Friday, April 27, 2018

Country Bunny as Easter bunny

Actually the first drawing is Mrs. Cottontail returning home with eggs for her own children.  Notice that she is wearing the little gold shoes she received from Grandfather Bunny.

Mrs. Cottontail returns Home

The second drawing is showing several years in the future from 1939, when the book Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes was written.  Mrs. Cottontail (the female country bunny from the book) was the first female and maybe the first cottontail species of rabbit to become an Easter Bunny.   So you could say that she broke the gender and race barrier.  I figured that since those barriers were broken I can assume that now it is much more common for females rabbits and for cottontail rabbits to qualify as Easter bunnies.  You will notice that two of these Easter Bunnies are female.   And some times there are more females than males on the job as Easter Bunny.  Also, one of the males is a cottontail rabbit.

The Five Easter Bunnies circa 2018

You will notice that none of the Easter Bunnies are wearing little gold shoes.  I would imagine that only Mrs. Cottontail or one of her descendants (if they made Easter Bunny) were allowed to wear those magic shoes.

NOTE:  We went to Wyoming for Easter (to visit family) and I accidentally left the drawings I was working on.  Those drawings just arrived in the mail.  There are 16 drawings and I will post them in the next few days.  Some are of animals, some are dinosaurs, some are religious, and some are fantasy.

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