Thursday, May 16, 2024

European Dragon vs Dragon Taming Wizard coloring page

 Welcome or welcome back to my free coloring pages blog!

Today's new drawing is of a European Dragon 

who is being charmed by a Dragon Taming Wizard.

European Dragon vs Dragon Taming Wizard

European Dragons have four legs.  Their forelegs are also used as arms.  They actually have two wings that are separate from their four other limbs.  They also have opposable thumbs on their "hands." Dragons are sentient beings.  That is, they have human intelligence.  Some Dragons are very dangerous and others are docile with humans.  

Dragon Taming Wizards are gifted with working with enchanted animals like Dragons, Unicorns, etc.  They can use a charm on dragons so they can talk to them. Of course, not all dragons are dangerous to humans and Wizards.  Some Dragons are quite friendly, especially with Wizards and Witches.  

NOTE:  To get to the printable version of this drawing just click on the button labeled: Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list of drawings IF you are accessing this picture on or around May 16, 2024.  Have fun coloring!  

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