Sunday, November 5, 2017

Jesus went up into a mountain

NOTE:  Go to the above "Free Printable Downloads" and scroll all the way down to see the title for this picture so you can click on it and print it to color.  

Jesus went up into a mountain.

Stature of Jesus Praying

I was inspired by the "Light of the World" statue you see in the photo above.  This display of statues of the life of Christ is seen at Thanksgiving Point's Ashton Gardens in Lehi, Utah.  Note the prayer shawl that Jesus wears on this beautiful work or art.   We often forget that He probably would have worn such a sacred item of clothing when he was praying or speaking in the synagogue.   

Several times in the New Testament we read of Jesus going up into the mountains for seclusion. . . and to commune with His Heavenly Father.  Of course for Jesus His Heavenly Father was also the father of his mortal body. . . hence the title "Only Begotten".   Sometimes when Jesus went up into the mountains he was alone, and other times he went  with his 12 disciples.  He clearly felt close to His Heavenly Father when close to nature . . . especially up in the mountains.

I can tell you that I feel close to God when up in the mountains.  I had a friend years ago who told me that he felt the Spirit when he was high up on a ski run.  He was a ski patrolman and a very good man in many ways.  He was the scoutmaster and I was the assistant scoutmaster.

Living in a mountainous state I have often encouraged people to get up into the mountains and escape the hustle and bustle of the city.   My wife and I love going fishing in mountain streams.  Whether we catch fish or not, we love the feel, sound and smell of nature up by a mountain stream.  Even though the mountain canyons we fish are quite close to a major city, we feel like we are a million miles from any city and that we are closer to our Heavenly Father.  So again, for us, even when there are no fish biting, there is still peace in the mountains.

NOTE:  You might notice the hands could use some work but I decided to leave this as it turned out.  Remember, an artists never truly finishes a work of art, we just abandon it.  The flowers are based on "lilies of the field." 

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