This is where I post my coloring page drawings.
There are over 3000 coloring pages that you can print to color.
You do need a printer.
Today's new drawing is of Jesus with some swans.
I often draw during church on Sunday so I am also posting today's drawing from while I was at church.
Also, there is a portrait drawing of Jesus that I hope to post tomorrow possibly.
Jesus with Swans
The Creator of the Earth was and is Jesus. He, under the direction of Father in Heaven, created the Earth. So it makes sense to me that He, Jesus, would love wildlife including swans. And there were and are swans in Israel where Jesus lived. Swans sometimes go to the Sea of Galilee and to the Jordan River. Swans are mentioned in the Bible as an unclean bird, however, it is now generally considered a mistranslation of a word that really means owl. So I imagined Jesus at a watering trough with a pair of swans.
Also, remember that Jesus gave Peter a vision of many "unclean" beasts and told him that they were apparently no longer unclean. Swans are actually hunted. I don't disapprove of hunting waterfowl but I could never shoot a swan. I find them too beautiful. Of course, I find trout to be beautiful fish yet I fish and eat them.
NOTE: This drawing is found in printable form by clicking on the " Birds " button. Then if you are accessing this page around the first of 2025 then you can find this drawing at the bottom of the Bird section. You can click on the title and get your printable coloring page. Have fun coloring this unique coloring page!
By the way, I also posted this drawing on the bottom of the General Religious section of the Religious button list.