Sunday, February 11, 2018

Apostle Matthew

Apostle Matthew

The Apostle Matthew was Jewish, like all of the original 12 Apostles of of Jesus Christ.  But Matthew was probably hated by many of the people because he worked for the Romans as a tax collector.    Matthew was educated and probably knew Greek and of course quite a bit of math.  He was a publican or tax collector.  Many publicans were crooked in that they would overcharge people on their taxes and then skim off the top. . . or steal the overcharge amount. Jesus saw Matthew at work and asked him to "Follow me." 

Later Matthew invited Jesus to come to a gathering at his house with his friends.   Jesus was criticized for eating with Matthew and his fellow publican friends.   The religious leaders at the time even had a phrase, "Publicans and Sinners."  They felt like all publicans were sinners.  Jesus responded by saying something like:  "The well need no physician, but the sick."   At one point some publicans asked Jesus what they should do since they were universally despised and Jesus basically said for them to only collect the due taxes and be fair.  By the way, Jesus was asked a similar question by the soldiers and he said for them to do no violence to any man and to be content with their wages.  So I am sure Jesus recognized that there are times, as a soldier, that you have to do violence. .  . like when soldiers are attacked in battle or assaulted in the soldiers' duty as the Roman police force.  But I think Jesus was saying that the soldiers should not do needless violence.

I think that Jesus recognized that some professions were not popular with the people, but people have to do those jobs.  But that in whatever our employment, be honest and as kind as you can be to others. 

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