Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Star Wars - May the Fourth Be With You! & May the Force Be With You -- coloring pages and movies' reviews




May 4, 2021

Starship Battle

Today is Star Wars Day!  I love the franchise.  Today's new drawing is of a starship battle.  This first drawing... right above this writing... is more like the kind of doodling I did in my school notebooks when I was a teenager.  This type of drawing was inspired by the Star Wars movies.  There are two comets, an irregular-shaped asteroid, at least two planets, and several stars.  Notice that the tail of each comet faces away from the light source... which would be the local sun.  The other two drawings down below this writing are more similar... but not exactly like the images from the awesome Star Wars movies.  

The Star Wars movies... the first three, got me through some tough times while I was growing up with the side effects of birth defects.  The movies inspired me and gave me hope.  I equated The Force with some kind of power of divinity. . . in other words The Force was the Power of God.  I don't know if that is how George Lucas meant it, but that is how I saw it.  

As a junior high science teacher, I ran a Sci-Fi club that included a yearly Lightsaber Tournament with trophies or medals every year.  We used modified and simplified fencing rules and participants had to wear eye and hand protection.  It was a lot of fun and the kids really loved it.  Often the championship match featured students who had studied martial arts. 

I think that Episodes IV, V, and VI are the best movies.  Return of the Jedi is my all-time favorite movie.  However, I think that the prequel trilogy was also good in how it depicted the Jedi in their heyday and how (to quote Queen Amadala) "freedom dies."  I used to point this out to my club members and I took them to all the prequel trilogy movies. 

I read from a Star Wars fan magazine way back in 1978 or so about how Darth Vader was injured. So I liked how George Lucas was a man of his word in how Anakin (AKA Darth Vader) was burned by a volcano in a lightsaber duel with Obi Wan Kenobi.  It also explained Darth's dependence on a respirator. This was portrayed in Episode III Revenge of the Sith.   Of course, my own loud breathing was and is a good imitation of Darth Vader's breathing.  I am surprised that I did not get "Darth" as a nickname when I was teaching junior high.  Quite honestly it would not have bothered me.  

I think the Star Wars movies done by Disney are pretty true to the Star Wars universe and I have no complaints.  I enjoyed them but I will probably never love a movie series as much as I love those first three Star Wars movies that were made.  (Although the Lord Of The Rings trilogy and the Harry Potter movies come close.)  Tonight we celebrated by popping popcorn and watching Star Wars A New Hope Episode IV with our daughter and her husband and kids.  

I want to mention that the movie Star Wars Rogue One was exceptional.  It depicted how some people have to make that ultimate sacrifice in war.  This is necessary to rid the world (or the galaxy) of evil.  Of course, being religious I believe that those who give their lives for the benefit or the freedom others will or are enjoying will be greatly blessed in the next life by God.  

These drawings seen on today's blog are found in printable form by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  There is not a Sci-Fi category on this blog, but if you think about it... Science Fiction or Sci-Fi is a type of Fantasy.  I plan to post and re-post all three drawings there at the bottom of the list.  Then you can easily click on them to get printable pages.  I also posted the printable drawings on my "Vehicles" button.  So you can also look there.  After all, spaceships ARE vehicles. 

Star Destroyer by a Gas Giant

Imperial Walker in the Snow

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