

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Biggest Dinosaurs, The Sauropods

Patagotitan mayorum the Biggest Dinosaur

Sauropod dinosaurs are the long neck dinosaurs that walked on 4 legs and lived on land like elephants. The heaviest Sauropod was recently named.  So it is the biggest, but it is also the longest but not the tallest.  This new dinosaur is one of the Argentinian Titanosaurs called Patagotitan.  Patagotitan weighed around 70 tons or  140,000 lbs or 63.5  metric tonnes with some estimates going up to 77 tons and that means Patagotitan was around 10% or more bigger than Argentinosaurus.   Patagotitan.  So if this helps you picture the size of was as heavy as 10 full grown adult African Elephants.  IF you compare Patagotitan to the T. rex, then it would take 8 Tyrannosaurus rex to equal the weight of one Patagotitan.

Before the Argentinian Titanosaurs were discovered Brachiosaurus was the biggest known dinosaur.  An adult human would come up to a Brachiosaurs' knee.  Patogotitan was an animal that was 131 feet  or 40 m long and a human would have only come up to its ankle.

Sauroposeidon protelus the tallest dinosaur

Now newer Brachiosaurs have been discovered that are bigger and taller than the Brachiosaurus.  These include Giraffotitan and Sauroposeidon.  Sauroposeidon was so tall it could see over a 4 story building.  Sauroposeidon was around 60 feet or 18 m tall and may have been up to 105 feet or 32 m long.  That 60 ft height makes Sauroposeidon the tallest known dinosaur.  Some evidence is showing that early Cretaceous Period Theropods or carniverous dinosaurs had feathers. . . so the drawing is of Sauroposeidon facing off against one of these Theropods.  Think about it, if Sauroposeidon reared up on its hind legs like this it would have made it even taller...maybe 75 feet or 23 meters!

These next drawings have been posted before.   They are all Sauropods.

Argentinosaurus at Nesting Site
This USED to be the biggest known dinosaur. 
Estimated Weight ....HMMMMMM, Length 115 ft or so
The estimates for the weight of Argentinosaurus go up to 110 tons, but this is very debatable since there are far fewer Argentinosaurus bones found than Patagotitan bones found... So which really is the biggest known dinosaur.  HMMMMMM....However, most paleontologists place its weight at around 73 tons, so that leaves Patagotitan as the heaviest dinosaur ever.  It seems that it appears that there is no doubt that both were very BIG and that they were close to the same size.  
Sauroposeidon and Ornithochirus
Tallest dinosaur and one of the biggest Pterosaurs
Sauroposeidon Weight 60 tons or 66 , Length 112 ft. or 34 m, and Height 60 ft. or 18 m

Diplodocus feeding on a Cycad Tree
Diplodocus was a very long but a more gracile or lighter built dinosaur. 

A more detailed Patagotitan drawing

Brachiosaurus feeding on Cycad Tree
Weight of 62.1 tons or 56.3 metric tonnes, and Length of 85 feet or 26 meters

Apatosaurus and Young for small children

Apatosaurus feeding on Cycad Tree
This dinosaur was originally named Brontosaurus.
Weight of 25 tons or 23 metric tonnes and Length of 75 feet or 23 meters 

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