Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Tree Fairies - Magnolia Tree Fairies coloring page

 This is a free coloring pages blog.

Today's new drawing is a couple of Magnolia Tree Fairies.

Tree Fairies - Magnolia Tree Fairies

This is another drawing in my series of Tree Fairy drawings.  Magnolia Fairies often have moth-like wings.  In fact, Magnolia trees are known to be pollinated in part by Looper Moths.  Magnolia trees are some of the oldest types of flowering plants on Earth.  Magnolia trees were one of the first flowers to evolve on Earth.  They evolved in the Cretaceous Period.  There are different species of modern Magnolia trees.  They range in height from 8 feet to up to 70 feet tall!  That is 2.4 to 21.3 meters tall!

Magnolia Fairies have excellent night vision.  They are active from before dusk to an hour after dawn.  So, you can choose to color this drawing as a night drawing, or a sunset or sunrise drawing.  Feel free to add a rising or setting sun... or a moon.  These Magnolia Fairies are near the top of a Magnolia tree that is near a river.

Notice that both of these Magnolia Fairies are wearing flying belts.  The flying belt helps the Fairy fly to higher heights, further distance, and at great speed.  Of course, all Fairies can fly without the flying belt.  But they can not fly as high, or as fast, or as far.  Magnolia Fairies help with pollination of the Magnolia trees and sometimes with other trees as well.  Magnolia Fairies also keep watch to keep the Magnolia tree safe.  Since some Magnolia trees are small and planted in mortal gardens, Magnolia Fairies are known to be spotted more often than some other types of Tree Fairies.  But, unless you are part Fairy you will probably only see a large moth and not a Fairy.  Of course, Magnolia Faires can make a light with their wands that, in the dark, mortals might mistake for fireflies. 

Did you notice that there is a moth flying in this drawing as well?  Moths tend to have fuzzy antennae.  When they land they rest with their wings open and spread wide. Some moths have a pattern on their wings that mimics the bark of trees.  It is nearly impossible for a predator to distinguish the moth from the bark of the tree. 

You obviously will have noticed that the closer Fairy is a male.  Yes, there ARE male Fairies.  They tend to be more secretive around mortals than Female Fairies are.  So since mortals rarely see Male Fairies, some people have gone to think of Fairies as being only female.  But Fairies are very, very closely related to we humans.  So they require both males and females to reproduce.  In fact, Fairies can transform to mortal size, and some have fallen in love with mortals and chosen to marry their mortal love.  Their children become part of both the mortal and Fairy world... here on Earth.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus" button and then scrolling down.  All new drawings are at the bottom of the list.  Of course, if you are accessing this page way after March 30, 2021, then this will not be the last drawing on the list. Have fun coloring and remember... you could draw a sunset, sunrise, or a dark starry sky, or a dark sky with a moon in it.  Remember that moths tend to have more earthy and less bright colors than most butterflies. 

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem - coloring page

  Welcome to my free coloring pages blog.  This is a reposting of this page before I translated it. 

Today's drawing is a quick drawing of Jesus I did while in church today. 

Drawing for kids in church is what got me started drawing coloring pages.

This drawing was done in felt marker ink and so it has flaws.

But the flaws are part of the style. 

NOTE:  To my English readers:   I posted this in multiple languages.  

Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem

Jesus lived for around 33 or so years.  He must have visited Jerusalem more times than just those printed in the Holy Bible.  This is a drawing of Him in His twenties.  He is visiting Jerusalem.  

I already mentioned that the drawing was done in ink and could not be corrected.  I noticed, after I drew it, that the nose is not very symmetrical.  But Jesus was a perfect person in His behavior... but not necessarily perfect in appearance.   The Bible says that he had no beauty that we should desire Him.  I don't know if that is referring to Jesus's appearance when He was suffering in the Garden of Eden or at his trial or when He was on the cross.   During those times of suffering and persecution, Jesus surely did not look His best as far as physical appearance.  But maybe He had some facial features that were not considered ideal in the culture where He was living.  Maybe not.  But the drawing of Him with a slightly asymmetrical nose is not too far-fetched in my opinion.  My own father had a crooked nose that was slightly asymmetrical.  

In any case, the important thing is that Jesus was our Savior and IS our Saviour.  He agreed to be our Savior in our premortal life in the Great Council of Heaven.  He volunteered and was accepted by our Heavenly Father to be the Savior of the World.  Jesus was our older Spirit brother.  He came to Earth and took a physical body to teach us to be kind to one another and to be our Savior.  In the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross He paid the eternal price for our sins.  This made repentance a possibility for us.  So we can repent of our sins.  And we ALL sin.  So because Jesus lived a perfect life - free of sin - and because he was literally the Son of God in the flesh... WE can repent and return to live with our Heavenly Parents.  

Before we lived on Earth we lived with our Heavenly Parents in our pre-mortal life.  Jesus was our elder... probably eldest Spirit Brother.  We all were there.  Even Satan was one of our Sprit Brothers.  But Satan rebelled against God or our Heavenly Parents and Satan... or Lucifer was cast down to Earth without receiving a mortal body.  He is jealous of us because we DO have a body.  So he temps us to sin in the hope that we won't repent and we won't be able to return to live an exalted life with our loved ones, our Heavenly Parents, and our elder Spirit brother - Jesus.  

So, our Heavenly Parents knew we would sin... that we would mess up.  So that is why they provided a Savior in the person of Jesus Christ.  So don't beat yourself up over your past sins.  Just turn to God in prayer and repent.  Put your faith in Jesus and His atonement for our sins.  And remember to believe Jesus... not just believe IN Jesus.  Believe that He said that we can change and be forgiven.  Then move on and try to do better in the future.  We all mess up over and over and we can be forgiven if we sincerely repent.  Of course, if we never learn to stop communing the big sins that could be a problem.  But Jesus really does know that we are trying.  He can give us solace in our trials and help us sincerely repent so that we don't repeat the sin.   

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled . . . Religious.  Then scroll down to the title of this drawing.  It will be at the bottom of the New Testament section.  So, click on the button labeled . . . . Religious. 

Jésus, comme un jeune homme en dehors des murs de Jérusalem-coloriage (French) Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem


Jésus, comme un jeune homme en dehors des murs de Jérusalem-coloriage

Jésus a vécu pendant environ 33 ans. Il a dû visiter Jérusalem plus de fois que celles imprimées dans la Sainte Bible. C'est un dessin de Lui dans la vingtaine. Il est en visite à Jérusalem.

J'ai déjà mentionné que le dessin était fait à l'encre et ne pouvait pas être corrigé. J'ai remarqué, après l'avoir dessiné, que le nez n'est pas très symétrique. Mais Jésus était une personne parfaite dans Son comportement... mais pas nécessairement parfait en apparence. La Bible dit qu'il n'avait aucune beauté que nous devrions Le désirer. Je ne sais pas si cela fait référence à l'apparition de Jésus quand Il souffrait dans le Jardin d'Éden ou lors de son procès ou quand Il était sur la croix. En ces temps de souffrance et de persécution, Jésus n'a sûrement pas été à son meilleur en ce qui concerne l'apparence physique. Mais peut-être qu'Il avait des traits du visage qui n'étaient pas considérés comme idéaux dans la culture où Il vivait. Peut-être pas. Mais le dessin de Lui avec un nez légèrement asymétrique n'est pas trop tiré par les cheveux à mon avis. Mon propre père avait un nez tordu légèrement asymétrique.

En tout cas, l'important est que Jésus était notre Sauveur et EST notre Sauveur. Il a accepté d'être notre Sauveur dans notre vie prémortelle, dans le Grand Conseil des Cieux. Il s'est porté volontaire et a été accepté par notre Père Céleste pour être le Sauveur du Monde. Jésus était notre frère spirituel plus âgé. Il est venu sur Terre et a pris un corps physique pour nous apprendre à être gentils les uns avec les autres et à être notre Sauveur. Dans le Jardin de Gethsémani et sur la croix, Il a payé le prix éternel de nos péchés. De ce fait repentir une possibilité pour nous. Donc, nous pouvons nous repentir de nos péchés. Et nous avons TOUS péché. Donc, parce que Jésus a vécu une vie parfaite, sans péché - et parce qu'il était littéralement le Fils de Dieu dans la chair... NOUS pouvons nous repentir et retourner vivre avec nos parents célestes.

Avant de vivre sur Terre, nous vivions avec nos Parents Célestes dans notre vie pré-mortelle. Jésus était notre aîné... probablement Frère Spirituel aîné. Nous avons tous été là. Même Satan était l'un de nos Frères Spirituels. Mais Satan s'est rebellé contre Dieu ou nos Parents Célestes et Satan... ou Lucifer a été jeté sur Terre sans recevoir de corps mortel. Il est jaloux de nous, parce que nous avons un corps. Il nous incite donc à pécher dans l'espoir que nous ne nous repentirons pas et que nous ne pourrons pas retourner vivre une vie exaltée avec nos proches, nos Parents Célestes et notre frère spirituel aîné - Jésus.

Ainsi, nos Parents célestes savaient que nous pécherions... que nous serait gâcher. C'est pourquoi ils ont fourni un Sauveur en la personne de Jésus-Christ. Alors ne vous battez pas sur vos péchés passés. Il suffit de se tourner vers Dieu dans la prière et de se repentir. Mettez votre foi en Jésus et Son expiation pour nos péchés. Et n'oubliez pas de croire en Jésus... pas seulement croire EN Jésus. Croyez qu'Il a dit que nous pouvons changer et être pardonnés. Continuer et essayer de faire mieux dans l'avenir. Nous gâchons tous encore et encore et nous pouvons être pardonnés si nous nous repentons sincèrement. Bien sûr, si nous n'apprenons jamais cesser de communier les grands péchés qui pourrait être un problème. Mais Jésus sait vraiment que nous essayons. Il peut nous consoler dans nos épreuves et nous aider à nous repentir sincèrement afin que nous ne répétions pas le péché.

REMARQUE: Ce dessin, sous forme imprimable, se trouve en cliquant sur le bouton étiqueté . . . Religieux. Faites ensuite défiler jusqu'au titre de ce dessin. Ce sera au bas de la section du Nouveau Testament. Donc, cliquez sur le bouton . . . . Religious.

Jesus, como um jovem fora dos muros de Jerusalém-página colorida (Portuguese) Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem


Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem

Jesus, como um jovem fora dos muros de Jerusalém-página colorida

Jesus viveu cerca de 33 anos. Ele deve ter visitado Jerusalém mais vezes do que apenas aqueles impressos na Bíblia Sagrada. Este é um desenho dele na casa dos vinte anos. Ele está de visita a Jerusalém.

Já mencionei que o desenho foi feito a tinta e não pôde ser corrigido. Notei, depois de desenhá-lo, que o nariz não é muito simétrico. Mas Jesus era uma pessoa perfeita no seu comportamento... mas não necessariamente perfeita na aparência. A Bíblia diz que ele não tinha nenhuma beleza que nós o devessemos desejar. Não sei se isso se refere à aparência de Jesus quando ele estava sofrendo no Jardim do Éden ou em seu julgamento ou quando ele estava na cruz. Durante esses tempos de sofrimento e perseguição, Jesus certamente não parecia o seu melhor quanto à aparência física. Mas talvez ele tivesse algumas características faciais que não eram consideradas ideais na cultura onde vivia. Talvez não. Mas o desenho dele com um nariz ligeiramente assimétrico não é, na minha opinião, muito rebuscado. O meu próprio pai tinha um nariz torto ligeiramente assimétrico.

Em qualquer caso, o importante é que Jesus foi o nosso Salvador e é o nosso Salvador. Ele concordou em ser o nosso Salvador na nossa vida premortal no Grande Conselho do céu. Ele se voluntariou e foi aceito pelo nosso Pai Celestial para ser o Salvador do mundo. Jesus era o nosso irmão mais velho. Ele veio à terra e tomou um corpo físico para nos ensinar a ser gentis uns com os outros e a ser nosso Salvador. No Jardim de Getsêmani e na cruz Ele pagou o preço eterno pelos nossos pecados. Isto tornou o arrependimento uma possibilidade para nós. Para nos arrependermos dos nossos pecados. E todos pecamos. Então, porque Jesus viveu uma vida perfeita-livre do pecado - e porque ele era literalmente o Filho de Deus na carne... Podemos arrepender-nos e voltar a viver com os nossos Pais Celestiais.

Antes de vivermos na Terra, vivíamos com os nossos Pais Celestiais na nossa vida pré-mortal. Jesus era o nosso ancião... provavelmente o irmão mais velho. Estávamos todos lá. Até Satanás era um dos nossos irmãos. Mas Satanás se rebelou contra Deus ou Nossos Pais Celestiais e Satanás... ou Lúcifer foi lançado à terra sem receber um corpo mortal. Ele tem ciúmes de nós porque temos um corpo. Então ele nos leva a pecar na esperança de que não nos arrependamos e não seremos capazes de voltar a viver uma vida exaltada com nossos entes queridos, Nossos Pais Celestiais, e nosso irmão Espírito mais velho - Jesus.

Então, Nossos Pais Celestiais sabiam que iríamos pecar... que faríamos asneira. Então é por isso que eles forneceram um salvador na pessoa de Jesus Cristo. Por isso, não te culpes pelos teus pecados passados. Voltai-vos para Deus em oração e arrependei-vos. Coloque sua fé em Jesus e sua expiação por nossos pecados. E lembrem-se de acreditar em Jesus... não apenas acreditar em Jesus. Acredita que ele disse que podemos mudar e ser perdoados. Então segue em frente e tenta fazer melhor no futuro. Todos nós erramos vezes sem conta e podemos ser perdoados se sinceramente nos arrependermos. Claro, se nunca aprendermos a parar de comunicar com os grandes pecados, isso pode ser um problema. Mas Jesus realmente sabe que estamos tentando. Ele pode nos dar consolo em nossas provações e nos ajudar a nos arrepender sinceramente para que não repetamos o pecado.

Nota: Este desenho, em forma de impressão, é encontrado carregando no botão etiquetado . . . Religioso. Em seguida, role para baixo para o título deste desenho. Será no fundo da seção do Novo Testamento. Então, clique no botão rotulado . . . . Religious.

耶稣,作为一个年轻人耶路撒冷城墙外-着色页 (Chinese) Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem


Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem


耶稣活了大约33年左右。 他访问耶路撒冷的次数一定比圣经中所印的更多。 这是他二十几岁的画。 他正在访问耶路撒冷。

我已经提到,绘图是用墨水完成的,无法纠正。 我注意到,在我画它之后,鼻子不是很对称。 但耶稣在他的行为上是一个完美的人。.. 但在外观上不一定完美。 圣经说,他没有我们应该渴望他的美丽。 我不知道这是否指的是耶稣在伊甸园受苦时,或在审判时,或在十字架上时的显现。 在那些遭受苦难和迫害的时期,耶稣肯定没有看到他最好的外表。 但也许他有一些面部特征,在他所居住的文化中不被认为是理想的。 也许不是 但在我看来,他的鼻子略微不对称的绘画并不太牵强。 我自己的父亲有一个稍微不对称的歪鼻子。

无论如何,重要的是耶稣是我们的救主,是我们的救主。 他同意在我们在天上大公会议的前生活中成为我们的救主。 他自愿,被我们的天父接受,成为世界的救主。 耶稣是我们的哥哥。 他来到地球,并采取了一个身体教导我们要善待彼此,并成为我们的救主。 在客西马尼园和十字架上,他为我们的罪付出了永恒的代价。 这使悔改成为我们的可能。 所以我们可以悔改我们的罪。 我们都有罪。 因此,因为耶稣过着完美的生活-没有罪-并且因为他实际上是肉身中的神的儿子。.. 我们可以悔改,回到与我们天上的父母住在一起。

在我们生活在地球上之前,我们在我们的前生命中与我们的天上父母一起生活。 耶稣是我们的长老。.. 大概是大灵兄吧。 我们都在那里。 即使是撒旦也是我们的精神兄弟之一。 但撒但背叛了神或我们天上的父母和撒但。.. 或者路西法被扔在地上,没有接受一个凡人的身体。 他嫉妒我们,因为我们确实有一个身体。 因此,他让我们犯罪,希望我们不会悔改,我们将无法回到与我们所爱的人,我们天上的父母和我们的圣灵兄弟-耶稣一起过着崇高的生活。

所以,我们天上的父母知道我们会犯罪。.. 我们会搞砸的 这就是为什么他们在耶稣基督的人身上提供了救主。 所以不要因为你过去的罪过而殴打自己。 只需在祷告中转向上帝并悔改。 把你的信心放在耶稣和他为我们的罪赎罪。 记得要相信耶稣。.. 不只是相信耶稣。 相信他说,我们可以改变,被原谅。 然后继续前进,并尝试在未来做得更好。 我们都一遍又一遍地搞砸,如果我们真诚地悔改,我们可以被原谅。 当然,如果我们永远不会学会停止传播可能是一个问题的大罪。 但耶稣确实知道我们正在努力。 他可以在我们的试炼中给我们安慰,帮助我们真诚地悔改,这样我们就不会再犯罪了。

注意:此绘图以可打印的形式通过单击标记的按钮找到。 . . 宗教。 然后向下滚动到此绘图的标题。 它将在新约部分的底部。 所以,点击标记的按钮。 . . .

Jesus, als junger Mann außerhalb der Mauern von Jerusalem-Malvorlagen (German) Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem


Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem

Jesus, als junger Mann außerhalb der Mauern von Jerusalem-Malvorlagen

Jesus lebte ungefähr 33 Jahre. Er muss Jerusalem öfter besucht haben als nur die in der Bibel gedruckten. Dies ist eine Zeichnung von ihm in seinen Zwanzigern. Er besucht Jerusalem.

Ich habe bereits erwähnt, dass die Zeichnung in Tinte gemacht wurde und nicht korrigiert werden konnte. Ich bemerkte, nachdem ich es gezeichnet hatte, dass die Nase nicht sehr symmetrisch ist. Aber Jesus war ein perfekter Mensch in seinem Verhalten... aber nicht unbedingt perfekt im Aussehen. Die Bibel sagt, dass er keine Schönheit hatte, die wir ihm wünschen sollten. Ich weiß nicht, ob sich das auf Jesu Erscheinung bezieht, als er im Garten Eden oder bei seiner Prüfung oder am Kreuz litt. In diesen Zeiten des Leidens und der Verfolgung sah Jesus sicherlich nicht Sein Bestes, was das körperliche Erscheinungsbild angeht. Aber vielleicht hatte Er einige Gesichtszüge, die in der Kultur, in der Er lebte, nicht als ideal galten. Vielleicht nicht. Aber die Zeichnung von Ihm mit einer leicht asymmetrischen Nase ist meiner Meinung nach nicht zu weit hergeholt. Mein eigener Vater hatte eine krumme Nase, die leicht asymmetrisch war.

In jedem Fall ist das Wichtigste, dass Jesus unser Retter war und unser Retter ist. Er stimmte zu, unser Retter in unserem vorzeitigen Leben im Großen Rat des Himmels zu sein. Er meldete sich freiwillig und wurde von unserem himmlischen Vater als Retter der Welt angenommen. Jesus war unser älterer geistiger Bruder. Er kam auf die Erde und nahm einen physischen Körper, um uns zu lehren, freundlich zueinander zu sein und unser Retter zu sein. Im Garten Gethsemane und am Kreuz zahlte er den ewigen Preis für unsere Sünden. Dies machte Reue zu einer Möglichkeit für uns. So können wir unsere Sünden bereuen. Und wir ALLE sündigen. Weil Jesus also ein vollkommenes Leben gelebt hat - frei von Sünde-und weil er buchstäblich der Sohn Gottes im Fleisch war... WIR können Buße tun und zurückkehren, um bei unseren himmlischen Eltern zu leben.

Bevor wir auf der Erde lebten, lebten wir bei unseren Himmlischen Eltern in unserem vorirdischen Leben. Jesus war unser ältester... wahrscheinlich ältester Geisterbruder. Wir waren alle da. Sogar Satan war einer unserer Sprit-Brüder. Aber Satan rebellierte gegen Gott oder unsere himmlischen Eltern und Satan... oder Luzifer wurde auf die Erde geworfen, ohne einen sterblichen Körper zu erhalten. Er ist eifersüchtig auf uns, weil wir einen Körper haben. Er ermuntert uns also zur Sünde in der Hoffnung, dass wir nicht umkehren und nicht zurückkehren können, um ein erhabenes Leben mit unseren Lieben, unseren himmlischen Eltern und unserem älteren Geistbruder Jesus zu führen.

Unsere himmlischen Eltern wussten also, dass wir sündigen würden... dass wir vermasseln würden. Deshalb haben sie einen Retter in der Person Jesu Christi zur Verfügung gestellt. Also verprügele dich nicht wegen deiner vergangenen Sünden. Wende dich einfach im Gebet an Gott und bereue. Setzen Sie Ihren Glauben an Jesus und sein Sühnopfer für unsere Sünden. Und denken Sie daran, Jesus zu glauben... nicht nur an Jesus glauben. Glauben Sie, dass Er sagte, dass wir uns ändern und vergeben werden können. Dann mach weiter und versuche es in Zukunft besser zu machen. Wir alle vermasseln immer und immer wieder und wir können vergeben werden, wenn wir aufrichtig bereuen. Natürlich, wenn wir nie lernen, die großen Sünden nicht mehr zu kommunizieren, könnte das ein Problem sein. Aber Jesus weiß wirklich, dass wir es versuchen. Er kann uns Trost in unseren Prüfungen geben und uns helfen, aufrichtig umzukehren, damit wir die Sünde nicht wiederholen.

HINWEIS: Diese Zeichnung in druckbarer Form wird durch Klicken auf die beschriftete Schaltfläche gefunden . . . Religiös. Scrollen Sie dann nach unten zum Titel dieser Zeichnung. Es wird am Ende des neutestamentlichen Abschnitts sein. Klicken Sie also auf die Schaltfläche beschriftet . . . . Religious. 

Ο Ιησούς, ως νεαρός άνδρας έξω από τα τείχη της Ιερουσαλήμ-σελίδα χρωματισμού (Greek) Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem

Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem

 Ο Ιησούς, ως νεαρός άνδρας έξω από τα τείχη της Ιερουσαλήμ-σελίδα χρωματισμού

Ο Ιησούς έζησε για περίπου 33 περίπου χρόνια. Πρέπει να έχει επισκεφθεί την Ιερουσαλήμ περισσότερες φορές από αυτές που τυπώνονται στην Αγία Γραφή. Αυτό είναι ένα σχέδιο του στα είκοσι του. Επισκέπτεται την Ιερουσαλήμ.

Ανέφερα ήδη ότι το σχέδιο έγινε με μελάνι και δεν μπορούσε να διορθωθεί. Παρατήρησα, αφού το σχεδίασα, ότι η μύτη δεν είναι πολύ συμμετρική. Αλλά ο Ιησούς ήταν ένα τέλειο πρόσωπο στη συμπεριφορά του... αλλά όχι απαραίτητα τέλεια στην εμφάνιση. Η Βίβλος λέει ότι δεν είχε καμία ομορφιά που θα πρέπει να τον επιθυμούν. Δεν ξέρω αν αυτό αναφέρεται στην εμφάνιση του Ιησού όταν υπέφερε στον κήπο της Εδέμ ή στη δίκη του ή όταν ήταν στο σταυρό. Κατά τη διάρκεια εκείνων των χρόνων του πόνου και της δίωξης, ο Ιησούς σίγουρα δεν φαινόταν το καλύτερό του όσον αφορά τη φυσική εμφάνιση. Αλλά ίσως είχε κάποια χαρακτηριστικά του προσώπου που δεν θεωρούνταν ιδανικά στον πολιτισμό όπου ζούσε. Ίσως όχι. Αλλά το σχέδιο του με μια ελαφρώς ασύμμετρη μύτη δεν είναι πολύ υπερβολικό κατά τη γνώμη μου. Ο ίδιος ο πατέρας μου είχε μια στραβή μύτη που ήταν ελαφρώς ασύμμετρη.

Σε κάθε περίπτωση, το σημαντικό είναι ότι ο Ιησούς ήταν ο Σωτήρας μας και είναι ο Σωτήρας μας. Συμφώνησε να είναι ο Σωτήρας μας στην προθανάτια ζωή μας στο Μεγάλο Συμβούλιο των Ουρανών. Προσφέρθηκε εθελοντικά και έγινε δεκτός από τον Επουράνιο Πατέρα μας να είναι ο Σωτήρας του κόσμου. Ο Ιησούς ήταν ο μεγαλύτερος αδελφός πνεύμα μας. Ήρθε στη γη και πήρε ένα φυσικό σώμα για να μας διδάξει να είμαστε ευγενικοί ο ένας στον άλλο και να είμαστε ο Σωτήρας μας. Στον κήπο της Γεθσημανής και στο σταυρό πλήρωσε το αιώνιο τίμημα για τις αμαρτίες μας. Αυτό έκανε τη μετάνοια μια δυνατότητα για εμάς. Για να μετανοήσουμε για τις αμαρτίες μας. Και όλοι αμαρτάνουμε. Έτσι, επειδή ο Ιησούς έζησε μια τέλεια ζωή-χωρίς αμαρτία-και επειδή ήταν κυριολεκτικά ο Υιός του Θεού στη σάρκα... Μπορούμε να μετανοήσουμε και να επιστρέψουμε για να ζήσουμε με τους ουράνιους γονείς μας.

Πριν ζούσαμε στη Γη ζούσαμε με τους ουράνιους γονείς μας στην προ-θνητή ζωή μας. Ο Ιησούς ήταν ο πρεσβύτερος μας... πιθανώς ο μεγαλύτερος αδελφός πνεύμα. Όλοι ήμασταν εκεί. Ακόμα και ο Σατανάς ήταν ένας από τους αδελφούς μας. Αλλά ο Σατανάς επαναστάτησε εναντίον του Θεού ή των ουράνιων γονέων μας και του Σατανά... ή ο Εωσφόρος ρίχτηκε στη Γη χωρίς να λάβει ένα θνητό σώμα. Μας ζηλεύει επειδή έχουμε ένα σώμα. Έτσι μας βάζει σε πειρασμό να αμαρτήσουμε με την ελπίδα ότι δεν θα μετανοήσουμε και δεν θα μπορέσουμε να επιστρέψουμε για να ζήσουμε μια εξυψωμένη ζωή με τους αγαπημένους μας, τους ουράνιους γονείς μας και τον παλαιότερο πνευματικό αδελφό μας - τον Ιησού.

Έτσι, οι ουράνιοι γονείς μας ήξεραν ότι θα αμαρτήσουμε... ότι θα τα κάναμε θάλασσα. Αυτός είναι λοιπόν ο λόγος για τον οποίο παρείχαν έναν Σωτήρα στο πρόσωπο του Ιησού Χριστού. Επομένως, μην χτυπάτε τον εαυτό σας πάνω από τις προηγούμενες αμαρτίες σας. Απλά γυρίστε στον Θεό με προσευχή και μετανοήστε. Βάλτε την πίστη σας στον Ιησού και την εξιλέωσή Του για τις αμαρτίες μας. Και θυμηθείτε να πιστέψετε τον Ιησού... όχι μόνο πιστεύουν στον Ιησού. Πιστέψτε ότι είπε ότι μπορούμε να αλλάξουμε και να συγχωρεθεί. Στη συνέχεια, προχωρήστε και προσπαθήστε να κάνετε καλύτερα στο μέλλον. Όλοι μπερδεύουμε ξανά και ξανά και μπορούμε να συγχωρεθούμε αν μετανοήσουμε ειλικρινά. Φυσικά, αν ποτέ δεν μάθουμε να σταματάμε τις μεγάλες αμαρτίες που θα μπορούσαν να είναι ένα πρόβλημα. Αλλά ο Ιησούς πραγματικά ξέρει ότι προσπαθούμε. Μπορεί να μας δώσει παρηγοριά στις δοκιμές μας και να μας βοηθήσει να μετανοήσουμε ειλικρινά, ώστε να μην επαναλάβουμε την αμαρτία.

Σημείωση: Αυτό το σχέδιο, σε εκτυπώσιμη μορφή, βρίσκεται κάνοντας κλικ στο κουμπί με την ένδειξη . . . Θρησκευτική. Στη συνέχεια, μετακινηθείτε προς τα κάτω στον τίτλο αυτού του σχεδίου. Θα είναι στο κάτω μέρος του τμήματος της Καινής Διαθήκης. Έτσι, κάντε κλικ στο κουμπί με την ετικέτα . . . . Religious. 

예수님,예루살렘 성벽 밖에있는 젊은이로서-색칠 페이지 (Korean) Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem

Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem

 예수님,예루살렘 성벽 밖에있는 젊은이로서-색칠 페이지

예수님은 약 33 년 정도 동안 살았습니다. 그는 성경에 인쇄 된 것보다 예루살렘을 더 많이 방문했을 것입니다. 이것은 20 대에 그를 그린 그림입니다. 그는 예루살렘을 방문하고있다.

이미 드로잉이 잉크로 수행되어 수정 될 수 없다고 언급했습니다. 나는 그것을 그린 후에 코가 매우 대칭이 아니라는 것을 알아 차렸다. 그러나 예수님은 자신의 행동에 완벽한 사람이었습니다... 그러나 외관이 반드시 완벽하지는 않습니다. 성경은 그가 우리가 그에게 바라는 아름다움이 없다고 말합니다. 내가 알지 못하는 경우에는 참고하면 예수님의 모양을했을 때 고통 에덴 동산에서 또는 그의 재판에서 또는 그 때에 십자가입니다. 고통과 박해의 그 시간 동안,예수님은 분명히 지금까지 육체적 인 모습으로 자신의 최선을 보지 않았다. 그러나 어쩌면 그는 몇 가지의 얼굴 특징하지 않은 이상적으로 간주에서 문화는 그가 살고 있었다. 어쩌면 그렇지 않을 수도 있습니다. 그러나 약간 비대칭 인 코를 가진 그의 그림은 내 의견으로는 너무 멀리 가져온 것이 아닙니다. 내 자신의 아버지는 약간 비대칭 인 비뚤어진 코를 가졌습니다.

어쨌든 중요한 것은 예수님이 우리의 구세주였으며 우리의 구세주라는 것입니다. 그는 하늘의 위대한 평의회에서 우리의 전적인 삶에서 우리의 구세주가되기로 동의했습니다. 그는 자원하여 하나님 아버지로부터 세상의 구세주가 되라는 것을 받아 들였습니다. 예수님은 우리의 나이가 많은 영의 형제였습니다. 그분은 이 땅에 오셔서 육체를 취하여 우리에게 서로에게 친절하시고 우리의 구세주가 되도록 가르치셨습니다. 겟세마네 동산과 십자가에서 그는 우리의 죄에 대한 영원한 대가를 지불했습니다. 이것은 회개를 우리에게 가능성으로 만들었습니다. 그래서 우리는 우리의 죄를 회개 할 수 있습니다. 그리고 우리 모두는 죄를 짓습니다. 그렇기 때문에 예수님이 살았던 완벽한 삶이 무의 죄 때문에 그는 말 그대로 하나님의 아들에서 육체... 우리는 회개하고 하늘 부모와 함께 살기 위해 돌아갈 수 있습니다.

우리가 지상에 살기 전에 우리는 필사자 이전의 삶에서 하늘 부모와 함께 살았습니다. 예수님은 우리의 장로였습니다... 아마 장남 영 형제. 우리 모두 거기에있었습니다. 심지어 사탄도 우리의 스핏 형제 중 하나였습니다. 그러나 사탄은 하나님이나 하늘 부모님과 사탄에게 반역하였습니다... 또는 루시퍼는 필멸의 몸을받지 않고 지구로 쫓겨났습니다. 그는 우리가 시체를 가지고 있기 때문에 우리를 질투합니다. 그래서 그 온도는 우리를 죄에서 희망을 우리는 없이 회개하고 우리는 할 수 없 라고 고귀한 삶으로 우리의 사랑하는 사람,하늘에 계신 부모님,그리고 우리 장로 영의 형제는 예수.

그래서 우리 하늘 부모는 우리가 죄를 지을 줄 알았습니다... 우리가 엉망이 될 것이라고. 그래서 그들이 예수 그리스도의 인격 안에서 구주를 제공 한 이유입니다. 그러니 과거의 죄 때문에 자신을 때리지 마십시오. 그냥기도로 하나님 께 돌아 서서 회개하십시오. 우리의 죄를 위해 예수님과 그분의 속죄에 대한 믿음을 두십시오. 그리고 예수님을 믿는 것을 기억하십시오... 예수님을 믿는 것만이 아닙니다. 그가 우리가 변화하고 용서받을 수 있다고 말한 것을 믿으십시오. 그런 다음 앞으로 나아가고 더 잘하려고 노력하십시오. 우리 모두는 계속해서 엉망이되어 진심으로 회개하면 용서받을 수 있습니다. 물론,우리가 문제가 될 수있는 큰 죄를 전달하는 것을 멈추는 것을 결코 배우지 않는다면. 그러나 예수님은 정말로 우리가 노력하고 있음을 알고 있습니다. 그분은 우리의 시련에서 우리에게 위안을 주시고 우리가 죄를 되풀이하지 않도록 진심으로 회개하도록 도울 수 있습니다.

참고:이 도면은 인쇄 가능한 형태로 레이블이 지정된 버튼을 클릭하여 찾을 수 있습니다. . . 종교적인. 그런 다음이 도면의 제목까지 아래로 스크롤하십시오. 그것은 신약 절의 맨 아래에있을 것입니다. 그래서 레이블이 붙은 버튼을 클릭하십시오. . . . Religious.

Jesús, como un joven fuera de los muros de Jerusalén - página para colorear (Spanish) Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem

Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem

 Jesús, como un joven fuera de los muros de Jerusalén

Jesús vivió alrededor de 33 años. Él debe haber visitado Jerusalén más veces que solo las impresas en la Santa Biblia. Este es un dibujo de él en sus veinte años. Está visitando Jerusalén.

Ya mencioné que el dibujo se hizo con tinta y no se pudo corregir. Me di cuenta, después de dibujarlo, que la nariz no es muy simétrica. Pero Jesús era una persona perfecta en su comportamiento... pero no necesariamente perfecto en apariencia. La Biblia dice que él no tenía belleza para que nosotros lo deseáramos. No se si eso se refiere a la aparición de Jesús cuando estaba sufriendo en el Huerto Del Edén o en su juicio o cuando estaba en la Cruz. Durante esos tiempos de sufrimiento y persecución, Jesús seguramente no se veía mejor en cuanto a su apariencia física. Pero tal vez tenía algunos rasgos faciales que no se consideraban ideales en la cultura donde vivía. Tal vez no. Pero el dibujo de él con una nariz ligeramente asimétrica no es demasiado descabellado en mi opinión. Mi propio padre tenía una nariz torcida que era ligeramente asimétrica.

En cualquier caso, lo importante es que Jesús fue nuestro Salvador y ES nuestro Salvador. Él estuvo de acuerdo en ser nuestro Salvador en nuestra vida premortal en el Gran Concilio del cielo. Él se ofreció como voluntario y fue aceptado por nuestro Padre Celestial para ser El Salvador del mundo. Jesús era nuestro hermano espiritual mayor. Él vino a la Tierra y tomó un cuerpo físico para enseñarnos a ser amables los unos con los otros y a ser nuestro Salvador. En el huerto de Getsemaní y en la cruz Él pagó el precio Eterno por nuestros pecados. Esto hizo que el arrepentimiento fuera una posibilidad para nosotros. Para que podamos arrepentirnos de nuestros pecados. Y todos pecamos. Así que porque Jesús vivió una vida perfecta-libre de pecado-y porque él era literalmente el Hijo de Dios en la carne... Podemos arrepentirnos y volver a vivir con nuestros Padres Celestiales.

Antes de vivir en la Tierra vivíamos con nuestros padres celestiales en nuestra vida pre-mortal. Jesús era nuestro anciano... probablemente el hermano espiritual mayor. Todos estábamos allí. Incluso Satanás era uno de nuestros hermanos Sprit. Pero Satanás se rebeló contra Dios o nuestros padres celestiales y Satanás... o Lucifer fue arrojado a la tierra sin recibir un cuerpo mortal. Él está celoso de nosotros porque tenemos un cuerpo. Así que Él nos tienta a pecar con la esperanza de que no nos arrepentiremos y no podremos regresar a vivir una vida exaltada con nuestros seres queridos, nuestros padres celestiales, y nuestro hermano espiritual mayor - Jesús.

Entonces, nuestros Padres Celestiales sabían que pecaríamos... que lo estropearíamos. Así que es por eso que ellos proveyeron un salvador en la persona de Jesucristo. Así que no te castigues por tus pecados pasados. Solo vuélvete a Dios en oración y arrepiéntete. Pon tu fe en Jesús y Su expiación por nuestros pecados. Y recuerda creer en Jesús... no solo creer en Jesús. Cree que él dijo que podemos cambiar y ser perdonados. Luego seguir adelante y tratar de hacerlo mejor en el futuro. Todos nos equivocamos una y otra vez y podemos ser perdonados si nos arrepentimos sinceramente. Por supuesto, si nunca aprendemos a dejar de comulgar los grandes pecados que podría ser un problema. Pero Jesús realmente sabe que lo estamos intentando. Él puede darnos consuelo en nuestras pruebas y ayudarnos a arrepentirnos sinceramente para que no repitamos el pecado.

Nota: Este dibujo, en forma imprimible, se encuentra haciendo clic en el botón etiquetado . . . Religioso. Luego desplácese hacia abajo hasta el título de este dibujo. Estará al final de la sección del Nuevo Testamento. Por lo tanto, haga clic en el botón etiquetado . . . .Religious. 

Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem - coloring page

 Welcome to my free coloring pages blog. 

Today's drawing is a quick drawing of Jesus I did while in church today. 

Drawing for kids in church is what got me started drawing coloring pages.

This drawing was done in felt marker ink and so it has flaws.

But the flaws are part of the style. 

NOTE:  To my English readers.  I will be posting this in multiple languages.  

Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem

Jesus lived for around 33 or so years.  He must have visited Jerusalem more times than just those printed in the Holy Bible.  This is a drawing of Him in His twenties.  He is visiting Jerusalem.  

I already mentioned that the drawing was done in ink and could not be corrected.  I noticed, after I drew it, that the nose is not very symmetrical.  But Jesus was a perfect person in His behavior... but not necessarily perfect in appearance.   The Bible says that he had no beauty that we should desire Him.  I don't know if that is referring to Jesus's appearance when He was suffering in the Garden of Eden or at his trial or when He was on the cross.   During those times of suffering and persecution, Jesus surely did not look His best as far as physical appearance.  But maybe He had some facial features that were not considered ideal in the culture where He was living.  Maybe not.  But the drawing of Him with a slightly asymmetrical nose is not too far-fetched in my opinion.  My own father had a crooked nose that was slightly asymmetrical.  

In any case, the important thing is that Jesus was our Savior and IS our Saviour.  He agreed to be our Savior in our premortal life in the Great Council of Heaven.  He volunteered and was accepted by our Heavenly Father to be the Savior of the World.  Jesus was our older Spirit brother.  He came to Earth and took a physical body to teach us to be kind to one another and to be our Savior.  In the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross He paid the eternal price for our sins.  This made repentance a possibility for us.  So we can repent of our sins.  And we ALL sin.  So because Jesus lived a perfect life - free of sin - and because he was literally the Son of God in the flesh... WE can repent and return to live with our Heavenly Parents.  

Before we lived on Earth we lived with our Heavenly Parents in our pre-mortal life.  Jesus was our elder... probably eldest Spirit Brother.  We all were there.  Even Satan was one of our Sprit Brothers.  But Satan rebelled against God or our Heavenly Parents and Satan... or Lucifer was cast down to Earth without receiving a mortal body.  He is jealous of us because we DO have a body.  So he temps us to sin in the hope that we won't repent and we won't be able to return to live an exalted life with our loved ones, our Heavenly Parents, and our elder Spirit brother - Jesus.  

So, our Heavenly Parents knew we would sin... that we would mess up.  So that is why they provided a Savior in the person of Jesus Christ.  So don't beat yourself up over your past sins.  Just turn to God in prayer and repent.  Put your faith in Jesus and His atonement for our sins.  And remember to believe Jesus... not just believe IN Jesus.  Believe that He said that we can change and be forgiven.  Then move on and try to do better in the future.  We all mess up over and over and we can be forgiven if we sincerely repent.  Of course, if we never learn to stop communing the big sins that could be a problem.  But Jesus really does know that we are trying.  He can give us solace in our trials and help us sincerely repent so that we don't repeat the sin.   

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled . . . Religious.  Then scroll down to the title of this drawing.  It will be at the bottom of the New Testament section.  So, click on the button labeled . . . . Religious. 

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Tree Fairies - Herlindia the Mangrove Tree Fairy

 Today's newest drawing, on this free coloring pages blog, is. . . 

a Mangrove Tree Fairy.  Her name is Herlindia.

Tree Fairies - Herlinidia the Mangrove Tree Fairy

This is Herlindia.  She is a Tree Fairy that specializes in Mangrove Trees.  She also is a Bird-loving Fairy and she loves to look out for the water birds, like the Great Blue Heron you see in this drawing.  

Fairies that live near the ocean are known to prefer to go to larger size when they go to mortal size.  So while a Forest Fairy in say, Montana might go to around 5'6" a Mangrove Fairy will be closer to 5'11" or even over 6' tall.  This is a safety issue since the Faires in mangrove forests have to watch out for predators like large sharks. In fact, Mangrove Fairies sometimes choose to enlarge themselves to 7 feet tall. So when a Mangrove Fairy is out in the estuary (where mangrove trees grow) she or he will not be gobbled up by a 6-foot shark or etc.  Of course, all Fairies can use their magical protective charms when attacked, but of Herlinda was swimming along at 5 inches in length she might get gobbled up by a predator before she could activate a protective charm.  

Mangrove Fairies have been mistaken for Mermaids because, like Mermaids, Mangrove Fairies can breathe underwater.  They have lungs that can extract oxygen from both the air and the water.  Mangrove Fairies, like most Tree Fairies, live under their tree.  But since much of the root system of Mangrove Trees is in water the Mangrove Fairies have to be able to breathe underwater.  The Mangrove Fairy villages are small but they have a permanently active protection charm to keep predators away. When in their village the Mangrove Fairies are the traditional 5 inches tall or so.  That is about 13 cm. 

Those villages of the Mangrove Tree Fairies are beautiful.  They are hidden in the tangle of the Mangrove trees and they even incorporate parts of the roots as living space.  Some of the village is dug into the seafloor as well.   

About Mangrove Trees:  They are the only tree that can tolerate salty water.  They are important in stabilizing the soil at the seaside in tropical areas of the world.  The Mangrove trees also provide a nursery for many types of juvenile fish.  

The Great Blue Heron is a large bird that feeds on animals in the water.  It is a wader and as such has long legs.  It feeds in both marine (salt water) and freshwater environments.  Great Blue Herons can grow up to 4.5 feet tall (1.37 meters tall),,,  and have a wingspan of up to 6.6 feet (2 meters wide).  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus"  or the "Birds" button.  Then scroll to the bottom of the list of drawing titles to get to this new drawing.  Of course, if you are accessing this part of my blog way after March 27th 2021 then this drawing will be further up the list of drawings.  This is because I post new drawings usually several times a week.  

Fairy Paper Doll to color and cut out

 Welcome to my free coloring pages blog.

Today we are doing something different...

because our granddaughter wanted a Fairy Paper Doll.

Fairy Paper Doll

No tabs on the clothing items in this drawing.

Since this first drawing is not enlarged it has more visible details. 

I also did an enlarged version with tabs on the clothing items.  It is below.

Fairy Paper Doll enlarged version

You have two choices.   You can just cut out the clothing items and glue them on.  
OR you can cut out the clothing items and fold the tabs behind the Fairy to hold the clothing items on. o

The photo below is of my granddaughter's Fairy.  As you can see she colored it first.  I recommend coloring the Fairy and her clothing items BEFORE cutting them out.  

Photo of Completed Paper Doll Fairy

(Coloring done by a 5-year-old girl and cut out by her Grandma)

Notice how the wings are glued to the back of the Fairy. 

NOTE:  This paper doll drawing, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list of drawings for the new drawing.  All new drawings are located at the bottom of the lists. Of course, if you are accessing this page way after March 27, 2021 then this drawing's title will be further up the list. 

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Tree Fairies - Elnia the Elm Tree Fairy on a Branch coloring page


Welcome to my free coloring pages blog. 

There are no ads or fees on this blog and there are over 1,200 free coloring pages to print. 

Today's new drawing is of another Elm Tree Fairy.

Tree Fairies - Elnia the Elm Tree Fairy on a Branch

Elnia is another Elm Tree Fairy.  Elm Fairies are known to be into planting their favorite tree genus.  Elm seeds are found in a round winged fruit, so they are carried in the wind.  Some species of elm, like Chinese or Siberian Elm, are planted all over the place in the United States, even though they are not native.  There ARE native Elm in the USA as well.  For instance, the American Elm.  

Elm trees produce excellent wood for furniture and even butcher blocks.  Elmwood is hard and very useful.  But elm trees are most popular for being excellent SHADE trees.  They grow to around 100 feet or 30 meters tall.  

Emilia is seen kneeling on elm leaves in the fall.  Elm tree leaves tend to not begin to change color until they are hit by a good strong frost.  The American Elm will change, after a frost, from a deep green to a golden yellow.  

An interesting thing about elm tree leaves is that they are NOT symmetrical.  If you fold an elm leaf in half on the center vein, you will see that it is not the same on each side.  

A couple of interesting things to note about Elnia.  She IS a Tree Fairy, but her mother was a Butterfly Fairy so she has butterfly wings.  (SOME Tree Fairies have wings that mimic the leaves of their preferred species of tree.)  Elnia is also wearing a unique outfit with a blouse with short-leaf sleeves and Fairy-cloth fabric.  Her skirt is made up of wide monocot leaves.  Monocots are the grasses.  Tulips are also monocots because, like grass, they have parallel veins on their long leaves.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus" button. Then scroll down to the bottom of the list for the new drawing.  Of course, this drawing will probably only be on the bottom of the list if you are looking this up around March 25th of 2021.  IF you are looking at this page at a later date then the drawing's title will be on the list further up from the bottom of the list.  

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Hummingbird Fairy playing the Harp & a Ruby-throated Hummingbird coloring page

 Welcome to my free coloring pages blog.

This new drawing is of a Hummingbird Fairy and a Ruby-throated Hummingbird.

Hummingbird Fairy playing the Harp

Hummingbird Fairies are particularly musical.  No one knows why, but they play the harp and this entertains the local hummingbirds.  This hummingbird is native to North America and it is a Ruby-throated Hummingbird.  One interesting thing about the Hummingbird Fairies is that they often have swallowtail butterfly-like wings.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the button labeled: Fantasy, Myths, and Circus.  Then scroll to the bottom of the list. 

Monday, March 22, 2021

Adam and Eve Walking in the Garden of Eden coloring page

 Welcome to my free coloring pages blog!

There are no ads or fees on this site.

Today's new religious drawing is of Adam and Eve walking in the Garden of Eden.

Adam and Eve walking in the Garden of Eden 

Adam and Eve were the first man and woman on Earth, according to the Bible.  I have no idea how their bodies were created.  As a retired science teacher, I am aware of the paleontological and archeological evidence of human evolution.  So,  again, I have no CERTAIN idea but I have one idea.  

If this type of conjecture offends you then don't read on.

I think this is a possibility.  Maybe, just maybe, God had waited up to a certain point in human evolution and then he began to place His spirit children in Man.  So that would mean that Adam and Eve were plucked from their caveman village and placed in the Garden of Eden... which would have been a protected part of the Earth where the normal violence of predator on prey did not take place.  Adam and Eve would then have been the first people to have divine "child of God" spirits in their bodies. 

Another idea is that maybe Adam and Eve are OUR ancestors, but God had other people before them for a couple of hundred thousand years.  Maybe God went through several stages of primitive civilizations.   And finally, He took Adam and Eve, as the last survivors of the previous civilization, and they became our first parents... that are mentioned in our Bible.  

Do I BELIEVE these ideas?  NO, I'm just thinking.  What actually happened will be revealed one day... probably when Jesus comes to Earth in all his Glory.  

What I DO believe is that Adam and Eve were our first parents.  And when they partook of the forbidden fruit they were given the consequences of their behavior.  God did not chew them out.  He did not get angry, he just gave them the consequences of a mortal life and being kicked out of the Garden of Eden.  We all could study that event to help us in OUR parenting of our kids.  God Gave Adam and Eve the commandment and told them the consequences and then when they broke the commandment He, God calmly gave them the consequences.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the button labeled "Religious."  Then scroll down to the Old Testament part and the title of this drawing will be at the bottom of that section.  Click on the title and you will get the printable copy of the drawing.  

Phonics Flash Cards W and Y

 Welcome to my free coloring pages blog!

Today we are learning phonics again. 

The new drawing is flashcards for the letters W and Y. 

Phonics Flash Cards W & Y

Just match the picture cards with the letters.  The pictures represent the letter sounds.

Below is the key to these flashcards. Or you could call them matching cards.

                           W w                  Wave             color this blank card Yellow              Y y

                            web                    worm                       wall                                      well

                           wand                    wig                           yak                                     yam

                           witch                   wall                          yoyo                                  Wagon

NOTE:  This page of flashcards can be found by clicking on the button labeled "Science Readings and Worksheets and Phonics."

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Gavialimimus a New Fish-Eating Mosasaur coloring page

Today's new coloring page is of Gavialimimus.

Gavialimimus was a fish-eating Mosasar.

This is a free coloring pages blog. 

Gavialimimus the New Fish Eating Mosasar

Gavialimimus was a fairly large Mosasaur.  Its fossilized skull has been found and it was 3 feet long or just under a meter long.  It was probably around 20-30 feet long.  It had a long narrow snout.  It lived in the late Cretaceous Period and there were many other types of Mosasaurs in the same waters.  These different types of Mosasaurs could live together at the same time because they fed on different prey species.  They were each specialized for their own type of prey.  This is also called a niche that each species filled.  

You can kind of think of a niche as what the species job is.  Gavialimimus fed on fish.  That was its niche or job. Its narrow snout allowed it to move fast side to side to catch fast-moving fish.  All the fish in this drawing, as well as the crab, are from the Cretaceous Period.  These fish with thin tails were fast-swimming fish like modern-day tuna.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the button labeled: Paleontology. 
Then scroll down to the bottom of the Mesozoic section to see the title of this drawing.  Click on the title and you can print the drawing to color!  

Friday, March 19, 2021

African Butterfly Fairy coloring page

 Welcome to my free coloring pages blog!

I am a retired teacher who draws to keep busy. 

There are no ads or fees on this site. 

Today's new drawing is of a Butterfly Fairy from Africa. 

African Butterfly Fairy

Butterfly Fairies are found on all continents.  Many Fairies have butterfly-like wings but not all of them are Butterfly Fairies.  Butterfly Fairies DO have butterfly-like wings, however they also love butterflies intensely.  These Butterfly Fairies help protect butterflies and, as seen in this drawing, the Butterfly Fairies will lead butterflies to the best sources of nectar.  Of course that nectar is in the best flowers.  

Notice that Kipepeia here is wearing a flying belt.  Fairies from all continents have access to amazing technology that we mortals do not have.  The flying belt is used for flying long distances at speed.  Of course, Kipepeia and all Fairies can fly without a flying belt, but the can't go for long distances at high speed. 

If you saw Kipepeia (if you are a mortal) then you would see a species of African bitterly.  In fact, the butterfly that Kipepeia is guiding is one of those.  They are beautiful with black and green on the top of their wings.  This species is called the Apple-Green Swallowtail... or... the Green-Banded Swallowtail.  The scientific name for this butterfly is Papilio phocus

NOTE:  I would suggest looking up a photo or two of this butterfly to help you color Kipepeia's wings properly.  Although to be honest, I would cheat and draw the part of the closest wing that you can see with the deep black and green of the top of the wings.  But it's your choice.  This drawing can be found, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled: "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll down to the bottom for the new drawings.  Have fun coloring!

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Phonics Cards C D E F G H

 Welcome to my free coloring pages blog.

Today we are doing more phonics cards. 

My granddaughter is studying the letter "E" in preschool 

so I drew cards for E and the letters around E in the alphabet.

Phonics Flash Cards E & F

The pictures are as follows.  Starting with the top row: 
E e              fish            F f           egg
Eel            emu         Frog        flower
elbow          eagle       family       four
Fan             ear             Elk           edge 

Phonics Flash Cards C D G H

The pictures are as follows.  Starting with the top row: 
G g                   goat                  H h                  hat
gas                 Girl                  Hand                 heart  
D d            dog                 C c                     cat
Duck            dice                Car                   cow

Cut out the cards and have the students match the initial letter sound from the picture on each card.   Of course you can color the cards first if you want to.  It makes the cards more interesting.   

NOTE:  These cards can be found, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled Science Readings & Worksheets and Phonics.  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list.  New drawings are at the bottom of the list. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Leprechaun Couple hiding their Pot of Gold coloring page

 Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

And welcome to my free coloring pages blog!

Today's new drawing to print and color is a 

pair of Leprechauns who are hiding their pot of gold.   

Have fun coloring this drawing!

Leprechaun Couple hiding their Pot of Gold

Leprechauns are NOT just males.  They are a type of wingless Fairies.  They marry, have children, and live a magical life.  They tend to get into mischief, but they are not nasty about it.  They are still, like almost all Fairies, Beings of Light.  

They DO hide their gold and keep it safe.  The legends of leprechaun gold are based on fact. In this drawing, we see a young Leprechaun Couple who are about to bury their treasure of gold coins.  Each member of the couple is about 1 foot or around 0.3 meters tall.  

This male Leprechaun is actually a bit on the thin side, and his wife is actually rather curvy, but, like humans and Fairies, Leprechauns come in all shapes.  Both Fairies and Leprechauns celebrate all types of bodies.  We mortals would do well to follow their example more. 

Leprechauns are naturally this height of about 1 foot so while Fairies, or other types of Fairies are about 5 inches or around 13 cm tall in their natural state.  Both Fairies and Leprechauns can change to mortal size if they choose to.   Fairy magic and Leprechaun magic include very advanced technology.  

Leprechauns hundreds of years ago did not get along with the other Fairies.  Now, in modern times, they have a good relationship with the other Fairies.  Most Leprechauns prefer to live a simple existence but some embrace their tech and excel in advanced magic.

NOTE:  This drawing can be found, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus" and you can also click on the button labeled "Holidays."   Then scroll down the list of titles to the bottom of the list.  Click on that title and you will get a printable form of this drawing.   Have fun coloring!!!  And HAPPY SAINT PATRICK'S DAY!!!

Monday, March 15, 2021

Pterodaustro the Filter Feeder coloring page

 Welcome to my free coloring pages blog!

Today's new drawing is an unusual Pterosaur called Pterodaustro.


Pterodaustro was a large, but not huge Pterosaur with a very unusual feature.  It had thin and long flexible teeth that acted like baleen to help it feed on plankton.  Baleen is what the huge whales have to capture plankton and krill.  Pterodaustro probably skimmed the water with its beak dipped into the water as it captured plankton and probably krill, jellyfish, and maybe even small squid.  Since we think Pterodaustro had webbed feet, it is possible it could dive into the water and swim to catch its tiny prey.

Pterodaustro had a wingspan of 8 feet. . . that is 2.5 meters wide.  It probably was covered in a covering of fuzz.  It was not a bird.  It was not a dinosaur.  It was a flying reptile.  Flying reptiles are called Pterosaurs and sometimes they are called Pterodactyls.  (Pterosaurs is the more correct name.)

We think that most Pterosaurs fed on fish.  If Pterodaustro caught a fish it was either a tiny one or it was an accident.  It was built to capture tiny creatures, not larger ones.  

Pterodaustro lived between 112 million and 100 million years ago.  It had so many of those thin teeth that we think it had around 1000 in its mouth.  Those teeth resembled flattened noodles or pasta... like: linguini.

You might notice that ONE of the Pterodaustro does not have dark tips on its wings.  So, I left it for YOU to color in the black tips.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the button labeled: "Paleontology."   Then scroll down because the new drawings are on the bottom of the correct list.  So look for the "Mesozoic Life" section of the "Paleontology" list.  Then click on the title and you will have a printable drawing to print and then color. 

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Dino Friends: Para, Trike and Beaky coloring page

 Welcome to my free coloring pages blog!

This is a drawing for younger kids who like to color. 

It is drawing of a small group of friend dinosaurs.

Dino Friends Para, Trike, and Beaky

This is a drawing for younger kids to color.  Although it is a cartoon drawing, it is also based on some good science.  In Wyoming and some other places, there are tracks of herbivore dinosaurs traveling in mixed herds.  So this drawing is plausible in that sense.  

Para, on the right, is a female Parasaurolophus, a Hadrosaur or duck-billed dinosaur.  Trike is a Triceratops.  He has horns.  The flying animal is not actually a dinosaur... it is a Pterosaur and his name is Beaky.  Beaky is a young Pteranodon.  In fact, all these animals are young or juvenile animals.  

Actually, the adult Sauropod in the distance is not a juvenile.  When I was young myself it was thought that Sapuropods or long-necked dinosaur went extinct in the Jurassic Period.  But now we know that many Sauropods thrived and the Titanosaur Sauropods even became the biggest land animals to ever live on Earth.  

These animals all lived in the Cretaceous Period.  

NOTE:  This drawing is found, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled:  "Paleontology."

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Phonics Cards K L M N

Today I am posting some phonics cards. 

We recently moved in with family and our preschool-aged granddaughter is learning the letter sounds. 

This week, at her preschool they are studying the letter "K" and "k"

so more of the cards in THIS set are 'K words."

Phonics Cards K L M N pg. 1

Instructions:  You fold the pages to create the lines to see where to cut out the cards. Then cut out the cards.   Next, you match the letter sounds pictures with each letter.   So the card with the letter K would be matched up with the drawing of the kite, the key, the kid, etc.   The cards on page 1, from left to right, starting at the top of the page, are:  

               K k                                    L l,                        M m,                         N n,  

              Koala & Kangaroo,                  Kiwi                  kangaroo rat                moon          

               key                                     Kite                      mouse                       Lamp     

                            kid                              Karate Kick                 light                     nine & nail            

Phonics Cards K L M N pg. 2

Instructions:  This page also needs to be folded to get the cut-out lines.  The words are as follows:

lion                                   keys                                          Kids                                   lamb

Milk                                lamb                                          kiss                                      Net

Koala                               nest                                           kayak                                 kelp

monkey                             neck                                          Mad                                 Kazoo

NOTE:  Feel free to color the pictures on the cards before or after you cut them out.  It makes it more fun for kids.  These flashcard pages can be found, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled "Science Readings & Worksheets and Phonics."

Here is how my 5-year-old granddaughter matched the cards.  Notice that the letter card is mostly at the top and the picture cards are below the letter cards.  By the way, I have, besides a Masters in Geoscience, my teaching certificate is in Biology, Integrated Science, and also Early Childhood Education and K-6 Multiple Subjects. 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Hagerman Horse coloring page re-posting

Welcome to my blog. 

Lately, I have been drawing less because we are in the middle of a move.  

So today I am reposting a drawing I did a couple of years ago.  It is of the Hagerman Horse.  

I am re-posting this because our U-Haul truck had a mural of the Hagerman Horse on it. 

Hagerman Horse

The Hagerman horse was a native horse species here in North America.  It lived a long time as a species and evolved over that time.  It first appeared here in North America 3 million years ago.  It inexplicably went extinct 10,000 years ago.  It was striped on its front half and not striped on its back half.  It looks like a cross between a zebra and a horse... called a Zorse.  

This drawing can be found, in printable form, by clicking on the "Paleontology" button.  It will be in the Cenozoic section of the list of printable drawings.  Below is a photo of the mural that was on our 
U-Haul moving truck.  

Monday, March 1, 2021

Smilodon the Forest Predator coloring page

 Welcome to my free coloring pages blog!

There are over 1200 drawings to print and color.

Today's new drawing is of a Smilodon fatalis... or Saber-Tooth Cat!

Smilodon resting in the Forest

Recent studies of the carbon isotopes found in teeth of saber-tooth cats from the LaBrea Tar Pits show that Smilodons fed on animals from the forest.  This is news because previously paleontologists thought Smilodons hunted in the open area.  This study shows that they, like cougars, primarily hunted in forested areas and killed and ate animals like deer.  They also ate buffalo, but only a forest species of buffalo.  

It was the dogs, AKA Dire Wolves, and "bigger than now" coyotes who fed on the big animals like horses and mammoths.  (Evidence shows that Coyotes 9000 years ago were 20% bigger than they are now.)  So, if the canines were hunting in the open areas and the felines were hunting in the forested areas, that explains why they could exist for tens of thousands of years together.  They were not competing with each other for prey.  

Full-grown Smilodons could weigh up to 620 lbs.  That is 280 kg.  Smilodons could grow to 2.2 meters long.  That is over 7 feet long.  Smilodon lived from 2 million years ago to 9,000 or 10,000 years ago in what is called the Pleistocene Epoch. Interestingly enough, Saber-tooth cats first evolved in the Eocene or about 56 million years ago.  Smilodon was one of the last of the big saber-tooth cats.  There were three different species with Smilodon fatilis as the largest species.  

The type of fur pattern on Smilodon is not really known.  Although they are often called "Saber-Tooth Tigers"... they are not closely related to tigers.  They also have a short tail instead of the tail found on the Genus: Panthera.   Panthera is the Genus of lions, tigers, and (no not bears) leopards.  Smilodon is actually the Genus name for the largest three saber-tooth cats.  I chose to draw today's Smilodon with spots.  Notice that they are not leopard spots.  

I should add that Smilodon teeth were used to stab rather than slash.  But those teeth were formidable weapons, at 7 inches long.  That is almost 18 cm long!

I want to give credit to National Geographic Magazine for letting me know about this new discovery of Smilodons being forest predators.  

NOTE:  This first drawing is new today.  It was done in ink.  It is available, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled "Paleontology."  Then scroll down to the last title in the Cenozoic section of the list.  Below are some older drawings of Smilodon.  

Smilodon on Cliff

Smilodon fatalis detailed coloring page

This color detailed drawing of Smilodon is one I did a few years ago. 
 It is not in the printable drawings.

Smilodon fatilis to color