Sunday, December 31, 2017

Apostle Andrew

The Holy Bible tells us that the Apostle Andrew was one of Jesus' original 12 Apostles.   The name Andrew means manly or Brave or Valor.  The Greek Orthodox Church call  him "The First Called."   He was the first apostle called by Jesus.  Andrew is actually a Greek name.  This may be due to the mixed Gentile and Jewish population in the Galilee region of Israel.  Andrew was the Apostle Peter's younger brother.  They both were fishermen.  In fact, Andrew's fishing partners were Peter, James, and John.  Andrew actually found out about Jesus before his brother Peter did.  Andrew was a follower of John the Baptist and went to find out about Jesus.  Then he went and found his brother Peter and said, "We have found the messiah!"  Andrew was very close to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Only Peter, James, and John were closer to Christ.

The rest of the story of Andrew is from various ancient but non-biblical sources.

The Apostle Andrew kept the command of the Savior and went to many parts of the Roman Empire and brought the Gospel of Christ to many people.  He ran into trouble in the city of Patrus in Achaia. ...part of Edessa area.  The governor of Edessa had Andrew crucified, by tying him to a cross.  When first threatened with the cross it is reported that Andrew said,  "Had I feared the death of the cross I would not have preached the majesty and gloriousness of the cross of Christ."  The governor was angry because Andrew had converted the governor's wife to Christianity.  Andrew was sentenced to the death of crucifixion but he reportedly went joyfully and willingly.  So Andrew was crucified and he hung on the cross and taught the people from the cross for three days.  The people pled for the governor to let him go but Andrew felt that his work was done and he prayed and asked God to take him to be with Jesus.  Andrew then died, that is his spirit left his body and went to be with Jesus Christ.

When Andrew is resurrected...if it has not already happened... Andrew and the other 12 Apostles of Jesus will judge the 12 tribes of Israel.  Personally, I think that they will be working under the direction of the Savior and be in charge of judging everybody at the end of the world.

Apostle Andrew, mending a fishing net

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