F-35 Lightning -Bomber Jet Aircraft
F-22 Raptor Stealth Fighter
F-35 Lightning -Bomber Jet Aircraft
I am continuing with our theme of bravery and being courageous... or our theme of
Profiles in Courage!
So, I present to you an American Badger up against a Grizzly Bear!
This is the new post today!
American Badger takes on a Sub-Adult Grizzly Bear
An American badger only grows to maybe 30 inches long and perhaps about a foot tall. They are brave mammals that will defend themselves against much larger predators. In this is drawing there is a sub-adult male Grizzly Bear that weighs around 500 lbs. The Grizzly Bear is wondering if the badger will be a good meal. The badger is bravely standing up to the bear and will not back down. The bear will soon decide that it would be best to find a safer prey.
This shows amazing courage. An adult badger weighs around 15 lbs. That makes the bear 33 times heavier than the badger. Yet if pressed or boxed in a badger will go on the attack to defend itself... even if the opponent is much larger. To me that makes the Badger the bravest of all animals that live here in North America.
Badgers live throughout North America.. especially in Western North America. They live in open land, forests, and even at very high elevations up to 12,000 feet.
NOTE: This drawing can be printed from this drawing on this page if you copy it and paste it into a word processing or drawing program. OR you can click on the Animals button and scroll down to the bottom. New drawings are on the bottom. This will be a printable page. Have fun coloring!
Welcome to my blog or welcome back to my blog!
I am continuing with the theme of "Profiles in Courage!
This is another drawing of a
Didelphodon. This time it is Didelphodon vs the rather large Dakotaraptor.
Dakotaraptor intimidated by a Courageous Didelphodon
In keeping up with the theme from my last post... I have drawn another depiction of courage. This is a Didelphodon again, but this time it is intimidating a far larger raptor dinosaur. The dinosaur is a Dakotaraptor. Both Didelphodon and Dakotaraptor lived in North America in the last part of the Cretaceous Period. Dakotaraptor was 15 feet or 5.5 meters long and was the biggest raptor of North America in the Late Cretaceous. Dakotaraptor may have weighed up to 772 lbs or a mass of 350 kg.
Didelphodon was an early mammal of the Late Cretaceous. It was a tough 1 foot or 0.3 meters long animal with an incredibly powerful bite force. It may have been much like a Honey Badger or a North American Badger and been able to defend itself against far larger animals. Didelphodon weighed 11 lbs. or had a mass of 5.5 kg.
NOTE: This drawing, along with all the paleontology drawings are found by clicking on the button labeled "Paleontology." Then scroll down to the bottom of the drop-down menu. Click on the title to get the printable drawing. OR you can click on the drawing on this page and copy it then paste it into a drawing or word processing program. Then print the picture from there.
Welcome to my free coloring pages blog.
I have not posted for a few days because I am recovering from surgery.
But here are my latest drawings. They are of a courageous early mammal
defending itself from a raptor dinosaur.
So these are the first drawings in a short series of drawings that I'm calling:
"Profiles in Courage!"
Courageous Didelphodon vs Raptor
Brave Didelphodon takes on a Troodon Raptor
My son wanted a drawing that shows courage. I immediately thought of Didelphodon. I expect that Didelphodon was as brave and courageous as a Honey Badger. Honey Badgers will face off against a lion. I will be drawing a Honey Badger soon.
Didelphodin was an early mammal who lived in the Cretaceous Period in North America. It was about 1 foot long and weighed about 11 lbs. making it one of the largest mammals of its time. That is 0.3 meters long and 5 kg in mass. Didelphodon vorax had canine teeth and was built stocky like a badger. It had an incredible bite force for a mammal its size. It had a powerful head and powerful jaws. It also seems to have been a pure predator with no ability to eat plant matter. It probably ate carrion and, smaller mammals, and could eat shelled creatures like snails and possibly clams and other shellfish and of course insects, spiders, & scorpions along with other hard-exoskeleton Arthropods. Didelphodon was a marsupial mammal and was similar to a modern possum, only with a more robust skull and much more powerful jaws.
I can easily picture this mammal dealing with raptor dinosaurs and it being successful at defending itself from them. This would take a tremendous amount of courage. Didelphodon could burrow and make dens as well. This made them able to survive the "end of the dinosaur world" meteor-caused extinction event.
Much evidence has been uncovered in the past several years on raptor dinosaurs. They may have all had feathers. There is some evidence that some raptor species had larger teeth as well. Raptors, like the Dromeosaurs, were among the most intelligent of dinosaurs. Troodon, as seen in the second drawing, was a Dromeosaur. It is thought to possibly the MOST intelligent of the dinosaurs.
The Pterosaur in the background is a Pteranodon. It was a common type of flying reptile of the Cretaceous Period. Pteranodons wingspread are known to have grown up to 8 feet or 26 meters. Many Pteranodon fossils have been found in land that was the bottom of the ocean, far from land, when the Pterosaur died. It is thought that they may have died during migration. Many of those fossils are found in Kansas, South Dakota, Wyoming, Alabama and other states in the USA.
If you are wondering about the grass, there is recent evidence that grass evolved and was eaten by dinosaurs of the Late Cretaceous. Paleontologists USED to think grass arose after the dinosaurs but grass seeds of 5 different species of grass was found in duck-bill or Hadrosaur dinosaur droppings. We call those fossilized feces coprolite. If you are wondering about the flowering plants or the flowers on the bushes, pollen has also been found that actually predates the dinosaurs. So we now know that dinosaurs lived with flowering plants that attracted insects AND with grass, which is a wind-pollinated flowering plant.
NOTE: These drawings, in printable form, are found by clicking on the button labeled "Paleontology" and scrolling down to the bottom of the Mesozoic section. It is also possible to print the picture by clicking on the drawing on this page and copying it. Then paste it into a drawing program or into a world processing program like Microsoft Word. Then you can resize it and print it.
This is my free coloring pages blog.
Today's new drawing is of a Spotted Unicorn with a Fairy.
Spotted Unicorn with Fairy
Fairies and Unicorns are often friendly to each other. In fact, many Fairies are best friends with a Unicorn. Therefore many Unicorns are best friends with a Fairy. The above Fairy is in her human size. She can, of course, shrink down magically to her natural Fairy size of about 5 inches tall. That is 12.7 cm.
Spotted Unicorns are unique in that they are particularly fond of the wide-open and often attach themselves to a herd of Wild Mustang horses. Of course, a spotted horse is called a "Paint." But a Unicorn is not a horse. Unicorns are sentient beings, like humans and Fairies.
NOTE: This drawing, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus." Then scroll down to the bottom of the list. Older drawings may have an issue with needing permission to print but this new drawing will print fine. Also, I will post a few older drawings of Unicorns and Fairies down below this paragraph.
Welcome to my free coloring pages blog.
I posted this drawing with the words in English a few days ago.
I just realized that I should have posted
it in Hawaiian as well.
The English version can be found by scrolling
down past the next two dinosaur posts.
Mushroom Fairy from Hawaii named Neolani
Makemake nā Mushroom Fairies i ka ʻai ʻana i nā ʻōpū! Hoʻākoakoa lākou i ka ʻōpū a lawe i ko lākou kauhale i lalo e kaʻana. Nui nā ʻano ʻala a me nā mea ʻawaʻawa no laila ua hele ʻo Neolani i ke aʻo ʻana e hele wale i waho e hōʻiliʻili i ka ʻai a me ka ʻĀʻI i nā ʻōpala maikaʻi.
No Neolani mai a noho i Hawaiʻi. He nani ʻo ia ʻo Fairy a he akamai nō hoʻi ʻo ia. ʻO ka ʻoluʻolu ʻo ia kekahi. ʻO ia ka mea e hoʻolilo iā ia i ka ʻāpana holoʻokoʻa. Eia nō naʻe, e hoʻomanaʻo e loaʻa kekahi mau Dark Fairies e nani paha ke kino, akā ʻoi aku ka maikaʻi o ke ala inā ʻike ʻoe iā lākou.
ʻO Neolani kahi Manaʻo o ka mālamalama. ʻO kaʻoiaʻiʻo, ʻo kona inoa ʻo "He Mistly."
Aia he 400 mau ʻano like ʻole o ka ʻōpū ma Hawaiʻi a me 60 o kēlā mau ʻano he hopena i Hawaiʻi. ʻO ia ka mea i loaʻa iā lākou ma Hawaii ... a ma kahi ʻē aʻe o ka honua. Eia hou, ua hoʻoponopono ʻia kekahi a ua ʻona loa kekahi.
MAKUAKAHI # 1: E kiʻi i ka mana paʻi o kēia kiʻi kiʻekiʻe e hele wale i ka pihi i kapa ʻia ʻo Fantasy, Myths, a me Circus. A laila e hoʻokaʻawale i lalo o ka papa kuhikuhi i lalo. Eia nō hoʻi, hiki iā ʻoe ke kaomi ma ke kiʻi ma aneʻi ma kēia ʻaoʻao a kope i ke kiʻi a laila hoʻopili iā ia ma kahi huaʻōlelo a i ʻole ka hoʻolālā kiʻi ʻana a paʻi iā ia ma kēlā ʻano. Aia ma lalo iho nei kekahi mau Mushroom Fairies mai nā pou i hala.
MAKUAKAHI # 2: Ua nānā wale wau i kēia pou a ʻike wau ua hoʻouna wau iā ia ma Hawaiʻi a pēlā pū wau e hana nei i kēia manawa. Loaʻa ia ma Hawaiʻi ma kahi pou ma Mei 20, 2022.
Mushroom Fairy with Two Wands
English readers, the English version follows this post.
Early Tyrannosaur from Uzbekistan Timurlengia
Tirannosaurning O'zbekistondagi ilk Timurlengia
Tirannosaurning O'zbekistondan kelgan Timurlengia
Early Tyrannosaur from Uzbekistan Timurlengia without Feathers
Birinchidan, tuklari bo'lgan ko'plab Theropod dinozavrlari haqida kam munozaralar mavjud. Ba'zi paleontologlar HAMMA tirannozavrlarning tuklari bor deb o'ylashadi. Qanday bo'lmasin, bu erda ham tukli, ham tukli emas.
Timurlengia eutica nomli yangi tirannosaur O'zbekistonda topilgan. T. rex, Daspleteousaurus yoki Albertosaurusning ikki tirnoqli qo'llari o'rniga uch tirnoqli qo'llari bor edi. Bu yangi kashf etilgan Tirannosaur, Bo'r davrining oxirida, T. rex kabi edi.
Timurlengia keyinchalik Tirannosavrlarga qaraganda ancha kichik edi. Uning uzunligi taxminan 13 fut yoki uzunligi taxminan 4 metr edi. Uning vazni taxminan 600 funt yoki 270 kg edi. Bu eng qadimgi Tirannosaur emas, ammo uning kashfiyoti Tirannosaur evolyutsiyasida vaqt oralig'ini to'ldiradi. Bu shuni ko'rsatadiki, Tirannozavrlar kech bo'r davrida juda katta bo'lmagan. Timurlengia taxminan 90 million yil oldin, ayniqsa erta kech bo'rdoqi deb atalgan joyda yashagan. Bu juda rivojlangan sezgilarga ega edi, ular ulkan bo'lishidan oldin ham, ular juda nozik hid va eshitish hissi kabi ajoyib ov vositalariga ega bo'lishgan.
Izoh: Ushbu yangi rasm, chop etiladigan shaklda, yuqoridagi to'g'ri tugmachani bosish orqali topiladi. Keyin ushbu rasmni topish uchun Mezozoy bo'limining oxirgi qismiga o'ting. Shuningdek, ushbu rasmni blogning ushbu sahifasida bosishingiz va nusxalashingiz yoki saqlashingiz, keyin uni chizilgan yoki so'zlarni qayta ishlash dasturiga qo'yishingiz va o'sha erdan chop etishingiz mumkin. Shunday qilib, yorliqlangan tugmani bosing: Paleontologiya. (Paleontology)
Welcome to my free coloring pages blog!
Today's new drawing is of a newly named and very early Tyrannosaur.
Early Tyrannosaur from Uzbekistan Timurlengia
Early Tyrannosaur from Uzbekistan Timurlengia
First of all, there is little debate about many Theropod dinosaurs having feathers. Some Paleontologists think that ALL Tyrannosaurs had feathers. In any case, both feathered and non-feathered are shown here.
New Tyrannosaur named Timurlengia eurotica was found in Uzbekistan. It had three-clawed hands instead of the two clawed hands of T. rex, Daspleteousaurus, or Albertosaurus. This newly discovered Tyrannosaur was from earlier in the Cretaceous Period instead of the near the end of the Cretaceous Period like T. rex.
Timurlengia was much much smaller than those later Tyrannosaurs as well. It was about 13 feet long or about 4 meters long. It weighed about 600 lbs or 270 kg. This is not the earliest Tyrannosaur, but its discovery fills a time gap in Tyrannosaur evolution. It shows that Tyrannosaurs did not get huge until the later on in the Late Cretaceous Period. Timurlengia lived about 90 million years ago in what is more specifically called the early-Late Cretaceous. It had well-developed senses which show that even before they evolved to be huge, they already had excellent hunting tools such as very fine senses of smell and hearing.
NOTE: This new drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the correct button up top. Then scroll down to the last of the Mesozoic section to find this drawing. You can also click on this drawing here on this page of the blog and copy or save it then paste it into a drawing or word processing program and print it from there. So click on the button labeled: Paleontology.
Welcome or welcome back to my free coloring pages blog!
Today's new drawing is of a beautiful Hawaiian Mushroom Fairy
Mushroom Fairy from Hawaii named Neolani
Mushroom Fairies love eating mushrooms! They gather the fungus and take it back to their underground village to share. Many types of mushrooms and very poisonous so Neolani had to go through training to go out alone to gather the edible and ONLY the edible mushrooms.
Neolani is from and lives in Hawaii. She is a beautiful Fairy and she is also very skilled. Plus she is very kind as well. That makes her the whole package. However, remember that there are some Dark Fairies that may be physically beautiful, but are way less beautiful if you get to know them.
Neolani is a Fairy of Light. In fact, her name means "Heavenly Mist."
There are 400 different species of mushrooms in Hawaii and 60 of those species are endemic to Hawaii. That means they are ONLY found in Hawaii... and nowhere else in the world. Again, some are edible and some are very poisonous.
NOTE #1: To get to the printable version of this top drawing just go to the button labeled Fantasy, Myths, and Circus. Then scroll down to the bottom of the drop-down menu. Also, you can just click on the picture here on this page and copy the drawing then paste it on a word processing or drawing program and print it that way. Below are a few other Mushroom Fairies from previous posts.
NOTE #2: I just looked at this post and realized that I should have posted it in Hawaiian as well so I am doing that now. It is found in Hawaiian on a post on May 20, 2022.
Mushroom Fairy with Two Wands
Guemesia ochoai Adult
Guemesia ochoai Adult
Guemesia ochoai Juvenile
Guemesia ochoai Juvenil
Se ha identificado un nuevo dinosaurio depredador en el norte de Argentina. Se trata de un tipo de Abelisaurio, como el más conocido Carnotaurus. Aunque este nuevo dinosaurio no parece tener los cuernos que tenía el Cartaurous. Los Abelisaurios vivieron en la Tierra durante mucho tiempo. El primero fue encontrado e identificado en Australia. Vivió hace 170 millones de años. Este dinosaurio recién identificado vivió hace unos 70 millones de años. Algunas especies de Abelisaurios vivieron hasta la extinción del Cretácico... causada por el asteroide que golpeó la península de Yucatán hace 65 millones de años.
La nueva especie fue denominada Guemesia ochoai. El nombre del género Guemesia proviene de un héroe de la independencia de Argentina. Se llamaba Martín Miguel de Guemes. El nombre de la especie ochoai es por el trabajador del museo que hizo el descubrimiento. Su nombre es Javier Ochoa. Guemesia parece ser un Abelisaurio temprano. Así que los otros Abelisaurios como Abelisaurios y Carnotaurus pueden haber descendido de Guemesia.
Guemesia era un dinosaurio más pequeño que otros Abelisaurios conocidos. Pero el fósil del holotipo es sólo una caja de cerebros por lo que se cree que posiblemente sea de un juvenil. Los adultos pueden haber sido hasta 26 pies 3 pulgadas o 8 metros de largo. Los dibujos de arriba son de este dinosaurio como un adulto y como un joven.
NOTA: Estos dibujos, en tamaño imprimible, se pueden encontrar haciendo clic en el botón de Paleontología. A continuación, desplácese hasta la parte inferior del menú desplegable. Algunos de mis dibujos más antiguos no funcionan en cuanto a la impresión. Así que déjame decirte un par de cosas: Si buscas en un buscador las Grandes Páginas para Colorear de Robin en imágenes... encontrarás muchos de mis dibujos. Sólo tienes que hacer clic en el botón de visitar y llegarás a la página original con la información que escribí para acompañar al dibujo. Si llegas a una de mis páginas, como ésta, puedes hacer clic en el dibujo y copiarlo. A continuación, pégalo en un programa de dibujo o de procesamiento de textos. Luego puedes imprimir el dibujo.
Welcome to my blog of free coloring pages.
Today's new drawing is of a newly named dinosaur from Argentina.
Guemesia ochoai Adult
Guemesia ochoai Juvenile
A new predatory dinosaur has been identified in Northern Argentina. It is a type of Abelisaur, like the more well-known Carnotaurus. Although this new dinosaur does not appear to have the horns that Cartaurous had. Abelisaurs lived on the Earth for a long time. The first was found and identified in Australia. It lived 170 million years ago. This newly identified dinosaur lived around 70 million years ago. Some species of Abelisaurs lived until the End of the Cretaceous extinction... caused by the asteroid that hit the Yucatan Pennisula 65 million years ago.
The new species was named Guemesia ochoai. The genus name of Guemesia comes from a hero of Argentina's independence. He was named Martin Miguel de Guemes. The species name of ochoai is for the museum worker who made the discovery. His name is Javier Ochoa. Guemesia appears to be an early Abelisaur. So the other Abelisaurs like Abelisaurs and Carnotaurus may have descended from Guemesia.
Guemesia was a smaller dinosaur than other known Abelisaurs. But the holotype fossil is just a braincase so it is thought to possibly be of a juvenile. The adults may have been up to 26 feet 3 inches or 8 meters long. The drawings above are of this dinosaur as an adult and as a juvenile.
NOTE: These drawings, in printable size, can be found by clicking on the Paleontology button. Then scroll down to the bottom of the Mesozoic section of the drop-down menu. Some of my older drawings are not working as far as printing. So let me tell you a couple of things: If you search on a search engine for Robin's Great Coloring Pages in images... you will find many of my drawings. Just click on the Visit button and you will get to the original page with the information I wrote to go with the drawing. IF you ever get to one of my pages, like this one, you can click on the drawing and copy it. Then paste it in a drawing or word processing program. Then you can print the drawing.
Welcome to my free coloring pages blog.
Today's new drawing is of a Tropical Rainforest Fairy named Oriana.
Oriana the Tropical Rainforest Fairy
This is a drawing of Ariana, She is a Tropical Rainforest Fairy.
Tropical Rainforest Fairies live in tropical rainforests found on 4 different continents and many tropical islands. By looking at the unique shape of the deeply lobed leaf that Oriana is on we can deduce the probable site of this Fairy's home area.
The plant is called Monstera or more specifically, Monstera delicious. It is native to Mexico, all the way down to Panama. That means it is native to the southern part of North America... also called Central America.
Monstera has been introduced by humans to several islands, such as Hawaii. That means it is an invasive species on those islands. But it has proven to me only mildly invasive.
Oriana cares for the jungle where she lives. Tropical rainforests are also called "Jungles" so she is also called a "Jungle Fairy." Monstera fruit is sometimes called "fruit salad" because it tastes like every good fruit you can imagine. However, this fruit, if it is not fully ripe, is actually poisonous. Oriana is resting on a monsters leaf as she takes a break from harvesting the fruit. She uses her wand and Fairy magic and technology to shrink the fruit to a tiny size and returns it to normal size when she returns to her village. Oriana is wearing her flying belt or Balteus Volantum. This allows her to fly long distances at great speed. This means she can collect more fruit from further sites. Most Fairies can fly, but they can't fly super fast or for long distances without a flying belt.
NOTE: This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus." Then scroll to the bottom to get new drawings like this one. If you click on the titles at the top of the lists then they may not print. You can email me and I can give you access to the printable drawing. Of course you can also click on the picture on this page and copy the picture… then post it in a word processing program or drawing program and print it from there.
Happy Mother's Day!
Today's new drawings are all Mother's Day Cards.
Just print the drawing, color it,
and fold it in half for your Mother
as a Mother's Day Card!
Mother's Day card 2022 Allosaurus and Chick
Mother's Day card 2022 Tyrannosaur with Chicks
Mother's Day card 2022 Mother Dragon and Wyrmling
Mother's Day card 2022 Mother Swan and Cygnet
I hope you enjoyed a Happy Mother's Day. I will always be grateful for my brilliant mother and my brilliant stepmother. My children have two mothers. The one that gave them life and was there for their fist years and the one who raised them pretty much from elementary school years and on.
NOTE: These drawings are available in printable form by clicking on the "Holidays" button and then scrolling down to the bottom section of the list. The other Mother's Day drawings are older and may not print right now due to a security update that is blocking them. I can give you access to the older drawings if you email me.
Welcome to my blog. To my regular readers, I apologize for not
posting for several days. I have had a rough time health-wise
and I spend some time in an ER 100 miles from home
and 2 different appointments
with excellent medical specialists.
I'm doing better now, however, I can hardly speak at all.
Today's new drawing is of Thumbalina's daughter.
The model for this was an excellent waitress who took care
of us at a restaurant while we were away from home.
Jesus was and IS our Savior.
In today's new drawing we see him speaking to the woman who
was caught in adultery.
Jesus is forgiving her but tells her to go her wan and sin no more.
Jesus comforts the Woman caught in Adultery
The local Jewish leaders brought a woman to Him. She was caught in adultery. (I've always wondered what happened to the man. It takes two to commit adultery.) The Law of Moses said she should be stoned. Jesus squatted down and wrote in the dust and then He taught about forgiveness by saying, "He that is without sin among you let him cast the first stone." (or something like that) A
Before I was philosophical I want, as an artist, to point out that the tree is a Date Palm. The light is form the right, and the woman caught in adultery was just dragged before Jesus and her hair probably was not nice and neat.
I love the message Jesus gives us of forgiveness. No matter your sins and weaknesses He wants to forgive you if you repent and sin no more. Jesus did not condone the woman's adultery. He just taught her about forgiveness.
Jesus paid the eternal price for our sins. He suffered and died that we might be forgiven. His Atonement is the greatest gift we have ever received. We all will die one day, and because Jesus was resurrected we all will also be resurrected. How much glory we have in the resurrection depends on our deeds and our faith or lack of faith while we were on the Earth.
If you want to know more about Jesus, contact the missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We ARE Christians. Jesus is at the heart of our beliefs.
NOTE: This new drawing, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the "Religious" button and scrolling down to the bottom of the list. New drawings are at the bottom of the list. Below is an older drawing of this incident. It may or may not print. If you want to print it just request access. A Google Blogs security update has caused problems with printing some of my older drawings.
Jesus teaches about Forgiveness
(This drawing is based on one of the beautiful sculpture found at Thanksgiving Point Gardens.)