

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Pictures to Color during Conference

Jesus at the Sea of Galilee with a fishing boat

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Today and tomorrow is our General Conference.  As I was watching the first session of LDS General Conference just now, one of our General Authorities was just speaking and I realized I needed to serve.  You see, Elder Pinegar said that we all have ways we were foreordained to serve our fellow men.  He pointed out that serving others is how we are most fulfilled in life.  And that those who live only for themselves shrivel up. 

Well, I realized that this coloring pages blog is one of the ways I can serve.  There are lots of things I can no longer do.  I have severe life threatening health problems. so I can't teach school full time anymore, nor can I help at the Church Welfare Farm.  There are many many things you can't do to serve others when you are saddled with severe health problems.  But drawing these picture is one way I can serve.  True it can still be very painful if I draw or type for very long, but drawing pictures and writing about them is one way I can serve.  SO.. with that in mind, I am posting another picture of Jesus that I did last week.  I also want to let you know that if you click on the above button "Free Printable Downloads" you can find many pictures to color.  If you are LDS or just religious, there are many Old Testament, New Testament, and Restoration of the Gospel drawings that you or and your kids could color. 

Here are a few examples of drawings you can find in the "Free Printable Downloads". 

Jesus Calling his Apostles by the Sea of Galilee

Mary and Baby Jesus

Jesus and Joseph working in Carpentry Shop

Heleman leads the Young Ammonite Warriors

Jesus as as a 12 Year Old at the Temple

Jesus with a Welcoming gesture

Joseph Smith's First Vision

Jesus Ascending into Heaven

Temple with Family

Moses with the Ten Commandments

Joseph Smith Translates the Golden Plates

Together in the Celestial Kingdom

NOTE:  There are many more drawings found in the Free Printable Downloads.  If you want to read what I said about each drawing then you just scroll down and hit the "Older Posts" button. You will have to scroll down and hit that button many times to see some of the older drawings and what I wrote about the drawing.  

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