Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Thanksgiving 2024 Turkey coloring page

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is my free coloring pages blog. 

Today's new coloring page that I have drawn is of a

Thanksgiving Turkey. 

Thanksgiving Multicolored Turkey 

This turkey coloring page is one where you are supposed to color as directed.  The key is on thhe right.  I suppose you could give this to a kindergartener or first grader.  (Remember that I was once a kindergarten and preschool teacher.)  I hope you or your children in your life will enjoy coloring this rather cartoony drawing of a Thanksgiving Turkey. 

On a serious note:  Know that the cultivation of an attitude of gratitude has been shown to help you be happier in life, healthier in life, and more at peace - no matter what your circumstances.  This also helps you keep a positive attitude.  The prophet Joseph Smith once said, "If I was in the deepest coal mine in Nova Scotia with the Rocky Mountains piled up on top of me I would still come out on top."  He, Joseph Smith, faced incredible hardship and persecution in his life.  Yet he kept a positive attitude.  

Personally I am in very difficult circumstances as far as my health.  I strive to keep a positive attitude.  I feel so much gratitude for what I DO have or still have.  That includes a good marriage to a wonderful wife, great kids (all adults now), and awesome grandkids.  These blessings help me not mourn what I CAN'T do.  I strive to be grateful for what I CAN still do.  That includes drawing and posting on this blog.  

There is a line from the Sheryl Crow song Soak Up The Sun that sums up having an attitude of gratitude: 

It's not having what you want

It's wanting what you got

NOTE:  This drawing is available to print by clicking on the button labeled Holidays.  Then scroll down to the Thanksgiving section of the Holiday titles. Remember to look at the key to help you color this Turkey.  

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Wizard enchanting Red Rock Dragon coloring page

 This is my free coloring pages blog. with over 3000 of my  

drawings that you can print and color. 

Today's new coloring page drawing is a Wizard enchanting a Dragon.

Wizard enchanting a Red Rock Dragon

Wizards are active in the Red Rock Desert of the American Southwest.  They HAVE to be because of Red Rock Dragons.  These Dragons are very aggressive if not enchanted with a peaceful enchantment.  Therefore the Wizards keep track of how long since they enchanted each dragon.  Then the Wizard will enchant the Dragon to keep it motivated to stay out of sight of mortals.  Of course, the Wizard has to be both powerful and knowledgeable because dealing with an aggressive Dragon can be very dangerous. 

The Wizards also include an enchantment to keep the Dragon peaceful and only wanting to eat wild animals.  Otherwise the Dragons would attack livestock and perhaps even human villages.  But since the Wizards show up to enchant the dragon when it is starting to get aggressive the mortals and their livestock are safe.  I am grateful to the Wizards since I have relatives who live in the Red Rock Desert of Southern Utah. 

The dark marks on the rocks are called "magnesium stains."

NOTE:  To print this drawing click on the Fantasy Myths and Circus button and then scroll down to the bottom of the list of drawings.  It is a long drop-down menu.  Then, if you are accessing this page in late 2024, the title of this drawing will be at or near the bottom or end of the list.  Have fun coloring!

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Mermaid Cari on the Beach coloring page

You have found my free coloring page blog.

There are over 3000 free to print coloring pages her. 

I drew all the drawings except for a few done by grandnieces or grandnephews.

Today's new drawing is of a Mermaid on the beach. 

Mermaid on the Beach

Mermaids (and Mermen) sometimes like to sun themselves on empty beaches.  Mermaids and Mermen have the magical ability to transform their dolphin-like tail into legs.  So you may be surprised to learn that you have probably seen a Mermaid in disguise, because they sometimes visit the human world.  There are many that choose to live in the human world and go visit family and friends in the ocean.  When they return to the ocean their tail reforms and they are again powerful swimmers.  Of course, Merpeople can also swim while in human form.  Merpeople are mostly kind creatures of light, although some dark Mermaids exist as well.  But most Merpeople are willing to help mortals who are in danger of drowning.  

This Mermaid is named Cari and that name means "one who flows like water." 

NOTE:  This drawing can be found in printable form by clicking on the button labeled Fantasy, Myths, and Circus.  Scroll down to the bottom of the drop-down menu to the bottom of the list.  There you will see the title of this drawing.  Click on the title to get your printable coloring page.  By the way, the drawing will be at or near the bottom of the list if you are accessing this page in November or December 2024.  If you are accessing my blog at a later date then the title of this drawing will be a bit further up the list.  Have fun coloring!!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Beaver Pond coloring page

 This is my free coloring pages blog.   

There are over 3000 drawings for you to print and color. 

Today's new drawing is of a Beaver Pond.

Beaver Pond with Beaver and Waterfowl

Beavers are the engineers and builders of the animal kingdom.  Granted some other animals build but beavers affect their whole environment.  When the wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park the lowered population of elk led to the beavers' return.  The beaver ponds provide habitat for amphibians, birds, and other mammals.   

The birds include waterfowl.  The drawing shows a swan, a male and female Mallard duck, and a pair of coots.  All of these birds are webbed footed waterfowl.  You can see a flock of possibly migrating waterfowl in the sky.  These would be swans, or ducks, or geese.

Beavers build a dam to create a pond.  Then they build a beaver hutch to live in.  The hutch has an underwater entrance.  The outside is sticks cemented toghether with mud.  Even bears can't break into a well-made beaver hutch.  Beavers have webbed feet and a powerful flat tail and are excellent swimmers. 

This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the Animals button.  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list of drawing titles.  Click on the title to get the coloring page to print.  I will also be posting this drawing in the Birds section of my blog.  Again, you will need to scroll to the bottom of the Animals of the World list.  IF you are accessing this page in November or December then this will be among the last drawings on the lists.  IF you are accessing it later then this drawing will be further up the list.  

Have fun coloring!

Monday, November 18, 2024

Traditional T. rex coloring page

 Welcome or welcome back to my free printable coloring pages blog.

Today the new drawing is of a traditional Tyrannosaurus rex

Traditional T. rex at an Overlook

Tyrannosaurus rex was a powerful predator and probably scavenger as well.  T. rex has been debated a great deal.  Some newer ideas that are actually new since my childhood 50 years ago are that T. rex may have been as heavy as 1,500 lbs+...  Younger tyrannosaurs chased the prey into an ambush by the mature members of the pack... In fact, large theropod dinosaurs living in packs is rather a new idea.  T. rex may well have been feathered or maybe covered in feathers as a juvenile but lost the majority of its feathers as an adult.  Some new ideas are that perhaps T. rex was able to get up to 70% bigger than what has so far been found in the fossil record.  Of course that is theoretical.  

The dinosaurs in the distance include a Sauropod.  When I was young it was thought that all the Sauropods went extinct long before T. rex evolved.  We now know that wasn't so.  There is also a Sauroposidon.  That is a very large and very tall Brachiosaur.  It was up to 60 feet tall.  There is also a crested duck-billed dino called Parasaurolophus. Both flying reptiles or Pterosaurs are the iconic Pteranodon.   

NOTE:  This drawing is available in printable form.  Just click on the Paleontology button and scroll down to the bottom of the Mesozoic Life section.  If you are accessing this page in late 2024 then the drawing WILL be at the bottom of the list.  However, IF you are accessing this page later then the title will be further up the list.  Have fun coloring.   

Friday, November 15, 2024

River Fairies and Stream Fairies coloring pages

 This is my free coloring pages blog. 

There are over 3000 drawings that I have drawn for you to print and color.

Today and tomorrow, in this post, I will be posting a few 

Stream Fairy and River Fairy drawings. 

Of course, these are all types of Water Fairies.

Kinsey the Stream Fairy gathering Watercress

Kinsey is obviously a Stream Fairy.  But she is also a Healer Fairy.  She is gathering watercress because it has several healing properties including being helpful for heart health.  Kinsey is one of those Fairies who lives a double life.  She comes into the mortal world to work with people with bad hearts.  Yes, she is strikingly beautiful but she is also beautiful on the inside, which is more important. 

Kenria the Stream Fairy with Bird Friends 

Kendria is a Stream Fairy, but she is also a Bird Fairy.  She has an affinity for birds and friendships with birds.  Here we see her with a robin and a swan.  This drawing is based on one of the scenes in our Fairy Garden.  By the way, the name "Kendria" means "child of pure water."

Stream Fairy with Birds from Fairy Garden

The drawing is loosely based on this photo from our Fairy Garden. 

NOTE:  These drawings, in printable form, can be found and printed by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Scroll down to the bottom or near the bottom of the list IF you access this page in November or December of 2024.  Then click on the title for the printable version of the drawing.  If you access this page later then the drawing titles will be further up the list - not at the end of the list.

Rosanneah the River Fairy

Roseanneah is a River Fairy.  She is also a Defender Fairy and Scout or Ranger Fairy.  Here she is seen with one wand up for defense and the other wand ready for attack.  Fairies are mostly Fairies of Light, but there ARE some Dark Fairies that cause mischief and sometimes even real trouble. Roseanneah is smiling because she is seeking to negotiate with the Dark Fairy.  The Dark Fairy is not in the drawing.  By the way, only the most magically gifted Fairies can use two wands simultaneously. 

Jocelynia the River Fairy

Jocelynia is a very kind and very skilled Fairy.  She trains other Fairies in how to act and how to defend themselves in both the mortal and Fairy worlds.  Did you know that Fairies are skillful like gymnasts? This skill helps keep them safe. Jocelynia is beautiful both outside and inside.  As you can imagine, River Fairies are great swimmers.  Here we see Jocelynia wading in the river.  She could take flight or just dive into the river.  Her wings are translucent lacewings and they function for flying in the air or swim-flying through the water. 

NOTE:  These drawings, in printable form, are found by clicking on the button labeled Fantasy, Myths, and Circus.  Then scroll to the bottom of the list of drawings.  These drawings will be at or near the bottom of the list if you are accessing this page around November or December 2024.  If you are accessing it later then look a little further up the list.  Have fun coloring these Water Fairies. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

3 Controversial Religious coloring pages: Noah & Sons, Jesus & Mary M., and Heavenly Parents welcome Jesus into Paradise coloring pages

 These are some coloring pages I drew during the last few weeks of church.

So today I am posting all 3 of them.  

They cover a scene from the Old Testament, the New Testament, and 

a belief unique to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints... 

a belief in Heavenly Parents. 

First, though, it is a drawing of Noah and his boys.

Noah starts building the Ark with His Boys

From what I read in the Book of Genesis in the Holy Bible, Noah started building the Ark when his sons were young.  So I imagine that the three boys, Ham, Shem, and Japeth would have been helping build the Ark the whole time it was under construction.  Other interpretations say that Noah's boys were already grown-up married men when Noah was told to build the Ark. I like my interpretation better. 

There are some interesting thoughts among believers or people of faith who also understand science.  They think that maybe the great flood only killed all of the people in the area where Noah lived.  In other parts of the world perhaps the flood was far less severe... like maybe only a very heavy rain and flooding that did NOT kill everyone.  

Jesus with Mary Magdalene right after His Resurrection

  Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene first, right after His resurrection.  He had to stop her from touching Him until he had first ascended to Heaven.  Jesus obviously had a special relationship with Mary Magdalene.  Some Biblical historians think that maybe Jesus and Mary M. were a married couple.  Yes, this is very controversial but there is some evidence that Jesus would have had to be married.  In His culture of the time being married was part of the requirement to be a rabbi.  There is some thought that the wedding in Caanan was Jesus' and Mary's wedding.  The family of the groom is who was supposed to provide the wine for the celebration.  

Personally, I think that Jesus and Mary Magdalene WERE married.  This is not the doctrine of my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  But I think that Jesus being married makes complete sense.  The Church does not teach that Jesus was NOT married.  I know how controversial this is.  And I'm about to make it worse:  Some Christians somehow think that marriage and marital intimacy are somehow unworthy.  That is complete nonsense.  The idea of Jesus being married does not make Him less of a perfect being.  To be blunt, physical intimacy within marriage is ordained and blessed by God. Marriage is a great God-given institution that brings great love along with great challenges.  Working through life's challenges together is what brings you closer to your spouse and closer to God. 

In fact, keeping close to God can keep you closer to your spouse. All aspects of a marriage are boosted by both the man and wife striving to keep close to God.  And Jesus was clearly close to God.  He was the Son of God.  I am sure he was a wonderful husband.  On the other hand, I don't think that I'll be upset if after I die I find out that Jesus was not married.  But I will be surprised.  

Now to another possibly controversial drawing: 

Jesus welcomed to Paradise by Heavenly Parents

We all have Heavenly Parents.  Even Jesus.  Before mortality, we all lived in a pre-mortal life together as spirit brothers and sisters.  Jesus was our elder Spirit Brother.  He was chosen to be the Savior and to one day suffer and die for our sins so that we could repent... and one day return to live with our spouse, our family, and our eternal family with of our spirit brothers and sisters plus our Heavenly Parents. 

Jesus is called the Only Begotten in the Flesh because Heavenly Father was the Father of his mortal body.  Heavenly Father is the Father of ALL of our immortal spirits.  And yes, He has an eternal companion who is our Heavenly Mother.  

So, this drawing depicts Jesus in His Spirit body returning to His Heavenly Parents right after he died and completed the Atonement for our sins.  I imagine that His Heavenly Parents were so proud of Him for going through that most intense ordeal of all time.  I also imagine that they would welcome Him into Paradise.  Or maybe He did not see them until after His resurrection.  IF that is the case then  His hands and feet need the scars of the nails.  He has those scars as a testimony of His Atonement for us. Since I imagined this drawing as one of Jesus in His Spirit body, I did not include those scars.  

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is, as far as I know, the only Christian church that believes in a Heavenly Mother.  But the idea of a Heavenly Mother resonates with me and I think a lot of people.  If God created us in His image... Male and Female created He them... then obviously there is a male and female version of God.  They are so much one in purpose that they constitute one leg of the Trinity.  You could say Father, Son, and Holy Ghost... OR you could say Heavenly Parents, Only Begotten Son Jesus,  and Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit. 

NOTE:  Finding these pages in printable form will be tricky.  First of all, click on the "Religious" button and scroll down to the bottom of the Old Testament section for the Noah drawing.  Scroll further down to the bottom of the New Testament section for the drawing of Jesus and Mary M.  And scroll to the bottom of the Resoration section for the drawing of our Heavenly Parents greeting Jesus.  The drawing titles will be at or near the bottom of the list IF you are accessing this page in late 2024.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Happy Veterans Day and thanks for your service! Post drawings are of Bradley Fighting Vehicles - coloring pages


M2A4 Bradley Fighting Vehicle in the Desert

The M2A4 Bradley Fighting Vehicle is and armored personnel carrier and fighting armored vehicle that was developed in the USA.  It is used by the US Army.  It is a very maneuverable armored or I should say lightly armored vehicle.  It has a 25 mm Bushmaster chain gun and 2 TOW anti tank missiles. 

The US Army recently inked a contract for 700 more updated Bradleys.  Currently, the US Army has 3700 active duty Bradley Fighting Vehicles and another 2800 in storage if needed.  The vehicle weighs 27.6 tons and has a crew of three soldiers,  It can also carry up to six fully equipped infantry soldiers...hence it IS an armored personnel carrier.  I have even heard it called the Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle.  That was what a sergeant in the US Arny referred to it as. 

I drew this vehicle rather recently but decided to draw it in the Southern Utah Desert this time.  I am actually from South Central Utah and I love the red rock desert.  The dark stains on the rock are magnesium stains.  If you look for them you can find two dust devils spinning around in the distance.  Also, if you want more information on the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, look up my post from September 28th of 2024 (this year)  It is funny but I think the first drawing is a little to tall and the second is possibly a little too short.  Neither is perfect but a US Army sergeant could identify the vehicle based on my drawings so I guess they are good enough,  The first drawing is re-posted below but like I said, to read the more detailed data on the Bradley just scroll down to the bottom of the pages that have opened up on my blog.  Then click on the arrow or "older posts" sign and you can keep doing this until you find the first drawing along with its more detailed information found in the first Bradley Fighting Vehicle post.

I also want to add that each drawing is done from a different picture and there have been various upgrades and types of Bradley Fighting Vehicles over the years so the two drawings are different and that is totally acceptable.  

NOTE:  To find the printable pages of these drawings just click on the bottom that says "Vehicles & Military Vehicles.  Both drawings are near or at the bottom of the list of drawings if you are accessing this in November of 2024.

Bradley Fighting Vehicle

(Drawing from September 28, 2024)

Friday, November 8, 2024

RMS Titanic coloring page

This is my free coloring pages blog. 

There are over 3,000 coloring pages to print and color. 

Today's new drawing is of the ship, the Titanic.

RMS Titanic just before hitting the Iceberg

The RMS Titanic struck an iceberg on its maiden voyage.  There are many theories as to why it sank.  The iceberg somehow tore a long hole in the starboard side of the bow of the ship.  The water-tight compartments did not go to the ceiling so there was just enough damage for the water to spill over into each large compartment from bow to stern.  

Around 1,500 people perished from the disaster of the Titanic sinking.  Witnesses saw that the ship actually broke in two before it fully sank.  After this disaster ships began to be required to have enough lifeboats for all crew and passengers.  

The sea was so calm that there were no waves hitting against the icebergs and that contributed to it not being seen in time for enough evasive action.  So my drawing DOES show the reflections that there would have been in the water, but the waves I drew probably shouldn't be there.  The drawing is not done in great detail so I'll admit that the ship is not perfect.  Still, I think anyone seeing this drawing will know what ship is about to hit the iceberg. 

Notice that the number 4 stack is not putting out any smoke.  That was because it was a dummy stack. The fourth stack was just there for looks.  That begs the question of why include a useless stack that would be detrimental to your fuel efficiency? 

Captain Smith had been sailing at full steam through a known ice field and so the Titanic's accident was probably his fault.  However, the sinking of the Titanic was probably the designers: Andrews, Carlisle, and Wilding.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled Vehicles and Military Vehicles.  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list of drawings, click on the title, and you can print the coloring page.  Have fun coloring!

My grandson is interested in the Titanic and he asked me to draw this picture.  We watched an excellent documentary about the Titanic on Prime.  The show was called Titanic At 100

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Prehistoric Coloring Pages Woolly Mammoth and Hagerman Horse

  To my American Friends:

Happy Election Day!

In honor of this day, I drew two pictures that sort of represent the two main political parties. 

The Woolly Mammoth is drawn to honor the Republicans - whose animal symbol is an elephant.

The Hagerman Horse is drawn to honor the Democrats - whose animal symbol is the donkey. 

Woolly Mammoth Mother and Calf

The Woolly Mammoth lived in many Northern latitudes.  But they lived quite a ways south as well.  They lived when the Earth was much cooler than it is now.  There is some thought that Man hunted them to extinction.  The fully grown male woolly mammoth could weigh up to 13,200 lbs or 6 tonnes and stand 10 feet or 3 meters tall.  Females were closer 4 tonnes or around  8800 lbs and about 9/5 feet tall.  

Hagerman Horse Mare and Foal

The Hagerman Horse lived in what is now North America.  It first appeared 3.5 million years ago and went extinct about 10,000 years ago. A species that is so long-lived is very successful.  It was up to 57 inches or 1.4 meters tall.  It was about the size of the African Zebra.  In fact, the Hagerman Horse is sometimes called the American Zebra. 

NOTE:  These drawings are found in printable form by clicking on the button labeled Paleontology.  Then scroll down to the bottom of the Cenozoic Life section,  Click on the title you want to print.  Have fun coloring these prehistoric mammals.  Oh, and by the way Americans:  Happy Election Day.  Please be civil and support whatever candidates win in the various races.  

Friday, November 1, 2024

Grass Fairy with Vole coloring page

This is my free coloring pages blog.

I have drawn nearly all these pictures. 

Today's new drawing is of a Grass Fairy.

She is hanging out with her friend a vole.

Garmenia the Grass Fairy with Vole Friend

Garmenia is a Grass Fairy.  She cares for the grass and the animals that live there.  For example, she is friends with this vole.  Garmenia is beautiful yet kind.  Beauty without kindness is not attractive.  But kindness alone makes one much more attractive.  That is the way of it.

About voles:  Voles are small rodents that are very mouse-like.  However, they are not mice.  They are more closely related to lemmings and muskrats.  There are many species of vole like meadow vole, woodland vole, bank vole, and even American water vole.  They are named for where they tend to live.  They have comparatively large heads, compact bodies and short faces. 

Voles are an opportunistic species because they can breed fast.  Gestation is only 21 days.  Depending on the species the vole can be under one ounce and up to 1.5 ounces.  Many animals prey on voles.  That is a good thing or we'd be overrun.  Opportunistic species can breed so fast that without predators they would multiply uncontrollably. Some of the predators of voles are housecats, bobcats, coyotes, foxes, badgers, weasels, owls, hawks, and even gulls.  Hawks and owls are probably the biggest or most common predators of voles. 

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled Fantasy.  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list of drawings.  IF you are accessing this page during November of 2024 then this drawing will be at or near the bottom of the list.  Have fun coloring!