Thursday, November 21, 2019

Jeholornis and a Dragon

Jeholornis from China... one of the First  Birds

Jeholornis was one of the first birds to live on the Earth.  It still had teeth so you might call it a Dinobird.  It was as big as a modern turkey, which makes it one of the biggest avian flyers of the day.  It is thought that Jeholornis probably ate Ginkgo biloba fruit.  That is, the fruit of the ginkgo tree.  
Jeholornis was 2.5 feet or 70 cm long.  It had an exceptionally long tail.  It weighed around 20 lbs.  That is about 44 kg.  By the way, the fruit of the ginkgo tree smells terrible.  But the nut inside is edible.  

This dinobird lived in the Cretaceous Period.  It had some teeth but was probably an herbivore. . . or maybe an omnivore.  That means that it may have eaten both plants and animals.  If it ate animals it probably ate small animals like insects and lizards.  

Short Neck Dragon

Many cultures around the world have stories of dragons.  These stories are possibly originated from people finding fossilized bones of animals like Jeholornis.  Of course ancient people could have found fossilized skeletons of Pterosaurs, Dinosaurs, and Marine Reptiles.  China is one country with a strong dragon tradition.  Some Chinese dragons look almost like they are part snake.  

My drawing of the above Short Neck Dragon is one way I envision dragons.  Know that there are some very smart scientists who have theories of why dragons could fly, and why dragons could breathe fire...  Dragons could be breaking down food into methane and breathing the very flamable methane out.  Maybe they could click their teeth and make a spark just as they expelled a high speed burp of CH4.  CH4 is methane.  Methane is Naturl Gas.  Natural Gas is a molecule with an atomic mass of 16 amu.  The atomic mass of air is around 28.96 amu. So that makes the methane filling a big dragon tummy less dense than air. . . so Dragons CAN fly.  

NOTE:  You might notice that the dragon is not inked in.  It was done only in pencil.  This is a different way to draw a coloring page.  The above drawings... in printable form... are found by clicking on the top buttons. . . either. . .  . . . . . All Printables. . . . . .  or . . . . . . . Fantasy Myths and Circus  . . . or . . .  Paleontology.   Remember that older drawings are further up the correct list.
Be sure to scroll down to find new drawings.  I am also posting some older posts of Pterosaurs and Dinosaurs, and Marine Reptiles. . . all of which may have left fossils that were mistaken for dragons.

Tyrannosaurus rex with Blood Python Pattern

Tylosaurus with Tail Fluke

Tylosaurus with Snake-like Tail

Pteranoson fishing over a Tylosaurus

Baryonyx the Spinosaur

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