Sunday, November 18, 2018

Captain Moroni as a Mound Builder

Captain Moroni as a Mound Builder

If you are familiar with the Book of Mormon then you know about Captain Moroni.  He was a great military leader who was also a Christian.  He fought for a Republican form of Democracy that included the election of Judges as the people's leaders.  He opposed groups of rebels who wanted to establish a monarchy.  He also fought against the neighboring people, the Lamanites, who at the time wanted to enslave his people, the Nephites.  

The Book of Mormon is the story of God's  people in the New World.  They had prophets and, like the people in the Bible, sometimes they followed the prophets and other times they chose to be wicked.  Captain Moroni was basically a general and he was a righteous man who followed the prophets.  He was, as previously mentioned, a good man and a Christian.  He was also very clever in tricking the enemy and defeating the enemy.  The Book of Mormon tells of how Captain Moroni led the people to victory as well as being a good example of a Man of God.  The Book of Mormon also says:

      ... if all men had veen aned were and ever would vbe like unto Moroni, behold were like unto                  Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever, yea, the devil would            never have power over the hearts of the children of men.   
         - Alma 48:17  

  The key question about the Book of Mormon is "IS IT TRUE?"  We members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints consider the Book of Mormon to be true.  In fact, we consider it the only book ever written with a promise that if you read it and pray about it God will reveal to you that it is true.   But a secondary question is "Where did it all happen?"   The fact is, I studied this in Mexico, when I was attending Brigham Young University.  We studied in Central and Southern Mexico and a lot about the Guatemalan ruins using  the theory that perhaps some of the early Mexico and Central American peoples were the people of the Book of Mormon.   So, perhaps the Mayan, or / and Toltecs...maybe the Olmecs.   Or maybe it all happened in South America, so maybe the earlier Incas.   Or maybe it happened all over the North and South American Continents.   We just don't know.   

A new theory has emerged rather recently that maybe the Nephites and Lamanites were the Mound Builders.  Now, you may wonder who the Mound Builders were.  They were a civilization in the Mississippi /River Valley area of North America.  They are not generally as well known as the Aztecs or the Mayan, but they were a prominent civilization with cities etc.  The Book of Mormon talks about a major river that is called the River Sidon.  According to this new theory this river is possibly what we call the Mississippi River.  One piece of scientific evidence that supports this is that DNA tests have shown that some of the Native Americans in the Eastern part of the USA...not in the Western Rocky Mountain region...
have a DNA marker that is only found in the  Galilee region of Israel or Palastine.  You see, the Book of Mormon says that the Lamanites and Nephites came from what is now called Israel or Palastine.  They came from the then kingdom of Judah. 

The armor of thick material and the unique war club or sword are based on what a Mound Builder warrior may have looked like.  The sword is made with sharp pieces of rock . . . like obsidian... embedded into a piece of wood so it acts like a sword.  The trees in the drawing are mixed deciduous and conifer forest and the close up leaves are from a River Birch. . . a common tree along the Mississippi River.  The catkins are the fuzzy seed fruit of the Birch tree.   I think that they look like a fuzzy cat tail. 

The printable version of the drawing is found by clicking on the top buttons:  All Printables . . . or
the Religion button.   Scroll down to the bottom because newer posts are on the bottom of the list.  

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