spot it.  

The F-111 was used as both a fighter and a bomber.  There were several different versions over the years.  The length was 73 feet 6 inches or 22.40 meters.  The wingspan was 63 feet.  It had a maximum takeoff weight of 100,000 lbs or 45,359 kg.  That is a weight with a load of bombs or / and missiles.  Without weaponry it weighed  82,800 lbs. or 37,557 kg.  

The F-111 was named the Aardvark because of its extra long nose ... that was long to allow the large radar mechanism.  (Look below and you will see that I also drew a picture of the animal called the Aardvark.  Notice the very long nose.)

Aardvark with Buttonquail in the Congo Jungle

The Aardvark is a type of anteater from Africa.  They are not closely related to the anteaters from South America.  They live in many parts of Africa, not just the jungle.  They are about 50 or so inches long.  That is about 130 cm.  They weight between 110 to 180 lbs, or 50 to 82 kg.  They have a 12 inch or 30.5 cm tongue.   They use their long tongue to eat ants and termites.  

In this drawing the Aardvark is at a termite mound and is about to tear into the mound with its long, tough claws.  They can dig a 2 foot or 0.6 meter hole into the ground to get into an antpile in only 15 seconds.  This allows them to access their favorite food of ants or termites.  I suppose they can quickly break into a termite mound as well.  Aardvarks rarely drink water.  They get most or all of the water they need from the insects that they eat.  One Aardvark can eat 50,000 ants or termites in one night. 

The name "aardvark" means "earth pig."  They DO look like a pig on the end of their snout. But an Aardvark kind of looks like a combination animal... like it is made up or parts of other animals.  It's tail looks a bit like a kangaroo tail.  Its snout, as mentioned, looks like a pig snout on the end. . . but it is WAY longer than a pig snount.  Then its ears look like rabbit ears.  

Another thing those claws are useful for is digging a safe hole.  Arrdvarks live in long burrows that they dig.  They can even dig a fast hole and bury themselves in about 10 minutes.  Sadly, pesticide use has cut down on the insects available for Aardvarks to eat so the Aardvarks are in decline in some parts of Africa.  

The birds in the foreground are native to the jungles of the Congo.  They are called 'Buttonquail.  They are only about 5.9 inches or 15 cm. long.  They live in grasslands or scrub jungle. They avoid heavily forested areas.  Notice that the animals are all on the edge of the jungle, not deep inside it . . . in this drawing.  

Although Buttonquail LOOK like quails, they are not related.  This is another case of convergent evolution.  Convergent Evolution is when two unrelated species have similar traits.  A good example would be a killer whale and a shark.  They are similarly shaped.  

Buttonquail are VERY secretive and difficult to flush out from where they are hiding in the grass or in the bushes.  By the way, besides Africa, they also live from southern Spain and clear over to India and in other tropical parts of Asia.  

NOTE:  These drawings can be found by clicking on the right button.  The jet is found by clicking on the button labeled:  Vehicles and Military Vehicles.  The Aardvark is found by clicking on the button labeled:  Animals. You need to scroll to the bottom of the printable pages to get to the new drawings.  Below are some photos from the Darwin Aviation Museum in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.  It is an AWESOME museum of historical (mostly military) aircraft. My wife and I went there in August of 2019.  

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Bluecap Fairies coloring pages

 Welcome to my free coloring pages blog.  

There are over 1000 drawings for you to print and color for free. 

Today's new drawing is of Bluecap Fairies in a mine. 

Bluecap Fairies 

Bluecap Fairies are known from sightings in mines in Great Britain.  They are known to lead miners to veins of valuable minerals.  They also lead them to gemstones.  There are stories of miners seeing the minecart being moved without any apparent person pushing or pulling it.  When they see this the miners also see a blue flame hovering over the minecart.  This must be where the name "Bluecpap" comes from.  

The reason miners see a blue flame is the Bluecap Fairies can choose to use their magic to conceal all of themselves except for their wings.  Bluecap Fairies have brilliant wings that can glow like a fire.  So when they are flying, a Bluecap Fairy looks like a hovering fire or like a fire that is flying through the air.  

Look closely at this top drawing.  You will see that the wings are lit up.  The wings are the light source in both of these drawings.  Of course, Bluecap Fairies can also make light at the end of their wands as well.  The Bluecap Fairies in the drawing, one male and one female, are using their wands to light up a vein of gold.  The charm they use to cast the beam of light from their wands is:  Lux Trabem.  By the way, there ARE gold mines in Wales.  

The Bluecap Fairies are known to expect payment for their work helping miners.  They will take the amount a pay that a mortal miner would earn.  They will even return any amount over the regular pay of a miner.  If they are not paid they will take some of the mined gold or silver etc. for themselves.  But they don't appreciate not being paid.  The miners will pay the Bluecap Fairies by leaving money in the form of gold or silver coins, in an isolated part of the mine.  

Like most Fairies, Bluecap Fairies wear flying belts or Baltaeum Volantes to be able to fly far distances at speed.  This is helpful because usually, the mines where they are helping out are not near their Bluecap Fairy village.  

Below is another new drawing of a different Bluecap Fairy.  She is using the Movere Horizontum charm to move the minecart.  She is not hiding herself at all, but if she used the Evanscet charm she would disappear from mortal view.  She can also use the "Evanescet Menos Alas" charm and just her firey looking wings would be visible.  That is what Bluecap Fairies usually do when mortals are around and might see them.  The Bluecap Fairies WANT the mortal miners to know that they are there and are helping.  

Bluecap Fairies also will visit mortals and telepathically let them know where to find special gemstones and crystals.  Bluecap Fairies are Beings of Light so they will not hurt any mortal.  But they might play a trick on a miner that does not pay them fairly for their work.  

Bluecap Fairy magically moving a Minecart

NOTE:  These drawings can be found, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  You can scroll down to get to the bottom of the list where the new drawings are found.  

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Cynodont and other animals in the Triassic coloring pages

Welcome to my free coloring pages blog. 

Today's new drawing is a Cynodont from the Triassic Period.

 Cynodont from the Triassic

This drawing is inspired by the new discovery of a Cynodont from the Triassic Period.  The Triassic Period is the first period of three periods in the Mesozoic Era.  The Mesozoic Era is the era of dinosaurs.  But these early Cynodonts are the ancestors of modern mammals.  In fact, technically all mammals are cynodonts. 

This small Cynodont was named Kataigidodon venetus.  The fossil of this small animal was found in Arizona.  It was only about 3.5 inches or 9 cm long.  It would have appeared to be something like a small rat or maybe a mouse.  Those measurements do not include the tail. . . only the body length.  Later on in the evolutionary history of the Earth Cynodonts got larger.  

Kataigidodon was probably avoiding the early dinosaurs, like the Coelophysis you see in the distance but this small Cynodont was also a carnivore because it had canine teeth and probably fed on small invertebrates like worms and insects.  In fact, the term "cynodont" means "dog tooth."  

The early Pterosaur you see in the air is a Caelestiventus.  It is also a recent discovery.  It was discovered in the Saints and Sinners Quarry in Eastern Utah by BYU paleontologist Dr. Brooks Britt.  I am a graduate of BYU and Brooks Britt took my wife and I and a bunch of BYU Geology alumni to see that quarry a few years ago.  We even could see a Coelophysis skull still in the rock.  Below are a few photos of fossils from that quarry.  

Coelophysis bones at the Saints and Sinner Quarry

These are bones of a Coelophysis skull at the quarry.

This is me holding a Coelophysis skull in the BYU Paleontology Lab. 

By the way, BYU stands for Brigham Young Univerisity in Provo, Utah, USA.

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the top button labeled "Paleontology."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list of drawings to get to this new drawing.  

Friday, December 11, 2020

Madarch Tylwyth Teg Lliwio Tudalennau (Welsh) Mushroom Fairies Coloring Pages

Note to my English readers... scroll down to see this post in English. 

Mushroom Fairy with Two Wands

Madarch Tylwyth teg gyda Dwy law

Mushroom Fairy with Two Wands simplified

Tylwyth teg madarch gyda Dau Ffyn symlach

(Mae hwn yn fwy syml fersiwn o'r top darlun. Hysbysiad nad oedd yn gwisgo ei hedfan gwregys.)

Madarch Tylwyth teg yn rhai mwyaf deallus y Tylwyth teg. Maent yn rhaid i fod yn gallu adnabod llawer o wahanol rywogaethau o ffwng er mwyn casglu madarch bwytadwy. . . ac yn casglu caws llyffant gwenwynig. Mae rhai ffyngau yn y caeau a choedwigoedd yn cael eu defnyddio ar gyfer bwyd gan Fairykind ac mae rhai yn cael eu defnyddio at ddibenion meddyginiaethol.

Madarch Tylwyth teg weithiau yn defnyddio DAU ffyn yn hytrach na dim ond un. Llai ffon wrth gefn ffon sydd hefyd yn ardderchog ar gyfer gwneud sleisio swyn. Madarch Tylwyth teg yn aml yn tafell madarch i fyny i gario yn ôl at eu pentref.

Hysbysiad bod hyn yn Tylwyth teg Madarch, sydd gan y ffordd yn cael ei enwi Bethan, yn gwisgo hedfan gwregys. Tylwyth teg yn galw hedfan gwregys: Volantum Balteum. Mae pob Tylwyth teg yn gallu hedfan pellteroedd byr neu ar gyflymder isel gyda eu hadenydd, ond yn hedfan gwregys helpu i hedfan yn gyflym ac yn bell â ychydig o ymdrech. Tylwyth teg yn cael dechnoleg a fyddai'n rhyfeddu marwol peiriannydd.

Yr wyf yn tynnodd Bethan ac yna, ychwanegodd ar ei. Felly, mae'r ail lun yn fwy syml fersiwn o'r darlun. Bethan, y Tylwyth teg Madarch yn dod o Gymru felly roedd hi yn y Gymraeg. Ystrydebol y Gymraeg yn cael eu hystyried yn dywyllach complected neu olewydd croen a chael gwallt yn dywyllach na'r saesneg. Mae'n ymddangos i fod yn fwy gwallt tywyll yng Nghymru o'i gymharu â rhannau eraill o Ynysoedd Prydain.

Roedd fy mam yn Cymraeg a mae hi wedi cael llawer iawn o dalent gyda cherddoriaeth. Cymru Arloeswyr Mormon yw'r rhai a ddechreuodd y Côr Tabernacl ar Deml Sgwâr... a elwid gynt yn y Mormoniaid Côr Tabernacl. Felly efallai y bydd llawer o bobl Cymru yn gerddorol dueddol. Yr wyf, yr wyf yn ddrymiwr mewn bandiau a cherddorfeydd tan Syndrom Twnnel Carpal yn stopio fi rhag chwarae drymiau. Gobeithio, nid ydynt yn rhoi'r gorau i mi o'r darlun . . . neu a fydd unrhyw mwy o luniau newydd ar y blog hwn. Gan y ffordd, yr wyf hefyd yn chwarae harmonica yn weddol dda. Ac yr wyf hefyd yn ysgrifennu cân pharodïau... er enghraifft,:

Deg Tylwyth Teg

Byr gân parodi canu ar y dôn: Angels yr Ydym Wedi Clywed Ar y Uchel

Gall pob tylwyth teg yn amlwg yn hedfan

Dros yr ardd ac yn yr awyr

Ond i hedfan yn bell mae'n rhaid iddynt wisgo

Gwregysau hedfan so-eu-gallu hedfan gyda dawn

NODER: Isod, ceir rhai hŷn lluniadau eraill Madarch Tylwyth teg. Yr holl luniadau yn cael ei ganfod, yn argraffadwy ffurflen drwy glicio ar y botwm labelu: "Ffantasi, Chwedlau, a Syrcas."Cofiwch i sgrolio i waelod y darluniau yn rhestr i yn cael y darluniau newydd. Hŷn yn y darluniau, fel y rhai isod, fydd yn cael ei ymhellach i fyny yn y rhestrau. Felly, cofiwch, cliciwch ar y botwm sy'n cael ei labelu: Fantasy, Mythau, a Syrcas.

Mushroom Fairy with Mayfly

French Fairy named Madi

(She is a French Mushroom Fairy)

Fairy sitting on a Mushroom

Cammie the Mushroom Fairy

Mushroom Fairies coloring pages

Today's new coloring pages are two drawings of a Mushroom Fairy!

Welcome to Robin’s Great Coloring Pages.  This is a free coloring pages blog.  There are no ads and no fees to print coloring pages to color.  There are over 1,000 free coloring pages.   Scroll down to see the latest posts.  Click on the button labeled: “Older Posts” to see more posts from the past.  Printable coloring pages are found by clicking the buttons up at the top of this page.  Then scroll through the titles of the drawings. NEW drawings are at the bottom of the printable lists.  Scroll down for today’s new coloring page.   By the way, since the below Fairy is a Welsh Fairy I will be translating and posting this in Welsh.  

 Mushroom Fairy with Two Wands

Mushroom Fairy with Two Wands simplified

(This is a more simplified version of the top drawing.  Notice that she is NOT wearing her flying belt.) 

Mushroom Fairies are some of the most intelligent Fairies.  They have to be able to recognize many different species of fungus in order to collect edible mushrooms.  .  . and NOT collect a poisonous toadstool.  Some fungi in the fields and forests are used for food by Fairykind and some are used for medicinal purposes.  

Mushroom Fairies sometimes use TWO wands instead of just one.  The smaller wand is a backup wand that also is excellent for doing slicing charms.  Mushroom Fairies often slice mushrooms up to carry back to their village.  

Notice that this Mushroom Fairy, who by the way is named Bethan, is wearing a flying belt.  Fairies call a flying belt: Volantum Balteum.  All Fairies can fly short distances or at low speed with their wings, but a flying belt helps them fly fast and far with little effort.  Fairies have technology that would amaze a mortal engineer.  

I drew Bethan and then added on to her.  So the second picture is the more simplified version of the drawing.  Bethan, the Mushroom Fairy is from Wales so she is Welsh.  Stereotypically the Welsh are thought of as darker complected or olive skin and having darker hair than the English.  There seems to be more dark hair in Wales compared to other parts of the British Isles. 

My mother was Welsh and she had a great amount of talent with music.  The Welsh Mormon Pioneers are those who started the Tabernacle Choir on Temple Square... formerly known as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  So perhaps many Welsh people are musically inclined.  I am, I was a drummer in bands and orchestras until Carpal Tunnel Syndrome stopped me from playing drums.  Hopefully, it doesn't stop me from drawing .  .  . or there will be no more new drawings on this blog.  By the way, I also play harmonica fairly well.  And I also write song parodies... for instance: 

                          Flying Fairies

                Short song parody sung to the tune of:  Angels We Have Heard On High

                    Fairies all can clearly fly

                    Over the forest and in the sky

                    But to fly far they must wear

                    Flying belts so-they-can fly with flair

NOTE:  Below are some older drawings of other Mushroom Fairies.  All the drawings can be found, in printable form by clicking on the button labeled:  "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Remember to scroll to the bottom of the drawings list to get to the new drawings.  Older drawings, like those below, will be further up the lists.           So, remember to click on the button that is labeled:  Fantasy, Myths, and Circus. 

Mushroom Fairy with Mayfly

French Fairy named Madi

(She is a French Mushroom Fairy)

Fairy sitting on a Mushroom

Cammie the Mushroom Fairy