Sunday, November 18, 2018

Jesus and His Kindness

Jesus with a pair of Children
(This is the only new drawing in this blog entry...  so it will be found at the bottom of the lists.)

Have you ever noticed that great people take the time to talk to everyone.  They do not consider someone of lesser value because they are poor, or because they are a sinner, or because they are very young.  Jesus was and is the Son of God.  So He was the greatest person ever to live on Earth.  Of course since He was the Son of God he was not just a mortal person.  In His sort of mortal life on Earth He was kind to children, sinners, and the poor.  His disciples included simple fishermen and a tax collector.  Fishermen were rather low on the social status scale.  Tax collectors were generally considered to be dishonest.  I am sure Jesus was also kind to animals.  I also love the story of Jesus being kind to the woman caught in adultery.   He did not condone her behavior, but he did not condemn her.  He told her to go her way and sin no more.   I can tell you that I am personally grateful for the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ that makes it possible for me to repent of my sins.   And by the way, everyone is a sinner.  Some of us have messed up  than others of us. . . but ALL of us need the power of Christ's atonement for us to be able to return to live in eternal life with Him and our spouse and our families for eternity.   We also need to remember that our Savior can save us from some of our mortal trail. . . like healing the lepers.   But some of our mortal trials are ours to deal with. . . but the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit can help us get through those tough trials.  I myself am living with advanced heart failure and a tracheotomy stent holding my trachea open.   My wife deals with her own severe health challenges.  But we have faith in Christ and we try to serve as we can.  We are limited in what we can do, but this blog is one of the ways I serve.   

Jesus teaches about Forgiveness

Jesus calling His Apostles by the Sea of Galilee

Jesus visits a Leper Colony

Jesus cuddles a Lamb

 I think of Jesus as having big kind eyes.  .  .  like I drew them here.  Can you guess what the bird in the sky represents in most of my drawings of Jesus?   It is the manifestation of the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit.  Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints believe that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are three separate personages.  Jesus  is our elder brother. . . the first of Heavenly Father's spirit children.   He, Jesus is therefore our elder brother.   Satan was also one of Heavenly Father's children.  But Satan or Lucifer rebelled against God's plan for us to all come to Earth to be tested.  Lucifer wanted us all to be saved and he, Lucifer, would get the glory.  Lucifer led 1/3 of Heavenly Father's children astray and he and his followers were cast down to Earth without bodies.  So they are constantly trying to tempt us and lead us astray.  They don't have a body so they are jealous of us because we DO have a body.   Eventually Jesus Christ will return to Earth and Satan and his followers will be bound and powerless.  Those mortals who seek to keep the commandments and take advantage of the Atonement of Jesus Christ will be able to be resurrected and live with Christ on the Earth for 1,000 years.  

Jesus at His Second Coming

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