Saturday, July 8, 2023

Piperia the Pet Fairy with Mookia the Doggy and other Pet Fairy coloring pages


Today's free coloring page is a tribute to 

a sweet doggy that has crossed the Rainbow Bridge to Doggy Heaven.

The doggy is named Mookie, but I have "Fairyized" the name. 

The little girl is "Mookia's" friend.

She is a Pet Fairy... in the drawing... and her name is Piperia.

Piperia the Pet Fairy with Mookia the Doggy

Piperia is a Pet Fairy. Like all Pet Fairies Piperia loves animals, particularly animals that humans and Fairies keep as pets.  There are actually Fairies with what we humans would think of as unusual pets.  One Pet Fairy named Laurentia had a Box Elder Bug as a pet.  

In this drawing, you can see that Piperia the Pet Fairy is in human form.  All Fairies can change from their natural state of about 5 inches tall to human or mortal size.  Of course, you can see that Piperia is a little girl Fairy, so she would be, in her natural Fairy size, about 2 1/2 inches tall.  5 inches would be about the size of adult Fairies.  You should know that many Fairies choose to be clothed in plant-based clothing.  Hence Piperia is wearing a leaf dress.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the rather long list of drawings to get your printable version of this drawing.  Below are a few other Pet Fairies I have drawn in the past.  Remember that Fairies have unusual pets sometimes.  In fact, there are a lot of Bird Fairies that are also Pet Fairies. Please note that the below coloring page drawings are all in the Fantasy, Myths, and Circus section, but these older drawings will be further up the list of printables.  Have fun coloring!

This is actually a detailed drawing that I did a few years ago.  It is done in pastel chalk.

The Pet Fairy is named "Laurentia" and she is seen here with her pet Box Elder Beetle.

Fairy Laurentia with Box Elder Beetle.

(This is a coloring page drawing that I did of the above pastel chalk drawing.)

Pet Fairy with Micro Mini Goldendoodle

(This is our doggy when he was a puppy.)

Dandy the Micro Mini Goldendoodle with 2 Fairies

(Dandy is our dogy.)

Lexia the Puppy Fairy

Caddisfly Fairy

Airee the Fairy Warrior from the Wolf Frolick riding a Wolf

Bird Fairy named Charlenia

Bird Fairy named Robin with a Robin

Bird Fairy kneeling by a Stream

Fairy with Squirrel

Fairy and a Unicorn at a Lookout.

(Of course, Unicorns are more like friends to Fairies, not pets.)

Water Dragon Fairy

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