Monday, June 26, 2017

20th Anniversary of the first Harry Potter novel

Harry Potter casts a Rainbow Spell to Celebrate

My daughters started reading these novels before my wife and I did.  They tried to talk me into it for a while and I resisted.  I finally started to read them after the publishing of the second novel.  I loved them.  I think that the Harry Potter novels have  great themes of friendship, good vs evil and how good is better.  Less obvious is the anti-racism theme.  I do not mean it is a theme of racism as exists in the real world, but you can easily see the lesson as you see the bigotry of Voldemort's followers persecuting "Muggle Born" wizards and witches.  I honestly believe that these books have done a great deal of good.  I do not believe that promote anything but good.  We read the rest of the books as a family and I honestly think they are awesome.

When the last book was released our daughters and our son and my wife and I were at the BYU Bookstore in costume to buy the book at midnight.  Most of us stayed up til around noon to finish reading it.  My brother in law, John, a computer whiz,  had a contest for whoever in the family could predict what would happen in the last book and I won.  The prize was the below picture of me as Harry Potter.  John took an elementary photo of mine and "magically" made me Harry Potter!
I loved the movies, however, if you just watch a movie made from a book you get only the skeleton of the story.  I loved the 5th book but the movie had to leave sooooo much out that I had to see the movie a second time to enjoy it.

I hope the Harry Potter Series will be read for many years to come.  I think many English idioms (expressions) have entered the American vocabulary because of the Harry Potter novels and movies.

Thank you J. K. Rowling for an amazing ride through your magnificent imagination!

I drew my version of the dragon Harry fought in the 4th book.  One of these days I need to make a coloring page of this drawing.  It is not exactly like the movie dragon, but I think it is pretty good.  It was drawn with pastel chalk and Prisma colored pencils.

Hungarian Horntail Dragon

One more thing, the unabridged recordings of the books done by Jim Dale are brilliant!
The Jim Dale Audio book of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

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