Monday, February 3, 2025

Mormon Abridging the Book of Mormon coloring page

 This is my free coloring pages site.

There are over 3000 drawings that I have drawn for you to print and color.

Today's new drawing is of Mormon. 

Mormon was a general, and he was a father.  

But he also was a scholar who abridged many written records of  

his people the Nephites.  That record is now named after him:

The Book of Mormon - Another Witness for Christ

Mormon Abridging the Book of Mormon

Mormon was a great prophet.  He lived near the end of his people's era.  They had become so wicked that the Lord would no longer help them protect them against their enemies the Lamanites.  Seeing that the end was coming, General Mormon made a concise history of his people.  This was an abridgment of 1000 years of history of the Nephites.  The original Nephites came over to the Americas around 600 BC and were wiped out around 400 AD.  

The abridgment was engraved on golden plates that were held together by three rings or long loops.  There were other records that were used to make the abridgment including plates made of brass.  In fact, the Plates of Brass are mentioned and quoted in the Book of Mormon.  The Plates of Brass contain lots of the Old Testament... up until the time Lehi left Jerusalem.  Lehi was the patriarch of the family that would one day become the Nephites and Lamanites and he brought his family to the Americas.  Where exactly we do not know.  I have heard that the Toltecs or Maya could be part of the Nephite and Lamanite civilizations.  But recently there has been some evidence that perhaps the Mound Builders in the Mississippi Valley area and other parts of Eastern North America may have been the Nephites and Lamanites.  The rock wall in the drawing is based on Moundbiulder ruins from North America. So is Mornom's clothing in the drawing. Obviously, not every Native American is a full descendant of Lehi because there were people in North and South America before Lehi ever showed up.  

I should add that Moroni, Mormon's son, also abridged a bit more after his father was killed by the Lamanites.  He, Moroni abridged the record of the Jaradites who came to the Americas around 2200 BC.  

Mormon's abridgment was published in the 1800s by the Prophet Joseph Smith Jr.  He, Joseph, was given the golden plates to translate by the gift and power of God.  Joseph received the plates from Mormon's son, Moroni.  That book is now known as The Book of Mormon - Another Testament of Christ

Mormon was a remarkable person.  He probably was from the ruling class because he was made a commanding general at only 15 years old.  He led his people for many decades before their destruction. He and his family lived in a society surrounded by wickedness. Yet Mormon and his son Moroni did not falter from the commandments of God.  They even tried to preach repentance to the people... but the Nephites would not listen.  

In making the abridgment Mormon often mentions that "a hundredth part I have not written."  Meaning that he wrote less than 1/100 of the records he had access to.  Even so, the Book of Mormon - Another Testament of Christ has remarkable stories and teachings in it.  It tells of the Savior Jesus Christ visiting the Americas AKA the New World after his death and resurrection in Jerusalem  AKA the Old World.  Jesus also says that he had other people He was going to visit.

So if you want to know more contact the missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  And read the Book of Mormon - Another Testament of Christ.  

NOTE:  This drawing is found in printable form by clicking on the button labeled:  "Religious."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the Restoration of the Gospel section.  Click on the title of this drawing and you'll have your coloring page of Mormon at his desk doing the abridgment.

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