

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Army of Heleman or Young Ammonite Warriors

(Drawing coming shortly.  It is drawn, I just have to scan it and upload it to this blog site.)

Heleman Leads the Young Ammonite Warriors

The Book of Mormon tells the story of these Ammonite Warriors.  Their fathers converted to Christ and then took an oath to never kill again.   Some of these fathers, rather than shed blood, let their enemies attack and kill them.  So some of these young men were probably raised without fathers.  Their mothers taught them the Gospel of Jesus Christ and so these young men had great faith.

When faced with battle they had incredible faith and stood firm against older, more experienced warriors.  At one point every one of them was wounded, but none ever died in battle.  All returned to their families after the war.

This story can be found in the Book of Mormon in Alma chapter 53 and chapters 56-58.

Note:  This is one of my Sunday drawings done in keep me awake and to keep my ADHD brain focused ...I pay better attention to the talks if I am drawing.  It is not a perfect drawing but it is from one of my favorite scriptural stories.  I lived in Guatemala as a kid.  I started first grade there.  I have some Guatemalan / Mayan cloth so I tried to make the pattern on the soldier's cloaks to look like the Mayan patterns I have seen.

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