Sunday, August 4, 2019

Enoch and his City taken up into Heaven

Enoch and his City

Enoch is mentioned in the Holy Biblre.  To be spescifi he is menetioned in Chapter 5 of the Book of Genesis.  It says that Enoch walked with God and that God took him.  In my religion, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints we beleive that Enoch had a Holy City of Zion.  Enoch was so full of faith and the Power of God that their enemies feared him.  The righteous people of the Earth fled to the City of Enoch for peace.  Eventually Enoch and his city were taken up into heaven.  When Jesus Christ returns to Earth Enoch, his people, and his city will return.  

We members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints believe that on that day Jesus will return and the very wicked will be destroyed  by fire.  By that time many of the wicked will have already killed each other.  Many good people of all faiths will not be destroyed.  We also beleive that the Gospel of Jesus Christ must be taught to the whole Earth before Jesus' second coming.  That is why we send missionaries out to teach people in many parts of the world.  My wife and I both served missions for the Lord when we were younger.  

Now, you may have wondered where I have been.  Well, we went to Australia!  The poeple of Australia were wonderful!  We did an outback bus tour, from Adelaide to Darwin with AAT Kings.  It was a great experience.  However, we were SUPPOSED to be home over a week ago.  Because of my breathing problems I have to have supplemental oxygen to fly in an airplane.  As our tour ended my oxygen concentrator malfunctioned and we had to wait until a replacement could come from Delta Airlines in the USA.  That turned out to be an 8 day delay in coming home.  

Our time in Darwin, Northern Territory was wonderful though.  We went to amazing places and met many wonderful people we would not have met if my oxygen concentrator had not broken.   I drew 29 drawings while in Australia so I will be posting them over the next couple of weeks.  Most were done in pencil and I have to add ink to make them scannable.   So, sorry about not posting for the last few weeks.  But I have many drawings to finish and post and I have lots of ideas for new drawings! 

One last thing. . . we contacted the local leadership of our church. . . The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  The branch president came to our hotel room to give us blessings along with member of the branch.  This branch member gave us a ride to church meetings the next day.  The  members of the branch were all so kind.  One family invited us to their home for Sunday dinner.  The Branch President and his wife and family invited us to their home later in the week, before we left. 

Another interesting thing is that my wife, Laurel, went to Australia 34 years ago.  When she had a free evening in Darwin she had called up the local branch president's number.  His wife invited Laurel to their house for Family Home Evening.  It really surprised members of her tour group that she could do that.  One woman from her tour group said that she could never call up the local Catholic priest and be invited to his house.  This year, when we went to church in Darwin, Laurel met that now former branch president again.  He had retired and moved away but he was back in Darwin that week for business.  It was so cool that she could meet him agian.  Unfortunately his wife was feeling ill and could not come to church that day.   

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