Monday, August 1, 2022

Horned Crocodile from Hell dinosaur coloring page


Welcome to my blog.  This is a free coloring pages blog with no ads and no fees to print coloring pages for you to color... or for your children or students etc. to color. 

Today's new drawing is of a newly discovered Spinosaur from the Isle of Wight in the United Kingdom.

Ceratosuchops inferodios 

Two recent discoveries of two Spinosaursids have been made on the Isle of Wight in the UK.  These predatory Theropod dinosaurs had long snouts like other Spinosaurs.  They probably did not have a sail.  Both were around 26 feet long so they were much smaller than the 55-foot-long Spinosaurs from Africa.  The name of one of the new dinosaurs is Ceratosuchops inferodios.  The name means Crocodile from Hell.  But be aware that it was NOT a crocodile, it was a Theropod dinosaur.  By the way, Ceratosuchus was around 6.6 feet at the hips, which makes the head around 8 - 9 feet off the ground. 

The snout of crocodiles and Spinosaurs have sensors to detect fish, even in murky water.  All Spinosaurs appear to all have been fishing dinosaurs, but they probably were also land animal predators when the fishing was bad. 

NOTE:  I decided to draw the pattern from a Brook Trout on this dinosaur.  That may not be realistic but technically it IS possible.  This drawing is found in printable form by clicking on the "Paleontology" button.  Then scroll down to the bottom of the Mesozoic section.  Have fun coloring!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your wonderful drawings. Also people can color other drawings at kleurplaten printen
