Saturday, July 27, 2024

Flamingo Family coloring page

 You have found my free coloring pages blog.

Today's new drawing is of a Flamingo Family.

Flamingo Family

Flamingos appear to be serially monogamous.  That means they choose a new mate each breeding season.  There IS some evidence that SOME flamingos are lifelong monogamous.  Both the male and female parents help raise the chicks.  In this drawing, you can see the chick peeking out from under his or her mother's wing.  Usually, a flamingo is an only child.  

NOTE:  This drawing is found in printable form by clicking on the "Animals" button or the "Birds" button... and then scrolling to the bottom of the picture titles, IF you are accessing this near the end of July 2024.  Have fun coloring!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Lily the Sea Turtle Mermaid coloring page

This is my free coloring pages blog.  

Since we recently returned from a cruise, I have been in the mood to draw Mermaids.

Today's new drawing is of Lily the Sea Turtle Mermaid.

Lily the Sea Turtle Mermaid

Sea Turtle Mermaids love sea turtles.  They are very friendly with sea turtles and can even speak with them.  In fact, their best friend is usually a sea turtle.  Lily here is swimming with her friend Tortuga.  You know that they are in tropical waters because of the presence of a sea anemone and clownfish. 

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus" button.  Then scroll down.  If you are accessing this near mid to late July 2024 then the title of this drawing will be at the bottom of the list.  Click on the title and you'll get your free coloring page. By the way, this drawing was done rather quickly for a small child.  Have fun coloring Lily the Sea Turtle Mermaid!

NOTE #2:  It is now July 25th, one day after posting this drawing.  I need to tell you that I looked at this drawing again and saw a couple of problems.  I fixed one of those problems and improved the drawing in my opinion.  It is like what Leonardo DaVinci said, "An artist does not complete a work of art.  The artist abandons it."  I guess I abandoned this drawing but then had to go back to it. And remember that this drawing was done fast for a small child. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Cruising Mermaid named Navis coloring page

 Hi there!  

To my regular fans, sorry I have not posted in a while.  

We were on an Alaskan Cruise.  It was a 30th Anniversary Alaskan cruise

and we took the whole family... kids AND grandkids. 

So, back to posting.

Expect some posts of Alaskan animals. 

But today's new drawing is of a Cruising Mermaid.  Hey, it seemed appropriate.

The ship in the drawing is very loosely based on our cruise ship... The Quantum of the Seas. 

Cruising Mermaid

Her name is Navis.  She loves to follow cruise ships and on occasion gives some passengers a once-in-a-lifetime experience by letting them see her.  She has also been known to go where cruise ship passengers are on excursions - like whale watching. These mortals don't know that Navis will, from time to time, encourage whales to breach or get closer to the whale-watching boat.  Sometimes she will encourage them to get close to a cruise ship and breach... giving many mortal passengers a great show!

That last one is what may have happened to us. Below is the "photo" that I took from our cruise ship off of the Alaskan coast.  Yes, the whale was breaching.  The picture actually is from a video I took.

Whale breaching - view from Quantum of the Seas

Whale of a Tail

(From: whale-watching boat with Juneau Tours and Whale Watch)

Note:  The above drawing is available in printable form by clicking on the Fantasy, Myths, and Circus button.  Then if you are accessing the is in July 2024 the title will be at the bottom of the list.  So scroll down, print, and have fun coloring Navis the Cruising Mermaid... who I drew on our cruise.  By the way, look up her name.  It IS an appropriate Latin name for a Mermaid who likes to follow ships.  You may ask, "Did you see her on your cruise?"  But IF I did I am not allowed to tell anyone about it.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

On the Cross Jesus gives His Life for Us


This is my free coloring pages blog.

There are over 3000 coloring pages that you can print and color.

Today's new drawing is of Jesus on the Cross.

On the Cross, Jesus gives His Life for Us

When we sin there is an eternal price to pay for those sins.  In our premortal life, Jesus volunteered to give himself and suffer and die to pay the price for our sins.  We are all spirit children of our Heavenly Father.  Jesus is also the literal Son of God.  As a result, Jesus was immortal.  He had unbelievable power.  He did not have to die.  He could have smitten the Roman soldiers who were torturing and then crucifying Him.  But He was a volunteer.  He had agreed to suffer in Gethsemane and then go through the persecution of an unjust and illegal trial... flogging, being mocked, wearing a crown of thorns, being hit... etc.  Finally, He was nailed to the cross.  This was a fatal form of slow torture.  

In this drawing, you see the religious leaders who orchestrated the illegal execution or murder.  They are mocking Jesus.  They are on the right.  On the left is a child and Mary Magdelene.  Between the crosses stands a Roman soldier on guard.  In the center foreground is John the Beloved who has just put his arm around Mary, the mother of Jesus.  Jesus had just asked His Apostle John to care for Jesus' mother.  John did so.  

Of course, three days later Jesus was resurrected.  He took up His body again and showed Himself to many.  Because Jesus died and was resurrected we all can choose to repent.  AND we all will be resurrected.  Of course, where we live after the resurrection depends upon whether we repented of our sins and tried our best to do better moving forward. 

This is the first drawing of the crucifixion that I will be posting.  It is very hard for me to think of Jesus suffering on the cross.  I don't know if it is because I have suffered so much physical pain but it is hard for me to draw Jesus on the cross is very difficult.  Although I know that the event was very important in the history of the world.  I have drawn Jesus after His resurrection many many times.  

NOTE:  This drawing is found by clicking on the "Religious" button.  Then scroll down to the bottom of the "New Testament" section of that page.  The title will be at the bottom of the list IF you are accessing this page on or near July 7, 2024.   Have fun coloring.  

Friday, July 5, 2024

Terror Bird hunting Mesohippus

This is my free coloring pages blog.

Today's new drawing is of an early and small horse

named Mesohippus being hunted by a Terror Bird.

Terror Bird hunting Mesohippus

Mesohippus was an early horse.  It was the size of a medium-sized dog.  Here it is being hunted by a Terror bird.  Terror birds lived after the dinosaurs.  There were several species of terror birds.  Some were about a meter high and some were more like 3 meters high. 

There were some giant birds that were fruit eaters.  But others were clearly carnivores.  One of the amazing scenes of the series Walking With Prehistoric Beasts shows a terror bird hunting drunk early horses.  The small horses had eaten fermented grapes.  I used to call it "My Little Drunk Pony."

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled "Paleontology."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the "Cenozoic Life" section.  It is above the "Mesozoic Life" section.  

Thursday, July 4, 2024

AH-64 Apache Longbow Attack Helicopter coloring page

 Happy 4th of July!

Today is a national holiday here in the USA.  

My "patriotic" post is a drawing of a US Army 

AH-64 Apache Longbow Attack Helicopter.

AH-64 Apache Longbow Attack Helicopter

The Apache is an attack helicopter manufactured by Boeing in the USA.  It is flown by the US Army and several armies of our allies.  This helicopter has undergone several improved versions and the Longbow is the latest.  It has a radar dome on it.  

The chain-fed machine gun under the nose is controlled by the pilot's helmet.  Anywhere the pilot looks that gun can follow.  The helicopter is about 48 feet long.  That is almost 15 meters.  Besides the machine gun, it has the ability to carry rockets and anti-tank missiles.  It is a heavily armored helicopter as well.  There is a pilot and gunner, although both have flight controls and weapons controls in their part of the cockpit. 

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled Vehicles and Military Vehicles.  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list to see this picture... IF you are accessing this around July 2024.   Have fun coloring!!