Friday, February 28, 2025

Mermaid of Baja California with Belted Kingfisher and Frigate Birds

 This is my free coloring pages blog.

There are over 3000 drawings that I have done for you to print and color.

Today, I drew a Mermaid just off the Baja California coast.

She is with a Belted Kingfisher and there are Great Frigate Birds in the background.

Mermaid of Baja California with Belted Kingfisher and Frigate Birds

Baja California has some amazing marine life.  That includes Mermaids - if they decide to allow you to see them.  These Mermaids are friendly with the seabirds.  This Mermaid is named Sirenia.  She is actually a very small Mermaid.  Sometimes, Merpeople are very small.  Serenia is around four feet tall or four feet long from head to tip of tail.  She is both kind and beautiful.  Kindness is a big part of true beauty.  

Sirenia is sitting on a granite rock just off the coast.  She is visiting with one of her friends, a Kingfisher named Rey.  A frigate bird named Barquito is coming in for a visit as well.  

Kingfishers have dagger-like bills that they use to spear fish.  Kingfishers on the Baja are Belted Kingfishers.  They fish in the ocean by hovering over an area and suddenly diving down.  Belted Kingfishers are around 14 inches long with a wingspan of 23 inches.  

Great Frigate Birds are large seabirds that can be up to 3 feet 9 inches or 114 centimeters long.  Their wingspan is enormous at up to 8 feet or 2.44 meters wide. When flying high, a Frigate Birds resembles the ancient Pterosaurs.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled “Fantasy Myths and Circus” ... or click on the button labeled “Birds.”  Then scroll down to this drawing.  If you are accessing this site in late February or March 2025 then this drawing will be at or near the bottom of the list.  Have fun coloring this beautiful Mermaid and her avian friends! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Gray Whale Mother and Calf or Grey Whale Mother and Calf

 You have found my free coloring pages blog!

Today's new printable coloring page that I drew is of

a mother gray whale.  

Gray Whale Mother and Calf

Gray Whales are a medium-sized whale.  Females can get up to 49 feet long. That is about 15 meters long.  Females are a bit larger than males.  A large female can weigh up to 60,000 lbs.  That is a mass of 27,215.5 kg.  That is pretty dang big!  Gray Whales (that's the spelling in the USA) are unique in that they tend to feed on the bottom of the ocean.  This primary food off the ocean floor is amphipods.  But they also eat some other ocean seafood such as mollusks, tube worms, and some fish like herring.  

When feeding the Grey Whale will roll onto its side and scrape its open mouth across the bottom of the ocean.  They can find an incredible amount of amphipods in the Bering Sea and in the Antarctic.  Gray Whales feed only in the summer and then live off their fat stores in the mating and breeding season.  So a mother Gray Whale is making rich milk for her nursing calf by accessing her fat stores.  

Mother whales nurse by basically squirting milk into the ocean.  The calf can gulp up the floating globules of milk because the milk does not dissolve in the seawater because the milk is very high in fat.  So again, the milk floats in tasty globules for the whale calf to gulp down. 

The closer birds in the drawing are Frigate Birds.  They have a wingspan of up to 9 feet or just under 3 meters wide.  I have seen these birds in the wild.  They look a lot like Pterosaurs.  But of course, they are not related to Pterosaurs.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the "Animals" button.  Then, if you are accessing this site in February or March of 2025 then you will find this title at the bottom of the list of animal drawings.  Have fun coloring!  Oh, I forgot... since there are Frigate Birds in the drawing I will also post it under the "Birds" button. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Waco Reese Randall coloring page

This is my free coloring pages blog.

Today I am posting a drawing of my cousin who recently passed away.

 Waco Reese Randall

This is a drawing of my cousin Reese.  That is what I knew him by.  He was a soldier for many years in the Utah Army National Guard.  He was an engineer and when deployed he helped remove mines and bombs.  He was deployed twice. He was a true American Hero.  Reese or Waco also worked in recruiting near the end of his military career.  He obtained the rank of Sergeant First Class before his retirement. He passed away from natural causes.  He left a legacy of love for his family.  He will be truly missed. This drawing is from his active Utah Army National Guard duty days. 

NOTE:  This drawing can be found by clicking on the "People and Portraits" button.  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list.  Click on this title and you will get a printable page. By the way, I may add a helicopter or some kind of army vehicle and re-post this drawing under "Vehicles and Military Vehicles."

Monday, February 17, 2025

Business card for Robin's Great Coloring Pages

 These are the templates for my new business cards for this site.

Although this is a non-money-making enterprise. 

There are no ads and no fees on this free coloring page blog. 

Some people or kids might like the collage of pics to color. 

By the way, I drew all of these pictures.

Business Card side one

Business Cards side two

Feel free to tell friends and acquaintances about this site!

These card template pics are available by clicking on the button labeled

All Printables.  These will be at the top of the list. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Chantelle the Mushroom Fairy coloring page

 This is my free coloring page site. OK, its a blog. 

There are over 3000 free-to-print coloring pages here. 

I drew all of the pictures except for a few done by a grandniece and grandnephew.

Chantelle the Mushroom Fairy

Here we see Chantelle.  She is a Mushroom Fairy and she is out gathering mushrooms.  She is at full mortal size because that makes getting the mushrooms easier.  All Fairies can transform to mortal size.  Their natural state is about 5 inches or 12.7 cm. 

Fairy chefs from all over the world are expert at cooking mushroom dishes.  Mushrooms are often eaten with spaghetti and on pizza. (From Italy)    I love 'em that way!  I love 'em in beef stroganoff.  Did you know that beef stroganoff, from Russia, is very similar to beef frickasee from France?  But beef stroganoff includes some Russian ingredients including sour cream and onions.  There are mushroom dishes from all over the world including Haiti, China, Poland, Bavaria, etc. etc. 

Mushrooms are high in several nutrients including potassium, selenium, and B vitamins.  There is a danger in gathering wild mushrooms though.  Some wild fungi can be deadly poisonous.  So don't go eating the toadstools off your lawn or you may find yourself in the Spirit World rather quickly.  

NOTE:  This drawing is available for free in printable form.  Just click on the "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus" button and scroll down to the bottom of the list.  The drawing will be at that point in the list if you are accessing this near February or March 2025. Have fun coloring!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Alexiah the Unicorn Fairy coloring page

 This is my free coloring pages blog with over 3000 drawings that I have done for you

to print and color.  A very few drawings were done by a grandniece and grandnephew.

Today the new drawing is of Alexiah the Unicorn Fairy. 

Alexiah the Unicorn Fairy

Alexiah is a Unicorn Fairy. She obviously loves Unicorns.  Just so you know, Unicorns are sentient beings like humans, Fairies, Elves, and Unicorns.  So a Fairy riding a Unicorn is not mastering the Unicorn. The Fairy has to be FRIENDS with the Unicorn for that to happen.  In fact, Alexiah is best friends with this Unicorn.  

To be fair to Alexiah, she is a very beautiful Fairy in great part because she loves all animals.  Beauty is far more than appearance. She, of course, adores Unicorns and the mortal hornless unicorns we all refer to as horses.  But you would be surprised to know that among wild horses like Mustangs in North America and Brumbies in Australia... there are often leaders of the herds who are incognito Unicorns. They have enchantments to hide their horn from most mortals.  Of course, Fairies can see the Unicorns for who they really are.  Even some mortals can.

Another interesting fact is that both Fairies and Unicorns are telepathic and that includes telepathic with each other.  It is not that rare for a Unicorn and Fairy to be BEST friends!  As I said before, that is the case with Alexiah and her Unicorn friend who is named Martiah.  They are best friends.  But if most of you saw Alexiah riding on Martiah you would probably see a beautiful rider on a horse and not have any idea that you were looking at a Fairy on a Unicorn.  Fairies also have enchantments to hide their wings from us mortals... or hide their wings from MOST of us mere mortals. 

By the way, to help you understand the perspective of this drawing, Alexiah is leaning forward as she is riding.  She still looking ahead but she is about to say something to her friend Martiah.  Also, notice the happy cloud and a couple of happy bushes?  AND the bushes each are of a different species.  Can you tell why? 

NOTE: This drawing is a coloring page that can be found in printable form by clicking on the button labeled Fantasy, Myths, and Circus.  Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for this title. Then click on the title to get the printable version of the coloring page.  

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Angel helping Handcart Pioneer coloring page

You have found my free coloring page blog with thousands of my drawings for you to print and color.

Today's new drawing is of a handcart pioneer receiving help from an angel. 

Angel helps Handcart Pioneer

During the 1850s there were a lot of converts to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  There were a lot from England and Scandinavia. They could not afford teams of oxen and wagons. So, many handcart pioneers came across the Great Plains of North America successfully with it being a challenge but not usually a disaster.  The Martin and Willy Handcart Companies were a different story.  They left late and got caught in early winter storms in Wyoming.  

Brigham Young ordered a rescue that saved many of them, including my ancestor Lucy Ward.  She married her rescuer James Cole. You may be surprised to learn that those pioneers stayed true to the faith.  One man said that there were times he looked behind him to see who was pushing his handcart.  So, although he did not see any angels, clearly angels were there helping these faithful people make it to Zion.  

Of course, some died and they all suffered.  My ancestor Lucy Ward lost all of her toes but went on to have many children and a long faithful life.  Her rescuer had seen her in a dream as he was on the trail to get to the stranded handcart companies.  

This drawing depicts the scene of an angel helping a pioneer push his handcart. 

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the Religious button and scrolling down to the bottom of the Restoration section.  This will work if you are accessing this page on or around February 2025.