Sunday, July 7, 2024

On the Cross Jesus gives His Life for Us


This is my free coloring pages blog.

There are over 3000 coloring pages that you can print and color.

Today's new drawing is of Jesus on the Cross.

On the Cross, Jesus gives His Life for Us

When we sin there is an eternal price to pay for those sins.  In our premortal life, Jesus volunteered to give himself and suffer and die to pay the price for our sins.  We are all spirit children of our Heavenly Father.  Jesus is also the literal Son of God.  As a result, Jesus was immortal.  He had unbelievable power.  He did not have to die.  He could have smitten the Roman soldiers who were torturing and then crucifying Him.  But He was a volunteer.  He had agreed to suffer in Gethsemane and then go through the persecution of an unjust and illegal trial... flogging, being mocked, wearing a crown of thorns, being hit... etc.  Finally, He was nailed to the cross.  This was a fatal form of slow torture.  

In this drawing, you see the religious leaders who orchestrated the illegal execution or murder.  They are mocking Jesus.  They are on the right.  On the left is a child and Mary Magdelene.  Between the crosses stands a Roman soldier on guard.  In the center foreground is John the Beloved who has just put his arm around Mary, the mother of Jesus.  Jesus had just asked His Apostle John to care for Jesus' mother.  John did so.  

Of course, three days later Jesus was resurrected.  He took up His body again and showed Himself to many.  Because Jesus died and was resurrected we all can choose to repent.  AND we all will be resurrected.  Of course, where we live after the resurrection depends upon whether we repented of our sins and tried our best to do better moving forward. 

This is the first drawing of the crucifixion that I will be posting.  It is very hard for me to think of Jesus suffering on the cross.  I don't know if it is because I have suffered so much physical pain but it is hard for me to draw Jesus on the cross is very difficult.  Although I know that the event was very important in the history of the world.  I have drawn Jesus after His resurrection many many times.  

NOTE:  This drawing is found by clicking on the "Religious" button.  Then scroll down to the bottom of the "New Testament" section of that page.  The title will be at the bottom of the list IF you are accessing this page on or near July 7, 2024.   Have fun coloring.  

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