Sunday, April 29, 2018

Elijah fed by the Ravens

Elijah fed by the Ravens

Elijah was a great prophet of the Old Testament.  He was brave enough to tell the wicked King Ahab that the land would be cursed with a drought . . . then the Lord told him to go hide in the wilderness by a brook and drink from the brook.  The Lord also told Elijah that the ravens would feed him.  The ravens brought him both bread and meat.  To me this story shows how the Lord takes care of His faithful servants.  This story should give us all hope.  The story of Elijah and the ravens is found in the Holy Bible in 1 Kings Chapter 17.

Ravens are technically a songbird, but they are the largest.  They are as big as a hawk.  They are a very successful bird . . .probably due to their diet.  They are omnivores...they eat both plants and meat.  They are scavengers, so they will eat dead animals they find.  Yet they also eat plants such as grains etc.  They are a species that has coexisted with humans for thousands of years.
Ravens are quite possibly the most intelligent bird on the planet.  Ravens have a high brain to body size ration and that usually indicates intelligence.  So maybe there was a good reason for God to choose ravens to feed Elijah. . . after all, they were one of his most intelligent animals.

While visiting Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, USA, my son and I saw a video of how ravens are symbiotic with the local wolves. In fact, the video showed a raven playing a game with the wolves.  The ravens help the wolves find food.  In fact, we saw this in action the next day.  A raven had presumably spotted an injured elk.  The raven, or maybe ravens, went to tell the wolves about the injured animal.  The wolf pack found the injured animal and killed it and we saw them feeding off of the carcass.  After the last wolf had hauled off a leg the ravens came in for THEIR lunch.  It was amazing to watch through my binoculars.

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