

Monday, January 8, 2024

Carnotaurus with Stripes coloring page

 This is the last of several ink drawings I did when I had COVID.

I will be working on some drawings of some people who agreed to be drawn.

To you three people, sorry about the delay.  COVID took away my motivation 

and I could only get myself to draw simple ink drawings.  

Those three fantasy character drawings of you three will be posted over the next few days.

This last drawing is of a Carnotaurus.

Carnotaurus with Stripes 

Carnotaurus was a large but not huge Theropod dinosaur that lived in what is now Argentina, South America.  It lived in the Late Cretaceous.  It had two horns on its head that may have been for sexual display or to identify other Carnotaurs.  

Although Carnotaurus bore a simple resemblance to a T. rex, it was quite a bit smaller.  T. rex could grow up to 44 feet long.  Carnotaurus was about 25 feet long.  

In the excellent movie "Disney's Dinosaur" they call it "a Carnotaur" or "two Carnotaurs" The Carnotaurs are the top predators in the movie.  But, they are definitely drawn too big.  Iguanodon, in reality, was a 33-foot-long herbivore and Carnotuarus was only 25 feet long.  That is NOT how they are portrayed in the movie.  However, Carnotaurus was an Albelisaur and there WERE other somewhat larger Albelisaurs.  All Abelisaurs had shorter snouts and narrower snouts compared to most other Theropods.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled "Paleontology."  Then, scroll down to the bottom of the list.  Have fun coloring!

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