Monday, October 29, 2018

Prodigal Son

Prodigal Son Returns

The parable of the Prodigal Son is an amazing story in the Holy Bible.  This parable tells of man who had two sons.  The youngest son took his inheritance early and went off to another country and while there he blew all the money on riotous living.  Then that country was hit with a famine.  The foolish young man finally ended up broke and taking care of pigs.  This is a big insult to a Jewish person, since they don't eat pork.  The foolish young man felt terrible and was starving and he remembered how his father's hired servants had plenty to eat.  So he decided to return home and beg his father for a job. 

When his father saw his son returning the father ordered his servants to start a celebration for his prodigal son.  He, the father, was so happy that his son had come to his senses and returned.  When the prodigal son met his father he said he was no longer worthy to be called his son and yet the father would have none of that.  He dressed his son is a fine robe and had servants bring shoes for his feet. 

When the older brother that had stayed home and done his work without fail heard and heard about the party he was angry.   He would not come into the house to the party.  His father went out to him and said that it was meet that we make merry.  Your brother was lost and now he is found.   The father also reminded his always loyal son that he, the loyal and hard working son still stood to get his inheritance. 

I think that there are two lessons we can learn from this.  First, it is never too late to turn our lives around and repent and return to God.  Second, when a loved one DOES repent and return it is our duty to welcome them back. 

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