

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Star Trek Vulcan Members of Starfleet

I had a drawing lesson while in Wyoming.  The lesson was from my niece H.J. who is an 11th grader.
She has a unique style of drawing people so I paid attention.

Star Trek is a groundbreaking TV and movie series.  It had the first African American woman in a vital role as an officer.  Lt. Uhura was the communications officer of the Starship Enterprise.  Nichelle Nichols, who played Uhura did not like the role.  She was invited to meet Martin Luther King, the great civil rights leader.  He told her that Star Trek was the only show he let his kids stay up late to watch.  Nichols said, "Well, I'm going to quit the show."  Dr. King told her, "You can't do that.  This is the only show that shows our people in a leadership role, as an officer."  Nichols did not quit.  Another interesting story is that Whoopi Gooldberg tells is that when she was a little girl and she saw Star Trek on for the first time.  .  .  she went running through the house shouting, "Mamma, Mamma, there's a black woman on TV and she aint no miad!"  Prior to Star Trek all African American actors were relegated to servant roles.  Lt. Uhura as a Starfleet officer was a big deal!

I would never make it as a Vulcan.  Vulcans are from the planet Vulcan and strive to always be non-emotional and purely logical.  The part I really like about Vulcans is that they are very smart.  Spock in the original Star Trek series is Science Officer.  .   .  and I've always loved science! 

The first drawing is by by niece, H.J.  I added the background of the Planet Vulcan. 

Female Vulcan Starfleet Officer by H.J. 

Female Vulcan Starfleet Officer by Robin Lyman
This second drawing is by me.  It is a Vulcan Starfleet Officer on the bridge of a 
Galaxy Class Starship.  

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