Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Nia and Ya'eel from the book: Wind of Choice Unexpected Heroes - fan art coloring page
Saturday, January 23, 2021
T. rex Cartoon Drawings to Color
Welcome to my Free Coloring Pages Blog!
There are over 1000 free to print drawings.
Today's new drawing is of a mommy T. rex and her chicks.
Monday, January 18, 2021
Brontopodus - The Huge Sauropod known only from Footprints Re-Posting in English - coloring page
Brontopodus-只从脚印知道一个巨大的蜥脚类动物 (Chinese) Brontopodus - Sauropod know only from Footprints - Re-posting
Brontopodus-um enorme saurópode conhecido apenas por pegadas (Portuguese) Brontopodus - Sauropod known from Footprints
Brontopodus por um rio
Brontopodus by a River
Brontopodus é conhecido por pegadas em muitas partes do mundo. Foi nomeado seu próprio gênero porque o manus ou pegadas dianteiras têm 4 dedos em cada pé (mão). Não há saurópodes conhecidos que tivessem 4 Dedos nos pés da frente. Todos os saurópodes conhecidos tinham três dedos nos seus manus ou pés dianteiros. Isto levou à identificação do novo gênero. Aparentemente, há duas espécies de Brontopodus conhecidas. Brontopodus birdi ou birdii é o nome da espécie encontrada ao longo da costa leste, Costa do Golfo e no Texas, Estados Unidos. Brontopodus plagnensis é conhecido por muitas faixas na França.
Pegadas de Brontopodus são encontradas na Coreia e na França. Grandes pegadas de saurópodes fossilizados na Austrália, EUA, Portugal, suíça e China também parecem ser de Brontopodus. Isto é muito interessante porque os vários sites indicam que este enorme animal foi muito bem sucedido e se espalhou para muitas partes do planeta. Claro que os continentes estavam mais ligados do que estão agora. Mas como é que nós humanos ainda temos de encontrar um esqueleto fossilizado de Brontopodus quando ele viveu por todo o mundo? Onde estão os esqueletos fossilizados de Brontopodus?
Espécies que são conhecidas a partir de apenas vestígios fósseis como pegadas são chamadas de "ichnospecies"."Já agora, "Brontopodus" significa " pé Trovão!"(ou talvez pés de trovão) Bronto em grego significa trovão e pod significa pé. Talvez o paleontólogo que nomeou este dinossauro estivesse pensando em Brotonsaurus (que significa lagarto trovão). Mas o nome do Brontossauro foi substituído pelo Apatossauro. Agora podemos pensar neste monstro de 37 toneladas como andar e o som que os seus pés fizeram seria como um trovão. Os saurópodes vivem em rebanhos. Imaginem uma manada inteira destes enormes dinossauros a passar. Pareceria um trovão!
Brontopodus era um dinossauro muito grande. Era um tipo de saurópode. Saurópodes eram os dinossauros de pescoço longo que cresceram para tamanhos enormes. Com base no tamanho das pegadas, e na estimativa de Diplodocidas de tamanho semelhante, (como Diplodocus) acredita-se que Brontopodus tinha cerca de 87 pés ou 26,5 metros de comprimento. Estima-se que Brontopodus pesava cerca de 37 toneladas.
Algumas pegadas de Brontopodus tinham pegadas fossilizadas de aves ao seu redor, por isso o desenho tem pássaros e pterossauros. (Sim, havia pássaros no período Jurássico tardio. As pegadas de aves podem ter sido feitas por espécies como Archaeopteryx ou Caihong. Brontopodus viveu no Jurássico Superior e possivelmente até no Cretáceo Inferior. Isso seria cerca de 150 até 110 milhões de anos atrás.
Os saurópodes fossilizados mais longos já encontrados são na França, perto da aldeia de Plagne, nas Montanhas Jura. São pegadas de Brontopodus plagnensis. As pistas têm cerca de 150 metros ou 492 pés de comprimento. Claro que cada pegada não é assim tão grande. As pegadas continuam a 150 metros. O dinossauro andou na lama e deixou pegadas e a lama transformou-se em pedra, por isso temos os vestígios fósseis.
Este desenho, em forma de impressão, pode ser encontrado clicando no botão "Paleontologia"."Em seguida, role até o fundo da seção intitulada "Desenhos Mesozoicos" ...para este novo desenho. Será listado nos desenhos da Era Mesozóica. Mas clique no botão rotulado . . . . Paleontologia. . . . ou . . . . . . Paleontology.
Brontopodus-발자국에서만 알려진 거대한 용각류 (Korean) Brontopodus - Sauropod known from Footprints
Brontopodus by A River
브론토포도스는 세계의 많은 부분에서 발자국으로 알려져 있습니다. 마누스 또는 정면 발자국에는 각 발(손)에 4 개의 발가락이 있기 때문에 그것의 자신의 속이라고 지명되었습니다. 앞 발에 4 개의 발가락이 있는 알려진 용각류는 없습니다. 알려진 모든 용각류는 마누스 또는 앞 발에 3 개의 발가락을 가지고있었습니다. 이 새로운 속 식별되었다. 분명히 알려진 브론토포도스의 두 종이있다. 브롱토포도스 버디 또는 비르 디이 동부 해안을 따라 발견 종의 이름입니다,걸프 해안,텍사스,미국. Brontopodus plagnensis 는 프랑스의 많은 트랙에서 알려져 있습니다.
브론토포도스 트랙은 한국과 프랑스에서 발견된다. 호주,미국,포르투갈,스위스 및 중국의 대규모 화석화 된 사우로 포드 발자국은 브론토포도스에서 나온 것 같습니다. 이것은 매우 흥미로운 일이기 때문에 여러 사이트를 나타내는 이 거대한 동물이 매우 성공적이고 확산을의 많은 부분입니다. 물론,대륙은 더 그들이 지금보다 다음 연결되어 있었다. 하지만 어떻게 우리 인간이 전 세계에 살 때 화석화 된 브론토포도스 골격을 찾을 수 있지? 브론토포도스의 화석화 된 해골은 어디에 있습니까?
발자국과 같은 화석 만 추적에서 알려진 종은"아상시"라고합니다. 그나저나 브론토포도스는'천둥발'이란 뜻이에요!"(또는 어쩌면 천둥 발)그리스어로 야생마는 천둥을 의미하고 포드는 발을 의미한다. 아마도이 공룡라는 이름의 고생물학(즉 천둥 도마뱀을 의미)브로톤사우루스 생각했다. 그러나 브론토사우루스'이름은 아파토사우루스로 대체되었습니다. 이제 우리는 걷기로이 37 톤 괴물의 생각 할 수 있으며,그들의 만든 발은 천둥과 같은 것입니다 소리. 사우로포드는 무리를 지어 살았던 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 이 거대한 공룡의 전체 무리가 걸어 다닌다고 상상해보십시오. 그것은 천둥 같은 소리 것입니다!
브론토포도스는 매우 큰 공룡이었다. 그건 일종의 사우로포드였어 용각류는 거대한 크기로 성장 긴 목이 공룡이었다. 의 크기에 따라 발자국,그리고 예측 비슷한 크기의 도로시는 애견 토토,(같은 플로)그것은 생각 Brontopodus 었 87 발 26.5 미터 길이입니다. 브론토포도스는 약 37 톤의 무게 것으로 추정된다.
일부 야생동물의 발자국은 그 주위에 화석화 된 조류 트랙을 가지고 있으므로 드로잉은 조류와 익룡을 가지고 있습니다. (예,쥬라기 시대 말 주위에 새가 있었다. 새 트랙은 고고학 또는 카이 홍 같은 종에 의해 만들어진 수 있었다. 브론토포도스는 쥬라기 후반에 살았고 심지어 초기 백악기 시대에 살았을 수도 있습니다. 즉 약 150 최대 110 만 년 전이 될 것입니다.
가장 긴 이제까지 화석화 된 사우로 포드 공룡 트랙 쥐라 산맥의 플라냐 마을 근처 프랑스에 있습니다 발견했다. 그들은 브론토포도스 플라넨시스에 의해 만들어진 트랙이다. 트랙은 약 150 미터 또는 492 피트 길이입니다. 물론,각 풋 프린트는 그 큰되지 않습니다. 발자국은 150 미터 계속되고 있어요. 공룡은 진흙에 걸어 발자국 왼쪽 우리는 추적 화석을 가지고,그래서 진흙은 돌로했다.
이 그림은 인쇄 가능한 형태로"고생물학"이라는 버튼을 클릭하여 찾을 수 있습니다."그런 다음"중생대 그림"이라는 섹션의 맨 아래로 스크롤하십시오...이 새로운 그림을 위해. 그것은"중생대 시대"그림에 나열됩니다. 그러나 표시된 버튼을 클릭합니다. . . . 고생물학 . . . 또는. . . . . . . . Paleontology.
Brontopodus - un énorme Sauropode connu uniquement par des empreintes de pas (French) Brontopodus - Sauropod known from Footprints
Brontopode au bord d'une rivière
Brontopodus by a River
Brontopodus est connu à partir d'empreintes dans de nombreuses régions du monde. Il a été nommé son propre genre parce que les empreintes manus ou avant ont 4 orteils sur chaque pied (main). Il n'y a pas de sauropodes connus qui avaient 4 orteils sur leurs pieds avant. Tous les sauropodes connus avaient 3 orteils sur leur manus ou leurs pieds avant. Cela a conduit à l'identification du nouveau Genre. Il y a apparemment deux espèces de Brontopodes connues. Brontopodus birdi ou birdii est le nom de l'espèce trouvée le long de la côte est, la côte du Golfe, et au Texas, États-Unis. Brontopodus plagnensis est connu de nombreuses pistes en France.
On trouve des traces de brontopodes en Corée et en France. De grandes empreintes fossilisées de sauropodes en Australie, aux États-Unis, au Portugal, en Suisse et en Chine semblent également provenir de Brontopodus. C'est très intéressant car les multiples sites indiquent que cet énorme animal a eu beaucoup de succès et s'est propagé à de nombreuses parties de la planète. Bien sûr, les continents étaient plus connectés à l'époque qu'ils ne le sont maintenant. Mais comment se fait-il que nous, les humains, n'ayons pas encore trouvé de squelette de Brontopode fossilisé alors qu'il vivait partout dans le monde? Où sont les squelettes fossilisés de Brontopodus?
Les espèces qui ne sont connues que par des traces de fossiles comme des empreintes de pas sont appelées " ichnospécifiques."Au fait, "Brontopodus" signifie " pied de tonnerre!"(ou peut-être des pieds de tonnerre) Bronto en grec signifie tonnerre et pod signifie pied. Peut-être que le paléontologue qui a nommé ce dinosaure pensait à Brotonsaurus (qui signifie lézard du tonnerre). Mais le nom de Brontosaurus a été remplacé par Apatosaurus. Maintenant, nous pouvons penser à ce monstre de 37 tonnes comme marchant et le son de leurs pieds serait comme du tonnerre. Les sauropodes sont connus pour avoir vécu dans des troupeaux. Imaginez tout un troupeau de ces énormes dinosaures qui passent. Ça sonnerait comme du tonnerre!
Brontopodus était un très grand dinosaure. C'était un type de Sauropode. Les sauropodes étaient les dinosaures à long cou qui ont atteint des tailles énormes. Sur la base de la taille des empreintes et de l'estimation de diplodocidés de taille similaire (comme Diplodocus), on pense que Brontopodus mesurait environ 87 pieds ou 26,5 mètres de long. On estime que Brontopodus pesait environ 37 tonnes.
Certaines empreintes de brontopodes avaient des traces d'oiseaux fossilisés autour d'eux, de sorte que le dessin a des oiseaux et des ptérosaures. (Oui, il y avait des oiseaux autour à la fin du Jurassique.) Les traces d'oiseaux pourraient avoir été faites par des espèces comme Archaeopteryx ou Caihong. Brontopodus a vécu à la fin du Jurassique et peut-être même au début du Crétacé. Ce serait il y a environ 150 à 110 millions d'années.
Les plus longues traces de dinosaures sauropodes fossilisés jamais trouvées se trouvent en France près du village de Plagne dans le Jura. Ce sont des traces faites par Brontopodus plagnensis. Les pistes font environ 150 mètres ou 492 pieds de long. Bien sûr, chaque empreinte n'est pas si grande. Les empreintes ne cessent de s'allonger sur 150 mètres. Le dinosaure a marché dans la boue et a laissé des empreintes et la boue s'est transformée en pierre, nous avons donc les traces fossiles.
Ce dessin, sous forme imprimable, peut être trouvé en cliquant sur le bouton intitulé "paléontologie."Ensuite, faites défiler vers le bas de la section intitulée "Dessins mésozoïques" ...pour ce nouveau dessin. Il sera répertorié dans les dessins "ère mésozoïque". Mais cliquez sur le bouton . . . . Paléontologie. . . . ou . . . Paleontology.
Brontopodus - The Huge Sauropod known only from Footprints - coloring page
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Ordosipterus, a Chinese Pterosaur out Fishing - coloring page
Welcome to my free coloring pages blog!
There are over 1000 free to print coloring pages!
Today's new drawing is a Pterosaur found in China that is called: Ordorsipterus.
Ordosipterus Fishing
Ordosipterus was a small Pterosaur from what is now China. It is difficult to estimate its wingspan but perhaps around 18 inches to maybe 2 feet. So that would be between 46 and 61 cm. Its jaw was found and it was around 3 inches long. That is over 7 cm. So we know it was a fairly small Pterosaur since some Pterosaurs had a wingspan of 35 feet.
Ordorsipterus lived in the mid to early Cretaceous. It was certainly a fish eater, like most Pterosaurs probably were. The fish in the drawing ARE Cretaceous Period fish. The smaller one is called: Osmeroides mantelli. The bigger fish is a Beryx lewesiensis. By the way, the full scientific name of this Pterosaur is: Ordosipterus planignathus.
NOTE: This drawing is available, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled: Paleontology. Then you will need to scroll down to the bottom of the list of printable drawings. Only in this case you need to go through the Paleontology page and stop at the bottom of the "Mesozoic" section.
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Nasutoceratops a Ceratopsian Dinosaur from Southern Utah - coloring page
Welcome to my free coloring pages blog!
Today's new drawing is a Nasutoceratops from Southern Utah.
There are over 1000 free to print coloring pages on this blog!
Nasutoceratops was a Ceratopsian dinosaur from the Campian stage of the Late Cretaceous Period which is about 75 million years ago. It lived in what is now Southern Utah. (Things were a lot greener down there back then.) It was around 25 feet long. That is 7.5 meters long. It weighed around 1.5 tons. It had a large nose but no nose horn. Its brow horns curved out towards the side before they curved and faced forward. It looked much like a Triceratops, but without the nose horn. Nasutoceratops also lived several million years before Triceratops. It lived with animals like Parasaurolophus and Pteranodon. Both are in the drawing.
Nsutoceratops was found in the Kaiparowitz formation in the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. It was discovered in 2006.
NOTE: This drawing, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the button labeled "Paleontology." Then scroll down to the bottom of the list of drawings for this new drawing.
Friday, January 15, 2021
Teratophoneus from Natural History Museum of Utah - coloring page
Welcome to my free coloring pages blog.
Today's new drawing is of two Theropod dinosaurs called Teratophoneus.
There are some older drawings of Teratophoneus as well.
Teratophoneus from Natural History Museum of Utah
(new drawing)
Teratophoneus fossils were found in three of places in Utah. One was a sub-adult or juvenile and the other was a full-grown adult. At the Natural History Museum of Utah, these two individuals are displayed. I took a photo of the exhibit and decided to draw the dinosaurs in that position... only with flesh on the bones. The photo is below. In the exhibit and in my newest drawing, the two Teratophoneus are running towards us.
Photo of Teratophoneus skeletons from: Rio Tinto Natural History Museum of Utah |
Teratophoneus was a large Theropod dinosaur that lived in the Cretaceous Period . . . about 75 million years ago. The first specimen found was a sub-adult or juvenile. It was about 21 feet long or 6.4 meters long. It weighed about 1500 lbs. The adults were considerably bigger. The first Teratophoneus was found and named by paleontologists of Brigham Young University... including Brooks Britt. The last specimen of Teratophoneus was found in 2017 and was airlifted from the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument by helicopter to the Natural History Museum of Utah... which is part of the University of Utah. Teratophoneus means: Monster murderer. The correct scientific name is: Teratophoneus curiei. The species name honors the great modern paleontologist Phillip Curie from Alberta, Canada.
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Welcome to my free coloring pages blog.
There are no ads and no fee to print pictures to color from this blog.
Today I am introducing a new button called "People & Portraits."
This category of printable drawings is for portraits and other contemporary people drawings.
The first portrait I will put on that list will be Zack.
Zack was a young man who I knew who recently passed away.
His family is in our prayers.
ZackWe believe that after we die our spirit goes to a place called the Spirit World. There we are able to continue our existence in spirit form. We do not cease to exist when we die. We just move on in the next step of our eternal journey. I personally believe that we will be able to continue to progress in our eternal journey when we are in the Spirit World. We are very sad when someone passes on too early, but we know that they are with loved ones on the other side of the veil. They are taken care of. Eventually we will all be blessed to be resurrected. Then our immortal spirit will be united with an immortal body and we will never suffer from illness again. We will be able to dwell with our loved ones for eternity.
To find this drawing, in printable form, just click on the new button up top labeled: "People & Portraits." This will be the first drawing on the list of printable drawings under the "People & Portraits" button.
God bless you Zack.
Monday, January 11, 2021
Mandilyn and Mandia -- Elf and Fairy coloring pages
Welcome to my free coloring pages blog.
Today I am posting one new drawing and re-posting two new drawings.
All three drawings are based on the same kind and beautiful young woman model.
I do not know her well, but she is a Vet Tech and took gentle care of our Bichon doggy.
The first drawing is the new drawing. It is of Mandilyn the Archer Elf from Rivendell.
Mandilyn the Archer Elf from Rivendell
This is the Warrior Elf Mandilyn. But here she is armed as an Elf Archer... or Archer Elf. I could say She-Elf Archer. She is light on her feet and is a crack shot with the bow and arrow. Here she is standing in a forest meadow. She is holding an arrow after shooting an arrow and dispatching an intruding orc. She, like all Elf Archers in battle, quickly draws a second arrow as soon as she has let one fly.
Mandilyn is wearing a leather breastplate as her armor. She has a quiver of arrows at her waist. Some arches prefer to grab the arrows from down low instead of high behind their back. Manidlyn is also wearing a blouse that goes to her wrists and there are wrist guards over her wrists. Archers have to be very mobile so there is no armor below her breastplate. She also is wearing leggings and soft leather boots to facilitate fast running.
She is on patrol of the forested areas that are part of the approach to Rivendell. She will soon take off and run to alert Rivendell, because ONE orc may likely mean that there are many more coming. Mandilyn is a very fast runner and that serves her well when she is on patrol as an Archer Elf.
NOTE: These drawings can be found, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled: "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus." The drawing of Mandilyn the Archer Elf is going to be at the bottom of the list... if you are accessing this page on or around January 11, 2021. Below are the other drawings of Mandilyn or Mandia.
Mandia the Pet Fairy
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Night Unicorn with Cutie Mark coloring page
Welcome to my Free Coloring Pages blog.
There are no ads and no fees to view and print over 1000 coloring pages.
Today's new drawing is unique because I have designed a "Cutie Mark" of my own.
The drawing is of a Night Unicorn.
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Tundra Swans and other Swans coloring pages
Welcome to my free coloring pages blog!
Today's new drawing is of Tundra Swans at Farmington Bay.
Friday, January 8, 2021
Mavina the Butterfly Fairy coloring page
Welcome to my free coloring pages blog!
There are over 1000 free coloring pages to print on this blog.
Today's new drawing is a Butterfly Fairy named Mavina.
Mavina the Butterfly Fairy
Mavina is a beautiful young little girl Fairy. She loves butterflies and hence is called a Butterfly Fairy. She cares for them and she especially watches over their cocoons. The metamorphosis stage of a butterfly's life is when they are most vulnerable. Mavina likes to wear plant-based clothing. Hence her leafy outfit. At times Mavin also works as a Mushroom Fairy and collects edible mushrooms for her forest village. She lives underground - under a Blue Spruce Tree. That is where her village is located. During the long winters, in her mountain forest, she likes to draw. She is a very gifted artist. She is quite young, under 8 years old. She likes to spend time with her family and friends as well.
Here we see Mavina with a couple of butterflies. The butterfly behind her is a Swallowtail Butterfly, or Western Tiger Swallowtail with the scientific name of: Papilio rutulus rutulus. The butterfly in front of Mavina is a Mormon Fritillary with the scientific name of: Speyeria mormonia. Both butterflies are native to Utah, where Mavina lives.
NOTE: This drawing can be found, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled: Fantasy Myths and Circus. Then scroll down to the bottom of the list of printable drawings to get to this new drawing. Have fun coloring it!
Sunday, January 3, 2021
Damselfly Fairy coloring page
Welcome to my free coloring pages blog!
There are over 1000 free to print coloring pages!
Today's new drawing is a Damselfly Fairy.
Damselfly Fairies are among the most beautiful of Fairies. They prefer to stay in their natural diminutive size. They obviously have an affinity with Damselflies. Fairies sometimes also are very close to dragonflies. This Damselfly Fairy is using Metis Oratio to communicate with the nearby Damselfly. Mentis Oratio is a type of telepathy that Faires can do. The Fairy is named Alette, which means "small winged one."
Speaking of Fairy wings, you may notice that Alette has three pairs of wings while Damselflies have only two pairs of wings. But this Damselfly Fairy has similar spots and veins as the Damselflies have.
If you look closely you will see that Alette has a wand tucked into her flying belt. A flying belt or Volantum Balteum is used for Fairies to fly long distances and at great speed. You may not know this, but Fairies have advanced technology that in some ways is far beyond mortal science. In fact, the leaf-like outfit that Alette has on is actually a Fairy material that is very light and can be made to look like tiny leaves. Like most Fairies that love being among animals, Alette likes to wear either natural plant-based clothing or actual plants woven into clothing. Also, some active wildlife Divus or Female Fairies prefer wearing outfits that are not dresses nor skirts... hence the two-piece outfit that Alette is wearing.
I suppose that technically Alette is both a Damselfly Fairy and a Wildlife Fairy. Any Fairy that has a close relationship with wildlife can be called a Wildlife Fairy. IF you are wondering about how a Damselfly Fairy would WANT to be friends with an insect, realize that the Fairies keep watch and help protect the wildlife they are friendly with.
Now, about Damselflies: Damselflies are closely related to Dragonflies. Both insects are in the classification Order of Odonata. Damselflies have been on Earth way longer than Fairies or even humans. There are fossils of Damselflies that date back to the early Permian Period, before the dinosaurs evolved. That is around 390 million years ago. So Damselflies have been VERY successful on our shared planet. Damselflies are generally smaller and always thinner than dragonflies.
Many species of Damselflies are sexually dimorphic with the males being much more brightly colored. (So not all "Damselflies are damsels or females.) Females lay eggs in water and the worm-like young look a bit like a worm with legs. Both the adult and larva forms are predatory on other insects. So the Damselfly larva will eat other insect larvae, like mosquito larva. Adult Damselflies would eat other adult insects like mosquitos. So, there is a lot to like about Damselflies . . . . and the Damselfly Faires that protect them.
This drawing is of a Damselfly Fairy and a couple of Damselflies during the summer. Here in Northern Utah, it is very cold right now and there are NO Damselflies out and about right now. But we have a lot of dragonflies and Damselflies up around our beautiful mountain lakes. And there are probably a bunch of Damselfly Fairies and even Dragonfly Fairies up there in the mountains.
NOTE: This drawing, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the button labeled Fantasy, Myths, and Circus. Then scroll to the bottom of the list of drawings for this new drawing. Have fun coloring!
Friday, January 1, 2021
Happy New Year 2021 or Good Riddance to 2020 comic coloring page cartoon
This is a much better version of my 2021 comic than the last one that was posted Dec. 31, 2020.
I added much more detail and took much more time to draw this comic.
It will be on the printables list tomorrow... Jan. 2, 2021.