Monday, May 14, 2018

Robin Hood out Hunting coloring page

Robin Hood out Hunting
(Maybe sort of like the famous baseball player Babe Ruth...Robin is saying where the arrow will go.)

I suppose it was inevitable that I should do a Robin Hood coloring page.  I was actually named after Robin Hood.  My father...long before he was my fact when he was 13 received a book called The Adventures of Robin Hood.  It was Christmas 1934.  When I grew up and left home Dad gave he his copy of that book.  It said inside the cover: "To Mel, Christmas, 1934".

This is kind of an Errol Flynn look of Robin Hood.  Errol Flynn played Robin Hood in a movie in 1938.  This was way back before I was born.

My favorite Robin Hood movie is Robin Hood Prince of Thieves from 1991, starring Kevin Costner.  There is a great scene in that movie with an African man who came to England with Robin of Loxley (Robin Hood's real name).  In the scene a little child asks the Moor, Azeem, of Africa (played well by Morgan Freeman) . . ."Why did God paint you black?"   And the Moor answers with,  "Because Allah loves wondrous variety!"

I love that scene and that quote.  It teaches us an important lesson. . .
Many of us in America who are considered "white" are actually a mixed race person.   Something like 80% of us are part Native American. . .including me.   And if you look at the world there are many looks to the people, and they are all God's creation. . . So I really do think God loves wondrous variety.  In fact we have traveled quite a bit since we retired.  We have seen beauty in the people of every country.  Often the people working in the Hospitality Industry were from countries where we had not visited, yet they too were beautiful people.

Scientifically speaking when someone marries a person from a different part of the world this is GOOD for the Human Race because there is a good mix of genes that way when they have children.  My dad was English and Danish.  My mom was Welch and Native American.

A couple more science or historical notes:   The deer Robin Hood would have hunted are called Red Deer.  They are native to Europe and England.  They can grow to up to 7 feet long and weigh up to 440 lbs.  That would be 2.23 meters long and a mass of about 200 kg.   On another note, the English Longbow proved to be a very effective weapon back in the middle ages.  At the battle of Agincourt or Azincourt in French...the English longbow played a pivital part.  It allowed the English archers to pierce the chain mail armor of the French.   English archers would stick a bunch of arrows in the ground in front of themselves so they could fire many shots in a minute. 

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