Friday, September 13, 2024

Nephi, Alma, Nephi Prophets of the Book of Mormon Another Testament Of Jesus Christ

 This is my free coloring pages blog. 

There are no ads and no fees to print my coloring page drawings. 

I drew nearly all of these coloring pages. 

Today I am posting three drawings from the Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

Nephi son of Lehi on the Ship with the Liahona

This is a picture of Nephi who came to the Americas with his father Lehi and the rest of his immediate and extended family.  Here he is seen with his daughter and he is holding the Liahona or divine source guiding compass.  Nephi was a prophet in his own right and he was very faithful and very brave. He is the ancestor of the other two prophets in this post.  Nephi had to deal with rebellious older brothers who wanted to kill him.  Plus Nephi crossed the Arabian Peninsula and built a ship then crossed the oceans to the Promised Land somewhere in North or South America.

Alma the Younger teaches about Faith

In this drawing we see Alma the Younger teaching about Faith.  His missionary companion is Amulek.  Alma the Younger had once been a rebellious youth.  But he repented and became a great prophet.  Here he is seen with Amulek teaching the poor of the Zoramites about faith. Basically, you see the perspective of the Zoramites - Alma teaching with Amulek at his side.  The characters are drawn I Mound Builder clothing.  Some of the Mound Builders may have been the Nephites and Lamanites of the Book of Mormon.  DNA evidence seems to point that way. 

Faith is compared to a seed that can grow into a tree.  I love this chapter of the Book of Mormon Another Testament of Christ.  It is found in Alma Chapter 32.  I think we can compare faith to a seed but we also can compare our relationship to God to a seed.  And even our relationship with others can be compared to a seed.  When we nurture a relationship the seed of friendship and love grows. 

Alma's son Heleman had a son named Heleman.  Then Heleman II had a son named Nephi.  This Nephi is seen in the below drawing. 

Nephi son of Nephi praying for the Believers

Nephi II was the son of Nephi I who was the son of Heleman II who was the son of Heleman I who was the son of Alma II who was the son of Alma I who was converted by the preaching of the great martyred prophet Abinidi.  

When Nephi I the son of Heleman II left his son Nephi II in charge the unbelievers soon concocted a plan to kill all the believers who had faith in Samuel the Lamanite's prophecy concerning the signs of the coming of Christ in the world.  Those signs were a new star and a night that was bright as day.  In this drawing we see Nephi II praying for the believers and getting a response from the Savior.  The Savior Jesus Christ said to Nephi II that that night he, the Savior would be born and the sign of a new star would be seen.  The wicked people with murderous intent were shocked and all repented and the believers were saved. 

I love the Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ.  These true stories are so amazing to me.  I sometimes ask myself, "Could any man or team of men in rural New York 196 years ago have written this book?  The answer is clearly no.  The book is as proclaimed, a translated record of some of the former inhabitants of the New World continents or continent.  Where it happened exactly is not known.  Alma and Amulek are drawn as if the Nephites were some of the North American Mound Builders culture.  

NOTE:  These drawings, in printable form, are found by clicking on the button labeled Religious and then scrolling to the bottom of the Restoration section of religious drawings.  Have fun coloring.  

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