Saturday, August 5, 2023

Kayia the Mermaid coloring page

Welcome to my free coloring pages blog... or welcome back!

Today's new drawing is of a Mermaid.  

 Kayia the Mermaid

This is the beautiful and kind Mermaid named Kayia.  She is beautiful on the outside and even more beautiful on the INside.  She is particularly good with children.  You may not know this but some Mermaids like to reveal themselves to children.  They are very very kind and so some children know that Mermaids are real.  The children grow up and remember the magical experience they had.  

Another surprising thing is that Mermaids and Mermen sometimes transform into their mortal form and work on cruise ships.  The cruise ship companies know who they are, but the mortal passengers are kept in the dark.  Many cruise ships, unbeknownst to the passages, have underwater entrances for Mermaids and Mermen.  The Mer-folk like to go swimming in the ocean frequently.  Some Mer-folk like to race along the underside of moving cruise ships to get to their entrance - when the ship is on the move.  In this drawing Kayia is planning on doing just that.  She works in the children's program of the ship.

Some aquariums, like the Downtown Aquarium in Denver, have wonderful Mermaid Shows.  You may think that their Mermaids are costumed mortals... and you would be wrong.  After the show, the Mermaids can transform into their mortal form and go to their home or apartment.  Many Mer-people keep a home among the mortals.  They also like to work as Marine Biologists and other jobs that keep them close to either the sea or a saltwater source like a big aquarium. 

By the way, we know that when she is not working on a cruise ship, Kayia works at the Downtown Denver Aquarium.  Our daughters and their husbands, and our grandkids met her at a Private Meet & Greet.  Kayia was amazingly kind to the kids - talking with them - answering their questions.  She then was wheeled into the big aquarium and put on a fantastic underwater show for all of us.  

I will be doing more drawings of Kayia soon.  The next one will be when she was swimming for

One more thing.  The cruise ship is very loosely based on the Royal Caribbean Line's Rhapsody of the Seas.  We have been on that ship twice so we probably had Mer-people as our waiters, cooks, etc. In fact, we are sailing on that ship again in a few months!  I wonder if any of the Mer-people will reveal themselves to us.  

NOTE.  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list for this title.  Have fun coloring!

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