Monday, September 16, 2019

Two Cretaceous Dinosaurs T. rex and Parasurolophus

T. rex with  Pteranodon in front of a Volcano

Tyrannosaurus rex was probably the most powerful land predator ever to live on Earth.  If you heard that Spinosaurus was bigger, you are right, but Spinosaurus had weak jaws for catching and eating fish.  T. rex, on the other had, had curved banana shpaped teeth and incredibly powerful jaws that could crush bone.  In fact, I have a piece of what is almost certainly Tyrannosaur croplolite (fossilized feces or poo)  . . . and that piece of coprolite has pieces of bone imbedded inside it.  So when T. rex ate a prey species, like the Parasaurolophus seen below.... the T. rex would possibly eat it  bones and all like hyenas do.  

Parasurolophus in front of a Volcano

But Parasaurolophus might not have been totally defenseless.  Parasurolophus may have used its larger crest to trumpet a very loud sound that would possibly deter a T. rex.  In fact, if a whole herd of Parasaurolophus blasted at a pack of Tyrnnosaurs it is possible that the predators would get maybe ruptured eardrums or even some bodily damage.  You see, sound IS a mechanical energy.  Parasaurolophus' crest was hollow with a chamber up either side.  So Parasaurolophus could possibly make a noise in its throat and send it up the chamber and blast the noise . . . like a large trombone out its mouth. 

There is a Pteranodon in both of the new drawings.  Pteranodon was a genus of Pterosaur that was common in the Early Cretaceous of the Mesozoic Era when these dinosaurs lived. 

Artist's Note:  The pattern seen on the T.rex I have done before.  It is from a Blood Python.  The Printable versions of these drawings are found by clicking on one of two buttons and scrolling down.  These top two drawings are new so they are at the bottom of the correct lists.  Click on either.....
...... All Printables . . . . . . . . . or . . . . . . . . . . Paleontology. 
Also, the below drawings below this sentence are older drawings of these 3 species of Mesozoic life.

T. rex baby and Pteranodon baby D. Train

Parasurolophus at the Watering Hole

T rex adult and Pteranodon Adult Dinosaur Train

Tyrannosaurus ignoring a Volcano while Hunting

Parasaurolophus Feeding Time

Pteranodon Fishing

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