Thursday, June 27, 2024

A Few More Coloring Pages of Jesus Christ (more coloring pages added)

 This is my free coloring pages blog. There are around 3000 free coloring pages

here that you can print and color at home. 

Today there are several new drawings of Jesus Christ. 

I posted these drawings over the past couple of days. 

Some of the drawings were done in more detail over an hour or two

 and some drawings were done rather quickly in a few minutes and

hence are simpler drawings.  

Jesus says Hello to a Little Boy

Jesus loved the little children.  I am sure this must have happened many times in Jesus' life. 

Jesus Ordains one of His 12 Apostles
Jesus ordained His 12 Apostles and gave them the Priesthood of God.  This is the power of God given to man to act for God on Earth.  Then Jesus sent His Apostles out into the world to do miracles and to teach about Him and His Gospel of Faith in Jesus, Repentance, Baptism, and the Gift of the Holy Ghost.  Of course these Apostles were serving their fellowmen.  

Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus

Jesus was near Jericho and a blind man called out to Him. Jesus asked Blind Bartimaeus what he wanted.  Bartimaeus asked to have his eyes opened. Jesus healed him.

Jesus greets a Little Girl in the Hills of Galilee

Jesus loved little children.  This scene is not in the New Testament but I am sure Jesus did this.  He must have greeted little children hundreds if not thousands of times in His mortal life. 

Jesus holding a Little Girl

This drawing is kind of a portrait with no background.   

Jesus is at the Sea of Galilee to call His Disciples

Several of Jesus' disciples were fishermen.

Paul is reprimanded by the Resurrected Jesus for persecuting the Church of Christ

Paul was a Pharisee working against the Christian Church.  Jesus appeared to him while Paul was on his way to Damascus to arrest Christians.  Paul was struck blind.  But to Paul's credit, once he realized that Christianity was God's way Paul repented and became one of the greatest missionaries of Christianity in history. Paul traveled all over much of Europe.  Because he was a Roman citizen he could travel freely.
If you read certain passages in the New Testament you read that Jesus DID appear to Paul.  Paul talks about seeing a light and hearing a voice in Acts 9:4 but it is clarified in verse 27 that Paul actually DID see Jesus in his vision on the road to Damascus.  

NOTE:  The printable versions of these drawings will be found in the "Religious" section.  For the above drawings - they are all from the New Testament time period during the life of Christ.  So scroll down to the bottom of the New Testament section after clicking on the "Religious" Button. 

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