Friday, May 3, 2024

Two-headed California King Snake coloring pages

This is the last of my re-posted drawings from my 14-picture Reptile post. 

These drawings are based on an amazing tattoo that I saw recently.  

The animal here though is a California King Snake.  

The California King Snake is known to rarely have two-headed snakes hatch. 

Two-Headed California King Snake

I recommend that you look up photos of this species of snake.  Then you can color it how you want.  There are several patterns of this snake: brown stripes on white, lavender, white stripes on black, blue stripes, etc.  Below is one I colored with black and white stripes.

California King Snakes really do come in various patterns and various colors.  I have posted the above drawing so you can add the pattern that you want when you color it.  I will say again that you should look on the internet so you can see the various versions of patterns on this cool snake. I am sure you will find more than I listed here.  I am posting one drawing with a pattern so you can get the idea.  But on the above drawing, you can choose your own pattern to color the scales.  

I should mention that most California King Snakes have just one head.  Only one in 100,000 snakes hatch with two heads.  It is a developmental birth defect I suppose.  Although most snakes are hatched from leathery eggs not born alive.  Two-headed snakes fare pretty poorly in the wild.  They struggle to feed and to move.  With that thought, I drew this snake as a very young one.  It is seen with what would be a healthy adult snake's food - a kangaroo rat.  Of course, this baby would not be able to eat such large prey unless it lived to adulthood.  By the way, California King Snakes are constrictors.  They squeeze or constrict their prey to kill the prey before they swallow them.  

Black & White Stripes on 2-Headed California King Snake

 You could print these coloring pages several times and color each one differently. THIS drawing is of a black and white striped California King Snake, (a 2 headed one).  But you could color either drawing any way you would like.  I really suggest you look up some photos of this type of snake in all of its variations.  This is a good example of what my art teacher told me. "Nature is all about repetition with variations."  California King Snakes are basically the same shape but the coloring and patterns are totally different in the many different types of this snake. 

These two drawings are found in printable form by clicking on the Animals button and scrolling down to the bottom of the list of titles. Have fun coloring... when I get the pictures posted.

And, that is the last drawing for the reposting of my Reptile drawings. I re-posted each drawing individually or in pairs.  They were posted originally in evolutionary order.  The individual and pair postings are in reverse evolutionary order. 

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