

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Drawings from a Harry Potter Birthday Party Hermione

So, yes Harry Potter's birthday was a few days ago.  I drew pictures for kids at a Harry Potter birthday party.  Some of those pictures are here.  I gave the kids the original but took a photo of some of the drawings.  I am not sure yet if I will be able to post the drawings on the "Free Printable Downloads" section of my least maybe not just yet.  We are staying with our daughter, helping with our grandkids.  .   .  and helping our daughter out.  She just had a son via C section.   This is why I may not be able to get the pictures to the Free Printable Downloads until I get home.

I want to say that I think the world of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels.  They are brilliant.  Their lesson on how evil racism is should be learned by everyone.  The racism of the books is Wizard vs Muggle, but it takes a very little intellectual leap to see that racism in the real world or prejudice based on any difference should be avoided.  My own ancestors were driven out of the state of Missouri and Illinois because of their religious beliefs.  I feel that Rowling's message of tolerance should be learned and lived by everyone.

Kids requested some of these drawings at the H. P. birthday party.   This first drawing is one of those requests.      I have always admired Hermione's character.   She loves to learn, and I consider that the trait of a true winner.

Hermione feeding a Unicorn

(I'm going to work on getting this drawing oriented correctly. )
You COULD try image capture to be able to print these drawings for coloring.  

Hermione cartoon drawing

In the books Hermione is described with long bushy hair.
I am adding more drawings from the party on the next blog entry.
I may not be able to put them on the Free Printable Coloring Pages section of my blog until Friday or Saturday.   But I posted this last picture extra large so you can screen capture it.  

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