

Friday, February 23, 2024

Emmia the Lotus Fairy coloring page

 This is my free coloring pages blog.

Today's new drawing for you to print and color is 

Emmiah, who is a Lotus Fairy.

Emmiah the Lotus Fairy

Emmalia is a Lotus Fairy.  There are also Fairies who love to hang out on lilypads.  In fact, I thought that maybe lotus flowers and lilies were the same thing.  They are not.  There are several differences.  One of them is that lotus plants do not need to be in water.  They do just fine on land.  Lotus leaves are different from lilypads as well.  Plus, lotus flowers and plants tend to rise above the water and not float on the water like lilypads.  

Now, about Emmalia.  She is a beautiful Lotus Fairy who really loves the scent of lotus flowers.  The lotus flower has been described as heady and like sweet fruit. It is considered to be very pleasant.  Emmalia takes on this lovely scent by hanging out in the flower. Lotus are a very successful type of plant so Lotus Fairies only rarely defend it from herbivores that might want to eat parts of it.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled: "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list of drawings.  Have fun coloring!

FINAL NOTE:  I just reworked this drawing, a little to improve the face and make it more accurate. 

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