Friday, May 5, 2017

Rabbi and the Soap Maker

This story is from the 2017 Ensign magazine. It is part of the First Presidency Message.
 I put the story here to help spread the Word about God's Love...and how He cares for us and that we can turn to Him in times of great or small trials.
Feel free to use the coloring page of the story in spreading the Word yourself.  

Rabbi and the Soap Maker 

The Rabbi and the Soap Maker
There is an old Jewish tale about a soap maker who did not believe in God. One day as he was walking with a rabbi, he said, “There is something I cannot understand. We have had religion for thousands of years. But everywhere you look there is evil, corruption, dishonesty, injustice, pain, hunger, and violence. It appears that religion has not improved the world at all. So I ask you, what good is it?”
The rabbi did not answer for a time but continued walking with the soap maker. Eventually they approached a playground where children, covered in dust, were playing in the dirt.
“There is something I don’t understand,” the rabbi said. “Look at those children. We have had soap for thousands of years, and yet those children are filthy. What good is soap?”
The soap maker replied, “But rabbi, it isn’t fair to blame soap for these dirty children. Soap has to be used before it can accomplish its purpose.”
The rabbi smiled and said, “Exactly.”
     -President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, 

Learn to turn your troubles over to Jesus and He will help you.  

Now my commentary on it:   The moral of the story is that Heavenly Father knows that bad things happen in the world because He gave us our free agency.    But remember that Heavenly Father is in charge and we know HE will win in the end.  Also, we all have trials in life can, but because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be comforted and we also can receive guidance on how to handle our problems.  This life is a test.  Do we keep God’s commandments or do we not?  And when we DO have things go wrong…do we get mad at God or do we turn to him for support and help?  We will have trials either way, so to me it makes sense to reach out to God for his support.  The atonement of Jesus Christ makes it possible to let him take away our pain and emotional turmoil.  OR He helps us to be able to bear that pain... he strengthens us beyond our own capacity.  So in both cases we get help and some relief.  On the other hand, if we get mad at Him because life is so unfair, we deny ourselves the opportunity to turn to Him and get that relief and comfort.   I know what I am talking about here.  I have experienced years of failed health and it DOES seem so unfair.  But I am learning to turn to our Lord to get comfort.  I have had to read my scriptures more, counsel with my wife, and even seek some professional help.  When you are constantly wondering (like I have...for the last 11 years)  if this is your last day on Earth it can take its toll on you.   But now I am truly doing better, not really a lot better health-wise, but way better emotionally and Spiritually.   Starting this blog of free coloring pages is one way I can still serve others.  This helps me take my mind off of my own troubles.  I hope my coloring pages help you feel some added happiness in your life.  .   . or the lives of the kids you work with, or care for etc.   Remember that we have to get out of the mud of our problems and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Like soap, our religion does us no good if we don't apply it to ourselves.  So my advice to all is to take care of yourself, and to keep busy, serve others as you can, and turn to the Savior... and He will take care of you. 
   -Robin Andrew Lyman

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