

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Alexiadriah the Healer Fairy coloring page

 This is a new drawing that was done in detail.

The model is one of the three people I agreed to draw... but I had not

done the drawings due to having COVID.  I am doing better now.

So, here is a drawing of a beautiful Healer Fairy named Alexiadriah.

Alexiadriah the Healer Fairy

Alexiadriah is a Healer Fairy.  She is seen here gathering watercress from a forest or mountain stream.  She is actually spectacularly beautiful!  But like many beautiful women (or female Fairies), she doesn't really know how beautiful she actually is.  She is a Healer Fairy and that should tell you that she has a good heart.  You could also say that she also has a kind heart.  So she is both beautiful and very kind.  And a healer also has to be very intelligent - so she is that too.  She works with older and injured Fairies.  Although Fairies can live for an incredibly long time, they DO get old eventually.  

Alexiadriah is gathering watercress to use in Fairy Medicine and Fairy dishes.  Fairies actually have higher and more advanced technology than we mortals.  They can extract certain nutrients from the watercress.  Fairies also can fly using just their wings.  But they have advanced hovering technology that they use to allow them to fly at great speed & for great distances.  Alexiandriah is wearing a Balteum Volantes or flying belt.  This belt is what contains the hi-tech to fly so fast and so far.  

So why is Alexiadriah gathering watercress?  Well, it is a superfood.  Watercress supports both vision and bone health.  It also is known to enhance athletic performance.  Plus watercress has a high nutrient density - especially in Vitamin K.  These nutrients help Fairies perform at a high athletic level when they are flying or doing anything really.  Some nutrients in watercress are particularly good for senior Faires... or senior humans.  Those ingredients include carotenoids, zinc. and Vitamin C.

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled: "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list to see the title of this new drawing.  Click on it and you will get the printable drawing.   Of course, if you are accessing this page way after Jan. 9, 2024, then you will find the drawing title further up the list.   Have fun coloring!

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