Thursday, July 25, 2024

Lily the Sea Turtle Mermaid coloring page

This is my free coloring pages blog.  

Since we recently returned from a cruise, I have been in the mood to draw Mermaids.

Today's new drawing is of Lily the Sea Turtle Mermaid.

Lily the Sea Turtle Mermaid

Sea Turtle Mermaids love sea turtles.  They are very friendly with sea turtles and can even speak with them.  In fact, their best friend is usually a sea turtle.  Lily here is swimming with her friend Tortuga.  You know that they are in tropical waters because of the presence of a sea anemone and clownfish. 

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus" button.  Then scroll down.  If you are accessing this near mid to late July 2024 then the title of this drawing will be at the bottom of the list.  Click on the title and you'll get your free coloring page. By the way, this drawing was done rather quickly for a small child.  Have fun coloring Lily the Sea Turtle Mermaid!

NOTE #2:  It is now July 25th, one day after posting this drawing.  I need to tell you that I looked at this drawing again and saw a couple of problems.  I fixed one of those problems and improved the drawing in my opinion.  It is like what Leonardo DaVinci said, "An artist does not complete a work of art.  The artist abandons it."  I guess I abandoned this drawing but then had to go back to it. And remember that this drawing was done fast for a small child. 

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