

Monday, March 11, 2024

Dune 1 and Dune 2 movie review and Muad'Dib the Dune Kangaroo Rat coloring page

 This is my free coloring pages blog.

Today I am posting some "fan art" that I drew from the 2023 and 2024 movies 

Dune part 1 and Dune part 2.

I am also reviewing those two movies. 

Muad'Dib the Dune Kangaroo Rat

First the review of the 2 Dune movies:  The 2023 and 2024 movies that are based on the Dune book are very well done.  No movie based on a book will make everyone happy but there are a lot of things to love about these two movies based upon the first Dune novel.  

First of all the acting is superb in many ways.  The cast is exceptional.  Timothy Chaleme is believable in the role as Paul Atreides.  In part 2 the acting of Zandaya is REALLy good.  In my opinion, she deserves an Academy Award for her part in this movie.  She had only limited time in the first movie so her acting skills were not showcased very much.  She was so good in the second movie that I plan to draw her as Chani in her stillsuit.  Of course, that will be a fan art drawing.  

The supporting cast is also excellent.  I particularly was impressed with Jason Momoa as Gurney.  But Rebecca Furgeson was also exceptional as Jessica Atreides.  The role of Baron Vladamir Harkonan was played by Stellen Skarsgard and he was good in the role.  The role of Duke Leto Atredides was played bu Oscar Issac and he was very believable in the role.  Really, all of the roles were masterfully cast and the performances were great. 

Now, these next lines are kind of spoilers.  So don't keep reading if you want no spoilers. . . . 

The Harkonnans in the 1984 Dune movie were ginger-haired or redheads.  In THIS adaptation the Harkonans are all bald.  That actually worked for me. I would have liked to see more interaction between Lady Jessica and Duke Leto. The sandwor33ms were impressive but I felt like they could have used a 3-part or multi-part mouth like in the 1984 version of the movie.  Having the mouths round was just not as impressive to me.  Finally, the movie has changed some parts of the story that are mostly true to the feel of the book.  One difference is that Chani is depicted as not liking that Paul is leading the holy war.  She doesn't believe in the prophecy.  Another difference is that the book gives us closure while this movie leaves us with a cliffhanger.  At the end of the book, Jessica tells Chani that history would call them wives.  In the book Paul Maud'Dib is clear that his marriage to the princess is a name-only marriage  That does not really happen in Dune Part 2.  

That being said, I would give this movie 5 out of 5.  It really is the best adaptation of the book and more closely follows the book than the 1984 movie, and I am considering the ScyFy Channel mini-series and the 1984 Dune movie.  I re-watched Dune 1984 then re-watched Dune 2023 before I went to Dune Part 2.  

Now, about the Dune kangaroo rat that they call Muad'Dib.  It is clearly based on the kangaroo rat from the desert of Southwest USA and Northwest Mexico.  The movie version has bigger ears.  That is very believable because animals in the Dune universe seem to be transplanted from Earth.  The kangaroo rats that were transplanted on the planet Arakkis or Dune could have easily evolved bigger ears if that were a clear survival strategy.  It has been demonstrated that evolution can occur faster than once thought.  That is based on rather recent studies and observations on the Galapagos Islands of the local finch populations.  

NOTE:  To get the printable version of the drawing of Muad'Dib the Dune Kangaroo Rat you need to click on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list.  This drawing will also be in the "Animals" list.  Have fun coloring.  

By the way, below are some other Kangaroo Rat drawings that I have used.  They are from past posts so they will be further up the "Animals" list. Again have fun coloring! 

Kangaroo Rat in the Desert
This is a more cartoon version of a Kangaroo Rat.

Kangaroo Rat realistic

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