

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Review of The Chosen and My Perspective on Jesus Christ with a coloring page drawing of Jesus' Resurrection

 This is my free coloring pages blog.

There are over 2800 free drawings that you can print and color. 

Today's new drawing, since it is Sunday, is another drawing 

of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Jesus is resurrected from the Tomb after 3 Days

Jesus was and IS our Savior.  Let me explain.  Before we came to Earth to receive our mortal bodies we lived in what is called our Premortal Existence.  Our Heavenly parents, or our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother are the parents of our spirits.  But our Heavenly Parents had and still have physical bodies.  They sent us to Earth to get a physical body.  Here we are tested to see if we will be worthy to return to live with Them.

When we sin, and all mortals sin, we have violated eternal law.  So we can never return to live with our Heavenly Parents. So while we were still in our Premortal Life our Elder Spirit Brother, Jesus Christ, agreed to suffer and die to pay the eternal penalty for our sins. So if we repent of our sins and strive to do better we can return to live with our Heavenly Parents. Of course, we also need to obey God's commandments including being baptized by one who has authority, and making our Temple Covenants - including being sealed in the Temple to our eternal companion or spouse.  All those who do not have the opportunity in mortality to marry and be sealed will eventually have that opportunity in the next life.  After our mortal body dies our spirit goes to what we call the Spirit World.  Our spirit can never die and indeed will never die.  Then we will go to one of the Kingdoms of Glory.  If we have received the ordinances needed and kept God's commandments... and repented of our sins the Atonement of Jesus Christ will make us clean and worthy to return to live with our Heavenly Parents in the Celestial Kingdom.  

I should also mention that Jesus' resurrection broke down the doors of permanent death.  His resurrection means we ALL will be resurrected and get our physical bodies back.  However, when we are resurrected our physical bodies will be glorified and perfected.  We won't ever get sick or injured.  Health challenges we deal with now will not be a problem... (like me having a tracheotomy, a tracheal stent, and needing a pacemaker). Obviously, I look forward to resurrection day.  Praise be to our Savior Jesus Christ for making that possible. 

The above is the perspective of Jesus that we have as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  We ARE Christians.   

REVIEW OF THE CHOSEN:  This drawing was inspired by the actor who plays Jesus in The Chosen TV series.   This drawing is not an exact portrayal of that actor as Jesus as seen on The Chosen.  For instance, I gave Jesus in this drawing longer hair.  The actor's name is Jonathan Rounie.  He does an amazing job.  I highly recommend the series.  It really helps you appreciate more the world where Jesus lived in his short sojourn on Earth.  Of course, Jesus was half god and half man so we can't call His time on Earth as His mortal life. The Chosen has a perspective that I think will ring true for MOST Christians.  My daughter says that Jonathan Roumie's portrayal of the Savior is the best she has ever seen.  She says, "It makes you appreciate Jesus as being a real person."  The Chosen is a non-denominational portrayal of Jesus' life and again, I think that they do a spectacular job!  This drawing is not from the TV show because the series has not yet gotten to the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord.  The Chosen is a wonderful series and I hope you will give watching it a chance.  It is available on a free app and on several streaming services. 

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, will be found by clicking on the "Religious" button and scrolling down to the bottom of the "New Testament" part of the page.  Have fun coloring!

By the way, there are many drawings there on that page that are of the life of Jesus.  They can also be printed for a child or adult to color. 

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