Thursday, September 19, 2024

Captain Trenton, Pirate with his Parrot Azul coloring page

 Today on my free coloring page blog we have a Pirate 

and his Parrot.

The Pirate is named Captain Trenton the Terrible.

His parrot is named Azul.

He has an obsession for his victims’ gold teeth

Here is a poem about Terrible Trenton: 


Here we see Terrible Trenton 

A pillaging journey he went on

He’ll remove any gold tooth 

The victims are let loose

Then they on a skiff are sent on

Captain Trenton steals gold teeth and ships

But he’s not cruel one little bit

He’s been in the Navy

The gold teeth are gravy

Pulling gold teeth - he’s really good at it

As pirates go Trenton’s rather kind

Before teeth pulling victims get to dine

Medicates them with rum

So their mouth is all numb

But for their missing gold teeth they will pine

But at least they don’t have to walk the plank

For that they really should Trenton thank

They are still alive

Not in a fatal dive

Their gold teeth Captain Trenton will bank

Captain Trenton thinks he’s so cool 

With his blue parrot he named Azul

But if you have a tooth of gold

And don’t want it stolen & sold

Stay away from that big ocean pool

Captain Trenton the Pirate with his Parrot Azul

Captain Trenton the Terrible was a pirate from the Old Spanish Main. 

He was called Trenton the Terrible because he always pulled any gold teeth from his captives. 

What is interesting is that he would get the captive drunk first and then pull the gold tooth or teeth.  

This is kind of odd that they called him "The Terrible" since he allowed his captives to go free after 

getting their possessions.  He even kept extra skiffs aboard his pirate ship so he could set his victims 

free.  Before he became a pirate Captain Trenton was a ship surgeon in the British Navy.  Because of

 being a ship's surgeon, he knew how to pull teeth correctly with the least amount of pain and bleeding. 

 Plus the victim being completely drunk lowered the pain.  

  So, maybe he 

did not deserve the nickname of Trenton the Terrible.  But the nickname served him well because as 

soon as his pirate ship was spotted the merchant vessel would give up.  They knew that if they fought 

then some of them would surely be killed by Captain Trenton's crew's accurate and deadly cannon fire.  

Plus they knew that if they gave up some of them might lose a gold tooth or two but they would be 

set adrift and not have to walk the plank or be keel-hauled behind the ship.  

Azul is a blue and gold Macaw.  Or maybe an all-blue macaw called a Hyacinth Macaw.  Blue and gold

 Macaws are mostly blue with a yellow tummy and some yellow on the side of their head.  These

 species of parrot (macaws ARE parrots) come from South America.

NOTE:  This drawing is found in printable form by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then if you are accessing this during or near September 2024 this drawing will be near the bottom of that list.  Well, the TITLE of this drawing will be there.  Click on the title and you get your free printable page.  Remember that Azul is either blue and yellow or all blue.  I will admit that coloring his tummy yellow may be tricky since there is a lot of shadow on his tummy. So, if you decide that Azul is a Hyacinth Macaw then you can color him ALL blue.  In either case, have fun coloring!

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