Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Escape from the Battle of Brooklyn


Today we we are celebrating Independence Day in the United States of America.  There are lots of celebrations going on.  We went swimming with our daughter and grandchildren and now we are about to go to a BBQ at my sister's house.   But first I want to tell you about a battle of the American Revolution. . . a battle that the Colonial Army and General George Washington lost.  You will see why I am talking about this today....shortly.  

Battle of Brooklyn Escape

The battle went badly for the Colonial Army.  General Washington's army was soundly defeated.  All the British Army commander had to do is follow up with another assault and the American Revolution would be effectively over.  It was afternoon and things looked bleak for the cause of the Americans.  But a large storm hit. . . It was it was a thunderstorm.  Then heavy fog set in afterwards.  The British commander, Gen. William Howe, (due to the storm), decided to wait for the morning to finish off the rebels.  General Washington probably saw this as a divine orchestrated escape.  He ordered fires to be kept lit as he got his men to evacuate across the river and escape overnight.  The British found empty camps the next morning.  

In my religion we believe that the founding of the United States of America was divinely influenced.  This thunderstorm and subsequent fog was what saved the Colonial Army from complete defeat and annihilation.  George Washington would probably have been hanged.   So now you know that it was an act of God that saved the American Revolution.   Or, if you don't believe that, then you could say it was an act of Nature.  Of course General Washington was wise enough to see the escape route so he needs to be given credit as well.  

We believe that God helps us but expects us to do our part as well.  If General Washington had just stayed there with his defeated army he would have been captured and his army eliminated as a fighting force.  But he saw the situation and instead of giving up he acted on it.  History tells us he was a man of deep faith.  I am sure he was praying after the defeat.  He needed to know what to do and God provided and escape, IF Gen. Washington and his army took the opportunity. 

Of course Gen. Washington went on to defeat the British eventually and France came into the war on the Colonial's side and America won its independence.   We also need to give Gen. Washington credit for never giving up.  He lost several battles and won only a few.   But because he never gave up he won the war and went on to be the first President of the United States.  In that role he established traditions of limiting the executive branch's power that remain today.   We citizens of the United States of America owe him and God a lot . . . in my opinion.  

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