Saturday, June 20, 2020

Tree Fairies, a type of Forest Fairy coloring pages

Charitee the Tree Fairy
(new drawing)

Today's post is Tree Fairies.  Forest Fairies are the most common Fairy in the world.  Tree Fairies are one type of Forest Fairy.  Forest Fairies live in and below trees.  In this drawing, Charitee, a beautiful young Tree Fairy, has transformed herself to mortal sized... as opposed to her natural 5 inches tall Fairy size.  That would be 12.7 cm.  All Fairies have this power to transform to mortal size and back to their Fairy size.  Fairies have advanced technology that they integrate with powerful magic.  You might notice that Charitee is wearing a piece of advanced Fairy Tech called a Volantem Balteum or a flying belt.  She, like all Fairies, does not NEED an antigravity belt to fly, but she can fly further and faster when she is wearing a flying belt.  

Charitee loves the forest, but she is called a Tree Fairy because she has a favorite species of tree.  That species is Narrow Leaf Cottonwood.  Here she is leaning on one of these beautiful big trees that are found in the Western United States.   She cares for these trees in her native forest.  

NOTE:  All the drawings in this blog are free to print and color.  There are no ads or fees.  Permission is only given for printing to give to kids or adults to color.  Copyright for all the drawings belongs to Robin Andrew Lyman 2016-20.  To get to the printable versions of the drawings just click on the 
"Fantasy, Myths, and Circus" button up at the top of the page.  Scroll down to the bottom of the list for the new drawing.  The drawings below are from previous posts so they are going to be further up the list of drawings when you click on the correct button. 

Fairy leans on a Tree
(This is another Tree Fairy)

Tree Nymph protects her Tree in a Flood
(Tree Nymphs are Fairies with a bond to a specific tree, not just a specific species of tree.)

Tree Fairy named Megan

Tree Fairy of Dryad named Sara
(Dryads are another type of Tree Fairy that loves a specific tree.)

Tree Fairy with Spear

Tree Fairy with Sword and Shield

Fairy Laurentia with Box Elder Beetle
(Laurentia is a Forest Fairy, who is also a Tree Fairy, with Box Elder Trees as her favorite tree.
In fact, she lives in a Fair Village called Fairy Gulch.  The village is in Idaho, USA and it is located under and partially IN a Box Elder Tree.  When Laurentia was a little girl Fairy, she had a pet Box Elder Bug or Box Elder Beetle.  In this drawing she is an adult unmarried Fairy or a Diva.)

Now here is a color version of Laurentia...

Laurentia with a Box Elder Beetle . . . in color

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